4 Ways to Stop Hoarding Useless Things

4 Ways to Stop Hoarding Useless Things
4 Ways to Stop Hoarding Useless Things

Table of contents:


Disposophobia (pathological accumulation disorder) is a compulsive disorder characterized by the irresistible tendency to accumulate a large mass of useless things, to the point of making one's home unusable (or potentially dangerous because it is occupied by a mountain of stuff crammed with no construct). Often those who suffer from this disorder are not aware of it, much less are they able to control it; will continue to buy and accumulate more and more things. The time has come to stop this compulsive habit and clean up!


Stop Hoarding Step 1
Stop Hoarding Step 1

Step 1. The easiest thing to start with is to take out the trash

Empty all garbage containers in the house and put in new bags. In this way you will have more space available to throw in the garbage the unnecessary things you find around the house. In the next steps you will find the directions you can follow to address the problem in the different rooms of your home. You can make them in any order you like.

Method 1 of 4: Part 1: The Kitchen

Stop Hoarding Step 2
Stop Hoarding Step 2

Step 1. Start by throwing out all the scraps and trash you find in the trash

Dirt in the kitchen is a potential health risk for the whole family. If there is any animal droppings, remove and clean it.

Stop Hoarding Step 3
Stop Hoarding Step 3

Step 2. Take on your kitchen sink

How long have dirty dishes been accumulated there? Food remnants abandoned for a long time risk becoming a breeding ground for germs. Quite often, the compulsive accumulator has to throw out most of the kitchen in order to get rid of the viruses and bacteria that have colonized it for so long.

Stop Hoarding Step 4
Stop Hoarding Step 4

Step 3. Clean up the cupboards

Dirt of all kinds collects on cupboards: from dust to bacteria, to splashes of spaghetti sauce. If someone smokes indoors, a brown patina will settle on the walls and cupboards and to get rid of it you will need to use a warm soapy cloth. In this case, the walls must also be cleaned.

Stop Hoarding Step 5
Stop Hoarding Step 5

Step 4. Place your clean dishes in the mirror-polished cupboard and be proud of the great work you've done so far

Stop Hoarding Step 6
Stop Hoarding Step 6

Step 5. Clear the refrigerator

Throw away the expired alimony and keep in mind when the remaining ones expire. It is very important to have expiration dates in mind and you should remember to check them often. Throw away what you won't consume soon and will eventually spoil. If there are foods that have been spoiled for a long time, they will most likely have contaminated everyone else.

Stop Hoarding Step 7
Stop Hoarding Step 7

Step 6. Disinfect the refrigerator from the inside, the sink, the dining table, the stove and the countertop, then sweep the dust and mop the floor (all surfaces)

When you are done, you will no longer recognize your kitchen.

Method 2 of 4: Part 2: The Bedroom

Stop Hoarding Step 8
Stop Hoarding Step 8

Step 1. Start with the laundry

Wash and fold all dirty laundry. Whenever you empty the dryer load, examine every single item in your wardrobe. Are you still in? Looks good on you? How often do you really wear it? If not, is it suitable for a special occasion?

Stop Hoarding Step 9
Stop Hoarding Step 9

Step 2. Keep only the clothes you really want and will actually wear

Fold them and store them in the drawers.

Stop Hoarding Step 10
Stop Hoarding Step 10

Step 3. Throw out any junk; everything filthy and useless

Go through your stuff and think to yourself "If I get rid of it, will I really miss it in the long run?" An object linked to a memory may have gone down the drain, but our memory will not. If you are afraid of forgetting the good memories, start keeping a notebook of memories.

Stop Hoarding Step 11
Stop Hoarding Step 11

Step 4. Wash all the sheets and make the bed

Tidy up the closet keeping only the things you would really miss.

Method 3 of 4: Part 3: The Bathroom

Stop Hoarding Step 12
Stop Hoarding Step 12

Step 1. Throw out the junk, the beauty products you never use, the old, dirty and spoiled ones

The general rule is: don't keep what you don't use.

Stop Hoarding Step 13
Stop Hoarding Step 13

Step 2. Scrub and clean all surfaces (counter tops, toilet, shower and sink, floor, etc


Method 4 of 4: Part 4: The Living Room

Stop Hoarding Step 14
Stop Hoarding Step 14

Step 1. Remove any unnecessary items exactly as you did in the other rooms

As in other rooms, wipe all surfaces with a cloth and clean the floor.

If you have rugs or carpets in your home, you may need a carpet cleaner

Stop Hoarding Step 15
Stop Hoarding Step 15

Step 2. At this point, the hardest job is getting all your stuff in order

Keep similar things close together and put them together in the most suitable room. This part of the job may require the help of another person. As you put all your things in order, keep thinking and try to figure out if you really need them or if, perhaps, they can be more useful to someone you know.


  • If you have a gift for someone, give it to them right away.
  • Remember that hard work will pay off and that when you're done you'll have a clean, functional home to live in and receive friends in.
  • Don't buy everything that comes to compensate for your moods. Disorder is always lurking, but you can learn to control it: therefore, when making a purchase, always think about whether it is really necessary and whether you will make good use of it.
  • It is always better to get help from someone, because it is a difficult and stressful job. And it will take time, so don't stop if you can't do much in one day.
  • You are not the only one with this problem. It is a disorder that affects millions of people. Remember that you are not alone.