Money is a fundamental tool anywhere in the world, including Spanish-speaking countries. Learning to speak about this topic in Spanish is therefore a very important language skill. Also, knowing some of the many terms used to refer to money in slang can help you express yourself like a true hispanohablante.
Method 1 of 2: Learn the Words That Refer to Money

Step 1. The word "money" translates as follows:
dinero. This is the very first term to learn, and the most important, to refer to money in Spanish. It is a rather general term related to the concept of money recognized practically in all Spanish-speaking countries.
Hear the pronunciation here

Step 2. The word moneda means "coin"
It has the same meaning it has in Italian, that is, it refers to the metal discs used as a payment instrument.
- The plural is monedas.
- Hear the pronunciation here.

Step 3. To refer to banknotes, use the expression papel moneda, which literally means "paper money"
Hear the pronunciation here

Step 4. Efectivo means "cash," so you can use this word to describe money concretely represented by bills and coins, rather than debit cards or checks.
- Hear the pronunciation here.
- The expression "pay in cash" translates as follows: pagar en efectivo. For example, "She pays in cash" translates as She pays en efectivo.

Step 5. The word "dollar" translates to dólar, while the word "euro" remains unchanged
These words will come in handy in case you need to exchange money for a foreign currency.
- You can hear the pronunciation here.
- If you use dollars and want to specify the country of origin, add the corresponding adjective. For example, the expression "US dollar" translates as follows: dólar estadounidense.

Step 6. Find out the name of the currency used in the country you are in
Spanish-speaking countries have various types of currencies. Knowing the name of the one you need to use specifically will facilitate the conversations you will sustain. Below is a short list. If you are looking for a complete one, click here.
- Spain: the euro;
- Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and other countries: el peso;
- Costa Rica and El Salvador: el colón;
- Puerto Rico: el dólar estadounidense.
Method 2 of 2: Slang Terms for Referring to Money

Step 1. The word plata means "money" and is a very common slang term in Spanish-speaking countries
Literally it means "silver", but it is possible to use it as a synonym for dinero.
You can hear the pronunciation here

Step 2. Pasta is another synonym for dinero very common in slang. Literally it means "dough", "pasta" or "pulp".
- It is pronounced exactly like in Italian.
- ¡Suelta pasta! (pronounced) basically means "Drop the money!". It's a brusque way to ask for money, similar to what a bank robber would say to a cashier.

Step 3. Harina is another slang term similar to pasta and is synonymous with dinero. Literally it means "flour". It is popular in Costa Rica and other countries.
Hear the pronunciation here. Remember that the "h" is silent

Step 4. Moscow also means "money"
It is another popular term in Costa Rica.
The word mosca has the same meaning it has in Italian and is pronounced in the same way

Step 5. Uniform it is used to refer specifically to foreign currencies. It is a very common term in Cuba. Literally it means "badge" or "uniform".
It is pronounced as in Italian

Step 6. Holiday, a term used in Mexico, means "coins" or "change". It literally means "fair" or "public holiday". It is used to describe small change.
Hear the pronunciation here
- The slang terms illustrated in this article are just a few examples. As with other languages, there are dozens and dozens of words to refer to money in Spanish. You can find an in-depth list here.
- Listening to the pronunciation of native speakers is a great help in learning how to express yourself better. Sites like offer a large collection of vocal samples. For example, here you can hear the pronunciation of dólar.
Here are some useful phrases related to money:
- "Where is the bank?": ¿Dónde está el Banco?.
- "Where is the ATM?": ¿Dónde está el cajero?.
- "Where is the exchange agency?": ¿Dónde está la oficina de cambio de divisas?.
- "How high is the exchange rate?": ¿Cuál es la tasa de cambio?.
- "Where can I change money?": ¿Dónde puedo cambiar (el) dinero?.
- "How much is a US dollar worth?": ¿Cuánto vale un dólar estadounidense?.