Many computers use a version of Microsoft Windows as their operating system, but many servers and desktop computers are starting to migrate to Linux, a free Unix-based operating system. Learning to use Linux can be daunting at first, due to the difference from the Windows world, but don't give up, it will become a simple and very rewarding experience.

Step 1. Get familiar with the system
Try downloading and installing Linux on your computer. If in doubt, know that you can continue to keep your current operating system, and dedicate a small portion of your hard drive to Linux (or you can run both operating systems using VirtualBox).

Step 2. Check your system hardware using a 'Live CD', an option available in many Linux distributions
This step may be useful if you are not yet ready to install a second operating system on your computer. A 'Live CD' allows you to boot Linux on your system directly from the CD, without having to pre-install it on the hard drive. Ubuntu and other Linux distributions allow the use of a CD or DVD to boot the operating system live ', and possibly proceed with the installation at a later time with the same CD / DVD.

Step 3. Do the normal tasks you use your computer for
If the text editor you normally use doesn't work, or if the program you burn CDs with doesn't want to know it's doing its job, look for a solution online. Before you take the plunge and install, take note of what you can do, what works and what doesn't.

Step 4. Find out what Linux distributions are
When referring to Linux, we often mean the Linux / GNU distribution. Distribution is a set of software that runs on a very small program called a 'kernel'.

Step 5. Consider having two operating systems coexist
This way you can learn new notions about partitioning a hard drive and continue using Windows. Be sure to back up all your personal data before trying to set up a dual Windows / Linux system.

Step 6. Install the software
As soon as possible, familiarize yourself with the procedures for installing and uninstalling the programs. Understanding the concept of 'package' and 'repositoriy' is fundamental to understanding how Linux works.

Step 7. Learn to use (and have fun doing it) the command line interface
This program is known as 'terminal', 'terminal window' or 'shell'. One of the main reasons why many users switch to Linux is the presence of this feature, so don't be scared. It is a great ally that does not have the same limitations as the Windows Command Prompt. You will still be able to use Linux without ever having seen a 'shell', as is the case with Mac OS X. Using 'apropos' can help you easily find the right command to perform a certain operation. Try the 'apropos user' command to see the list of commands that include the word 'user' in their description.

Step 8. Get familiar with the Linux file system
You'll notice right away that the familiar 'C: \' you had in Windows no longer exists. In Linux, everything starts from the 'root' of the file system indicated by the '/' symbol and the different hard drives are accessible from their '/ dev' directories. Your default Windows XP and 2000 directory, where you normally find your personal data, 'C: / Documents and Settings', has now become '/ home'.

Step 9. Discover the potential of your Linux installation
Try the encrypted partitions, the new and fast file system (for example 'btrfs') and the RAID data redundancy system that allows you to increase the speed and reliability of the system, and test the Linux installation on a USB stick. You will soon find that you are able to do a lot of things!
- Build your Linux system with your purpose in mind and carefully follow the installation instructions. The instructions that allow you to configure a file server are very simple and available on many websites. You will be able to familiarize yourself with the operation of the Linux environment and understand where to find certain functions and how to safely change the system configuration.
- On Linux Refer to directories as 'directories' and not as 'folders'. Even if the two words are synonymous, the concept of 'folder' is typical of the Windows world, and using it with reference to a Linux system someone could be offended:).
- Be patient and prepared if you really want to learn how to use GNU. Avoid switching distributions all the time, just to try and find one where all things work perfectly. The main lessons derive from the understanding of a malfunction and its resolution.
- Books published by 'John Wiley & Sons', 'O'Reilly' and 'No Starch Press' are must-haves for anyone who wants to learn Linux. Also: 'In the Beginning… was the Command Line' by Neal Stephenson available at this address' ', and' LINUX: Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition 'available at' '.
- Remember that the 'backslash' character ('\'), as a path separator of a file or directory, is valid only for DOS environment; in Linux the 'slash' ('/') is used. In Linux, the 'backslash' is used to indicate special characters (for example, / n to create a new line, / t to add a tab).
- You will be able to get help with almost all Linux programs and distributions using the irc server '' (for example: #debian, #ubuntu, #python, #FireFox, etc). You will also be able to interact with many users who are part of the '' community.
- There are several sites and mailing lists where you can find Linux-related information. Search online to find the answers to your questions.
- On all '* nix' systems (Linux, UNIX, * BSD, etc.), the administrator account is called 'root'. You are the administrator of your computer, but the user profile you will normally use will not be the 'root' user. If the installation process will not allow you to create a normal user profile, do so yourself using the 'useradd' command and use this profile for normal everyday activities. The reason why it is advisable to separate the 'root' account from your normal user profile is as follows: on Linux systems it is assumed that the user of the 'root' user is fully aware of the necessary changes to the system and of the fact that are not harmful. For this reason, using the system commands, you will not be notified by any 'warning' message and you will be able to execute commands that can delete every single file without being asked for any confirmation. This is because the 'root' user has full power over the entire system, and because, as mentioned earlier, it is assumed that he has full awareness of what he is doing.
- Do not execute commands like 'rm -rf /' or 'sudo rm -rf /', unless you really need to delete all your data from the system. Run the 'man rm' command to get more information on this.
- It can happen that people suggest you to execute commands that are found to be malicious to the integrity of the system, so always be cautious before executing them.
- Likewise, never create a file named '-rf'. By executing the command to delete all files present in a directory that contains a file called '-rf', the latter will be interpreted as a parameter of the command itself, and the system will proceed to delete all the files present in the subdirectories.
- When you get ready to install Linux always back up all your personal data before changing the partitioning of your hard drive. Save your files using external storage media such as a CD, DVD or USB device. If your system has one, you can also use a second hard drive, but never use a second partition on the same drive you are about to repartition.
- You may be tempted to execute commands found while browsing the web. Often, however, you will be disappointed, perhaps simply because you are using a newer version of the operating system or a different distribution where the command used is not supported. Try running each command by prefixing the --help parameter to fully understand the function of the command itself. In this way, after understanding what operation the typed command should perform, it will be very easy to correct small syntax problems (for example '/ dev / sda' becomes '/ dev / sdb' and so on), easily reaching your initial goal.