How to Make Garlic Pasta: 7 Steps

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How to Make Garlic Pasta: 7 Steps
How to Make Garlic Pasta: 7 Steps

Garlic is an important ingredient in many cuisines, such as Indian and Thai. To prepare a good garlic paste, which adds a fresh and spicy touch to your dishes, you only need three ingredients: garlic, oil and water!


  • Garlic (bulb or cloves)
  • A teaspoon of oil
  • A pinch of turmeric and salt (both optional)
  • Waterfall


Make Garlic Paste Step 1
Make Garlic Paste Step 1

Step 1. Separate the garlic cloves and remove the skin

Make Garlic Paste Step 2
Make Garlic Paste Step 2

Step 2. Wash them well

Make Garlic Paste Step 3
Make Garlic Paste Step 3

Step 3. Put them in a blender and add a little water

Make Garlic Paste Step 4
Make Garlic Paste Step 4

Step 4. Blend until you get a very smooth paste

  • The garlic paste is ready. You can add it to your recipe.

    Make Garlic Paste Step 5
    Make Garlic Paste Step 5

    Step 5. If you want to preserve this paste, add some oil and a (very small) pinch of turmeric and salt

    Mix gently.

    Make Garlic Paste Step 6
    Make Garlic Paste Step 6

    Step 6. Transfer this paste to an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator

    However, if you prefer to use fresh pasta, skip the previous step.

    Make Garlic Paste Intro
    Make Garlic Paste Intro

    Step 7. Finished


    • You can add a few drops of lemon juice to improve the flavor.
    • This pasta can be kept in the fridge for about 3 weeks.
    • Make sure you use an airtight container.
