How to Overcome Testing Tension: 8 Steps

How to Overcome Testing Tension: 8 Steps
How to Overcome Testing Tension: 8 Steps

Table of contents:


Exams … just hearing this word some kind of tension takes hold of some people. Exams shouldn't be a big concern, so learn to stay calm and let your brain work.


Overcome Exam Tension Step 1
Overcome Exam Tension Step 1

Step 1. Plan your study schedule wisely to cope with it comprehensively

Calculate the days at your disposal and the material you need to read. Then create a calendar by dividing the days according to the importance of the different subjects of study. This way you will be able to avoid tension because you will know how much time you have available for studying and reviewing each topic.

Overcome Exam Tension Step 2
Overcome Exam Tension Step 2

Step 2. Get enough sleep

8 hours of sleep are needed to have a calm mind.

Overcome Exam Tension Step 3
Overcome Exam Tension Step 3

Step 3. During your study, take a break when you feel tired and feel that your mind begins to fantasize

If your concentration lasts less than an hour, take a 5-10 minute break on an hourly basis to refresh your mind. With practice and minimal distractions, you will learn to gradually thin out necessary breaks, being able to study more productively for longer stretches of time.

Overcome Exam Tension Step 4
Overcome Exam Tension Step 4

Step 4. Exercise

This is one of the best ways to avoid tension. Move your body every day.

Overcome Exam Tension Step 5
Overcome Exam Tension Step 5

Step 5. Avoid junk food, especially meat, fried foods, chocolate and carbonated drinks

Overcome Exam Tension Step 6
Overcome Exam Tension Step 6

Step 6. Drink lots of water

It's healthy and helps you think more clearly.

Overcome Exam Tension Step 7
Overcome Exam Tension Step 7

Step 7. Avoid stressful people

Stay away from those who are constantly obsessed with their grades, brag about past exams, or ridicule others by flaunting their knowledge. Focus only on your study, the positive results will not be long in coming.

Overcome Exam Tension Step 8
Overcome Exam Tension Step 8

Step 8. Avoid a last minute review, just before the exam, it will only cause additional stress


  • Don't worry because it's just an exam. The more relaxed you are, the better your performance will be. Don't get nervous about the term exam, take it as a 'test'.
  • Eat lots of fruit, and especially lots of fruits like oranges, will help reduce tension and provide you with energy.


  • Don't forget to stay calm and bring your stationery and supplies along with a bottle of water
  • Try not to get overwhelmed by emotions.
