Fear is a pre-programmed reaction of the brain to something scary. Sometimes a disturbing image or thought may become fixed in your mind and prevent you from falling asleep. Unfortunately, it is a frequent and completely natural phenomenon. In small doses, fear can be a positive emotion for health, however when it takes over, it risks interfering with happiness and inner peace. Regardless of the source of what scares you (a movie, a natural event or spiders), there are several ways to stop thinking about it.
Method 1 of 3: Distract the Mind

Step 1. Watch a comedy movie
The human brain remembers better the images it has recently seen. Having a good laugh can help you "overwrite" the memory of the thoughts that scare you.
You can also watch a funny TV show

Step 2. Engage in a relaxing activity
Polish your nails, treat yourself to a day at a spa or spend an evening with your friends. Relaxing the mind is essential to stave off fear. You can take a long hot bath to enter a meditative state. Try lighting candles in the bathroom and filling the tub with foam to promote a state of complete relaxation.

Step 3. Read a cheerful and carefree book
Focusing your attention on light and witty topics, even if briefly, will help distract your thoughts from what's frightening you. You can try reading a comic or a book intended for a young audience.

Step 4. Distract your mind with art
For example, if you love coloring, draw a picture. The creative process is notoriously capable of inducing a state of happiness. Find something you enjoy doing. By creating something artistic you have the opportunity to channel bad thoughts into something expressive.
If you like writing, you can try composing a poem

Step 5. Listen to some music
You can choose the musical genre you prefer, preferably with a rather lively rhythm that encourages you to dance and have fun.

Step 6. Pamper your palate
Go out and order some takeaway or have a pizza delivered to your door. By satisfying the palate, you will push the brain to release serotonin, the so-called "mood hormone". It is a chemical process that occurs in the brain and generates happy feelings.

Step 7. Change viewpoint
Think of something funny that happened today, then think about how small is the space you occupy within the universe. Seen from a spacecraft, you are just one dot among many. However, assuming a new vantage point, your fears may appear irrelevant.

Step 8. Visualize a place where you feel safe
Fill your mind with pleasant images to chase away those that frighten you. Think about the last time you went to an amusement park. If you have a chance to review the photos you took that day, scroll through them to go back to those lighthearted moments. Remember the pictures, the noises, the smells and the pleasant feeling of feeling happy and safe.

Step 9. Look for company
Sleep with a parent or sibling so you don't feel alone. You will feel better having a person you love and with whom you can be yourself.
Talk about the problems and thoughts that scare you with someone you trust. Sometimes it is easier to find a solution for those who analyze the situation from an external perspective. Sharing is a healthy way to express your thoughts and can help you stop ruminating

Step 10. Spend some time with your furry friend
It will help you forget the thoughts that scare you. In particular, dogs have a therapeutic effect on the human brain. Try playing with them and you will see that their joy is contagious.
Method 2 of 3: Exercise

Step 1. Get some light exercise
Physical activity is a great way to stave off negative emotions. There is no need to go to the gym, you can do some simple bodyweight exercises at a fairly brisk pace:
- 10 push-ups on the arms;
- 30 abs;
- 20 jumping jacks on the spot;
- Rest for 5 minutes and then repeat these exercises.

Step 2. Go for a jog
Running outdoors is highly therapeutic; it is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Getting the cardiovascular system in motion will help you banish bad thoughts from your mind.
If possible, run outdoors! Spending time in nature relieves anxiety and a tendency to brood over thoughts

Step 3. Play a sport with friends
This will even double the benefits, as you will be surrounded by the people you love while exercising. You can choose any team sport, for example football, volleyball or basketball.

Step 4. Practice yoga
Yoga urges you to breathe in a controlled manner and with different parts of the body. It is a highly therapeutic practice that clears the mind of thoughts that make you anxious and scared. Attend a few yoga classes to acquire the basics of this practice and find inner peace in a relaxed and comfortable environment.
If you don't have the opportunity to join a group class, you can practice yoga by following an online video for beginners
Method 3 of 3: Manage Fear
Step 1. Limit negative inputs
News broadcasts tend to show a large number of bad and horrible events to attract more audiences. Our brain tends to remember negative events better than positive ones. If you avoid watching the news or reading the newspapers, you are more likely to be able to overcome your fears.

Step 2. Analyze your fears
Take some time to determine where your fears come from. Sometimes it is not easy to understand where the roots of unpleasant thoughts lie. Try making a list of the thoughts that haunt you.

Step 3. Take deep breaths
Tension is not healthy. It is important to have a relaxed attitude to regain a feeling of peace. If you move in a neurotic and hasty way, you will feel even more scared. Breathe deeply to find the calm necessary to face and overcome your fears.

Step 4. Ask yourself questions
Write them down, think about it, and try to give yourself some answers. Give it a try by asking yourself the following questions:
- What am I afraid of?
- Are my fears realistic?
- What's the worst that could happen?
- Where in the body is my fear concentrated?

Step 5. Draw the subject of your fear
If it's something tangible - like a character from a horror movie or a spider - try drawing it. You can search for an image online, print it, and try to replicate it in a drawing. Simply focusing on your phobia could help you overcome the fear.

Step 6. Face your fears
By avoiding the things that scare you, you may find yourself in a worse situation than you initially did. Before seeking outside help, get involved and try to better understand your fears and embrace them. It won't be easy, but it might help you see things from a different and less frightening perspective.

Step 7. Be patient
Overcoming your fears takes time, but it is possible to do so if you are consistent and determined. You can rely on an established set of factors to solve your problems: patience, persistence, knowledge and commitment.

Step 8. Get help from a mental health professional
If negative thoughts persist, the solution may be to see a qualified therapist. Some fears are not caused by horror films, but by unknown causes that can sometimes have irrational foundations. To resolve them, it is best to seek help from a therapist and / or psychiatrist for drug support.
- Watching television will help distract your mind.
- If you fear that there is something in your dark room, look in that direction and smile openly. It will help you feel calmer and more confident.
- If none of these work, talk to someone about a different topic, sad or happy. You will see that you will forget the thoughts that frighten you.
- Understand that being afraid is part of the human condition.
- Play a video game using your computer or your console.
- Sleep with a soft toy, it will be your bodyguard and make you feel better.
- If your parents won't let you sleep with them, bring a teddy bear to your bed and hold it tight.
- Play or talk to your family to distract yourself.
- Sing a song in your mind in the silence of the night to distract your mind from the thoughts that scare you.
- Keep a small light on while you sleep.
- Try never to watch scary videos as they may appear in the recommended movies list when you use YouTube at night.
- Watch a movie, TV show, or comedy video to distract your mind.
- Focus your attention elsewhere, for example on fun facts. Use the web to do research on topics that interest you. You will see that you will soon feel better.