Dragon fruit may look like something exotic, but it's really simple to eat. Once you've found a ripe one, all you need to do is cut it in half or quarters. It is easy to peel it with your hands or remove the skin by extracting the inside with a spoon: it is not necessary to wash it or carry out other steps. The fruit is less sweet but more crunchy than a kiwi and can be enjoyed raw, cold or in a milkshake.
Method 1 of 3: Cut the Dragon Fruit in Half

Step 1. Slice it in half
Place it on a cutting board and get a sharp knife. Cut it lengthwise, leaving the peel intact. With a clean cut starting from the stem you will be able to separate it in half, thus revealing the edible white part inside.

Step 2. Use a spoon to separate the fruit from the peel
Slide the spoon between the pink skin and the white pulp, lifting it up to remove it. The edible part comes off the rind quite easily, so this shouldn't take too much effort.
A variety of dragon fruit is red on the inside instead of white: it is edible, but not as common

Step 3. Cut the pulp into cubes
Arrange the two halves of the fruit on the cutting board, discarding the peel. The black seeds inside the pulp are edible, therefore it is not necessary to remove them: all you have to do is briefly cut the fruit into smaller pieces and eat it.
You can eat it raw or, to add some flavor, try adding it to a milkshake or fruit salad
Method 2 of 3: Cut the Dragon Fruit into Quarters

Step 1. Peel the fruit
Locate the upper end, where the wooden stem is located: the different scales of the peel should open around it. To peel it, grab the flakes at the opening and pull them down as you would a banana, revealing the edible white heart.
You can also cut it into quarters before peeling it: you will get the same result

Step 2. Cut it into quarters
Place it on the cutting board and take the knife. First cut it in half lengthwise, then flip the two halves to place them face down on the cutting board. Make a horizontal cut on both halves to separate them into four pieces.

Step 3. Cut the fruit into smaller pieces
Take each piece and divide it again - the best is to cut it into cubes. The pieces don't have to be the same size, but the cubes are cute and easy to eat with a fork or toss in the blender.
Method 3 of 3: Check if the Fruit is Ripe

Step 1. Check that the skin is bright pink
The color of the peel is the most obvious sign that the fruit is ripe. The ends of the skin scales are green, but they shouldn't have too many dark spots: a dragon fruit with some spots is acceptable, but avoid those that are covered with them.
- If you are not convinced of the dark patches of the skin, touch the fruit to check its consistency: if it is not mushy, it is probably still good to eat.
- Some varieties will have a bright yellow skin rather than pink.
- A green-skinned fruit isn't ripe yet, so wait until you cut it.

Step 2. Tap it to check that it is ripe
The stem of a ripe fruit will bend without breaking at the touch. If you tap it with your fingers it should have a spongy consistency, like a kiwi: a mushy fruit will have a nauseating taste.
A hard or solid dragon fruit is not ripe yet

Step 3. If it is not ripe, leave it on the kitchen counter for a few more days
An unripe fruit is green in color and hard to the touch: it is still edible, but it is best to leave it in the open air in the kitchen until it ripens. Check it every day by touching the peel to see if it is soft and spongy.
- It is not necessary to wash the fruit, since it is not possible to eat the peel.
- The black seeds inside the white pulp are edible and do not necessarily need to be removed.
- By virtue of its color, the peel is often used as a serving dish: throw the pieces of pulp into it as you cut them, if you decide to eat the fruit raw.