Do you want to impress your Chinese guests and only have one day to get ready? No fear! This article teaches you how to speak Mandarin Chinese in one day. You probably have a Chinese interpreter or friend who speaks Italian, but in any case you can show yourself brilliant by following the instructions in this article.

Step 1. Learn the "four tones" of Mandarin as best you can
There are many resources on the internet that talk about the four tones. Search on Google for “tones of Mandarin Chinese”. They are the basis of Mandarin pronunciation. Don't worry too much if you don't learn them perfectly, it can be very difficult. A slightly "foreign" pronunciation can be interesting and it is what distinguishes you from a ridiculous foreigner who tries to speak Chinese and from someone who speaks it fluently.

Step 2. Learn to say "Ni Hao"
"Ni Hao" literally translates as "Tu Bene" and can be used as a very general greeting. It is pronounced "ni hau". You can tell when you shake hands with your Chinese friends, when you walk next to them in a corridor, when you sit next to a new friend for dinner, etc. etc. It can be used freely in all situations where you can say "hello" in Italian.

Step 3. Learn to say "Xie Xie"
"Xie Xie" means "thank you". It is pronounced "Sci-e Sci-e" or "Zhi-Zhi" (if it's not unclear). It can be used whenever you want to say thank you to someone.

Step 4. Learn to say "Bu Ke Qi"
"Bu Ke Qi" means "You are welcome". It is pronounced "Bu Ke Ci".

Step 5. Learn to say "Tai Hao Le
"" Tai Hao Le! "Means" Splendid! ". It is pronounced" Thai Hao Lah ". As you can imagine, this expression can be used on many occasions, such as when someone agrees to meet you again, when someone gives you a ticket from sight, etc..

Step 6. Learn to say "Na Li Na Li"
"Na Li Na Li" is a standard response to any compliment, including compliments for your spouse. Don't say "Xie Xie" (thank you) when you get a compliment. It is not the Chinese custom. Rather, say "Na Li Na Li" (pronounced as "Nah Li Nah Li").

Step 7. Learn to pronounce your name in Chinese
Ask your Chinese friend a little while in advance how to say your name in Chinese and practice. Then, when you shake hands with your Chinese host, you say "Wo Jiao [insert your name here]". "Wo Jiao" means "My name is". You can also say "Wuo de ming zi shi [insert name here], which has the same meaning.

Step 8. Repeat each sentence twice
Except for "Na Li Na Li", which is already a repetitive sentence, you can repeat all the expressions listed above twice to sound like a native speaker. For example, instead of saying "Ni Hao", say "Ni Hao Ni Hao". Instead of "Xie Xie", say "Xie Xie Xie Xie" (it may seem absurd, but a native Chinese speaker would say so). This is done to emphasize the words. Say the phrase a little quieter the second time, and keep repeating until you fade the sound easily. Then repeat again: Ni Hao Ni Hao! Xie Xie Xie Xie! Bu Bu Ke Ke Qi Qi! Tai Tai Hao Hao Le Le!

Step 9. Say "Da Jia Hao
"when you start a speech. Maybe you will have to speak in public. Open the speech by saying" Da Jia Hao! "which can be freely translated" How are you today? "," Hello everyone! "," I hope you are all well! ", or " Goodmorning everyone! ".

Step 10. Use a Chinese phrase before answering whenever you can
You probably have an interpreter or your Chinese friends speak Italian. In any case, try to use a Chinese phrase before starting to speak normally in Italian. This will set you apart from all other foreigners they meet and really make a good impression.
Be fun.
Joke when you can. Joking is part of the positive stereotype of a Westerner. Chinese people tend to be more serious than Westerners and love Westerners for their humor. So, keep making a good impression and improve it. Especially when you're giving a speech. Make sure you have a couple of jokes ready. Your guests can be disappointed if you're just into business. Anyway, don't joke too much, or you will be like many other Italians and risk looking stupid.
Prepare yourself with an Italian-Chinese conversation book.
This article doesn't list all the possible things you might want to learn how to say. So if you want, buy a small conversation manual and learn a few more expressions.
Always smile when you speak.
. Smiling works the same way in China! It makes you a friendly person. So, smile often!
Don't shrug.
It is not a gesture that is also used in China. It would create distance between you and your Chinese friends.
This guide is valid for Mandarin Chinese only.
Only use it when you are sure your Chinese friends speak Mandarin. It's not good if they're Cantonese. Cantonese is another popular Chinese dialect that has a completely different pronunciation. You would look ridiculous if you spoke Mandarin to your Cantonese guests. Also, many of the words have different meanings, so you wouldn't get the desired result.