How to Say "No Problem" in Spanish: 3 Steps

How to Say "No Problem" in Spanish: 3 Steps
How to Say "No Problem" in Spanish: 3 Steps

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In Spanish, the expression "No problem" translates to "No hay problem". Read on for more information on how to pronounce and use this sentence.


Say No Problem in Spanish Step 1
Say No Problem in Spanish Step 1

Step 1. Say “No hay problem”

The best way to translate "No problem" into Spanish is "No hay problem". It is pronounced "no to the problem"; remember that the h is silent, just like in Italian.

This is a good phrase to use to say that something is not a problem or a nuisance to you; for example, use it when someone asks you for help or when they accidentally bump into you

Say No Problem in Spanish Step 2
Say No Problem in Spanish Step 2

Step 2. Don't say "No Problemo", or worse, "No Problemo"

"No problem" is a grammatically incorrect way of saying "No hay problem", although it is becoming more and more common in Spanish spoken in the United States.

"No Problemo" is an example of pseudo Spanish or fake Spanish used by the Americans. Don't use it if you want to express yourself correctly

Say No Problem in Spanish Step 3
Say No Problem in Spanish Step 3

Step 3. Try using other phrases

Just like in Italian, also in Spanish there are various ways to express this concept. Depending on the context it is more appropriate to use one sentence rather than another. Some of the more common alternative expressions are:

  • No hay de qué:

    it is pronounced "no ai de che". Use it after being thanked by someone. It can be translated as "Of Nothing" or "Nothing special".

  • De nada:

    it is pronounced "de nada". The literal translation is "Of nothing", but this expression can also be used to say "You are welcome".

  • Ningún problem:

    it is pronounced "ningun problem". It means "There is no problem" or "There is no problem".
