A care agency provides qualified staff for nursing institutions or for private patients, for example by sending nurses to a hospital in case the need arises, or by providing 24-hour home care to the chronically ill. In some countries, support agencies are in high demand, and many of those with at least 10 employees earned more than $ 1 million in their second year of operation. If you are a licensed nurse or are interested in providing private care services and are looking for advice to lead your business, read the steps below to find out how you can start a care agency.

Step 1. Obtain your nursing license through an accredited training course at your city hospital or nursing school
While a nursing license is not mandatory as a care agency owner, it will still allow you to have a better understanding of the dynamics that affect your clients and employees.

Step 2. Do a research to know the legal requirements and obligations imposed on the assistance agencies

Step 3. Create a business plan
Include start-up costs, initial salary expenses, market, operational strategies, taxes, and advertising campaign. It is advisable to hire an accountant to review your business plan, and correct any omissions or errors.

Step 4. Raise the capital to invest for starting the assistance agency through corporate financing or through private investors
Starting a care agency requires a relatively small start-up sum, but you will need to have enough cash set aside to pay the nurses in case clients pay their late bills.

Step 5. Apply for the home care business license

Step 6. Choose a room for your office that is accessible to both clients and nurses

Step 7. Enter into customer contracts with employees
To do this, it will be better to rely on a lawyer, who will draw up the contracts in compliance with regional and national laws. Make sure you understand all the clauses to avoid problems later.

Step 8. Take out agency liability insurance

Step 9. Purchase payroll processing software that allows you to make frequent payments for your employees

Step 10. Interviews with prospective nurses and feedback for those you plan to hire
Make sure their licenses are still valid and that they don't have a criminal record.

Step 11. Promote your customer care agency through advertising in hospitals and doctors' surgeries, as well as in the media

Step 12. Set up meetings with clients who are interested in your service to determine their needs, which nurses might be suitable for the role, what each nurse's duties are for each individual patient and treatment program
Once all the details have been agreed, sign the contracts and send your nurses to their respective clients.
- Join trade unions to network with other existing agencies, to attract new nurses and find new opportunities.
- Stay informed about legislative changes relevant to your business.