An educational and fun activity. This is a simple scientific experiment that can also be done in the classroom. You need to have prisms available, which may be available in the science lab.

Step 1. Assemble the material

Step 2. Make a box for the prism
Make sure the box is closed on all sides except the top. On one side of the box, make a small rectangular hole. This hole should be cut in the bottom of the box and should be approximately 5mm wide.

Step 3. Put a sheet of dark paper (black, blue etc
) inside the box, in the base.

Step 4. Turn off the lights in the room
It is difficult to see the light spectrum if the room is not dark enough. Try to cover any light source other than the one you are going to use.

Step 5. Put the prism in the box, placing it on the dark paper

Step 6. Turn on the flashlight, aiming the beam through the hole in the box
Rotate the prism slightly, until the prismatic effect appears on the paper.

Step 7. Observe the effects
A rainbow should immediately appear on the white paper. Using pastels of the same colors as the light prism effects, you portray the shapes in which the light presents itself in the best possible way.

Step 8. Discuss the observed effects with your peers
Ask questions like this:
- What colors did the individual light bands form?
- Were the colors arranged in a certain order? If so, indicate it.
- Decide in class how you can best remember this color order.
- If you have two prisms, cross their spectrum to see the effect that is created.
- Make sure you are all gathered around the experiment "before" the room is darkened so you don't trip over.
- If it's raining and the sun is shining through the clouds, turn your gaze to the sun and the sky. You will see a rainbow, because the light refracts when it passes through the rain, in the same way it does with the prism.
- If you want to remember the order of colors, then use the formula: VIBVGAR
Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.