How To Prevent Your Network From Being Attacked By Hackers

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How To Prevent Your Network From Being Attacked By Hackers
How To Prevent Your Network From Being Attacked By Hackers

Hackers are always looking for weaknesses in network systems to exploit them to their advantage and break into your company's system and steal confidential information. Some hackers, also called "black hats", take a perverse pleasure in causing damage to corporate systems, while others do it for money. Whatever the reason, these hackers are the nightmare of companies of all sizes, especially large corporations, banks, financial institutions and security agencies. It is possible to prevent these problems by using adequate safety measures.


Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 1
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 1

Step 1. Follow the forums

It's always a good idea to follow specialized cybersecurity forums to stay up to date on the latest news.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 2
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 2

Step 2. Always change the default passwords

Some software uses default passwords to access your account immediately after installation. It is always recommended to change these passwords.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 3
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 3

Step 3. Identify possible access points

Install specific software that serves to identify all access points to your system or private network. A hacker attack typically starts from one of these points. In any case, the identification of these weaknesses is not easy. It will be better to contact specialized IT security technicians.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 4
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 4

Step 4. Perform system penetration tests

In this way, you will be able to identify the weak points of the system, both in terms of access from outside the network and from inside. Once you have identified these weaknesses, you will be able to apply better security measures for your network. This type of test must be carried out both locally and remotely.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 5
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 5

Step 5. Inform the network users

Do what you can to inform all your users of cybersecurity risks to ensure that every use of your network is conscientious and safe. In the case of a company, courses or tests should be carried out for its employees to ensure that everyone is aware of the risk factors within the computer network. As long as all users are not well informed about cyber attacks, it will be difficult to better prevent these attacks.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 6
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 6

Step 6. Configure the firewall

A poorly configured firewall can be an open door to intruders. Therefore, it is vital to set rules within the firewall regarding inbound and outbound traffic. Each firewall will need to be configured differently depending on the system functions. One-off, you will also have to carry out an analysis of incoming and outgoing traffic.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 7
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 7

Step 7. Implement password rules

Use strong passwords of 7 or more characters. Passwords must be changed every 60 days. The ideal password should be original and contain alphanumeric characters.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 8
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 8

Step 8. Authentication using alternative methods

Regardless of the rules listed in the previous step, there are more secure authentication policies than passwords. We are talking about the VPN and SSH keys. To implement greater security, use smartcards or other advanced login methods.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 9
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 9

Step 9. Delete the comments in the website code

The comments used in the code may contain indirect information useful for hackers to exploit its weaknesses. Some careless programmer might even leave us usernames and passwords! All confidential information in the comments should be deleted, as it is possible to analyze the source code of almost all HTML pages.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 10
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 10

Step 10. Remove unnecessary services from machines

This way, you won't have to worry about the stability of programs you don't use.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 11
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 11

Step 11. Remove the default, test and sample web pages, as well as the necessary modules natively installed on the web platform

There may be weaknesses in these pages that hackers already know by heart.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 12
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 12

Step 12. Install antivirus software

Both antivirus and intrusion detection software should be constantly updated, if possible on a daily basis. Updates of these software are necessary, as they allow detection of the latest viruses.

Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 13
Stop Hackers from Invading Your Network Step 13

Step 13. Increase security on site

In addition to security within their IT network, companies should ensure that they have an adequate security service within the building. In fact, it is practically useless to protect your computer network from external attacks when any unauthorized employee or even external staff can safely enter any office and have access to the information they want. So make sure your company's security department is working at full capacity.


  • Use your computer and the Internet with caution.
  • Install a new version of a program only after completely uninstalling the previous version.
  • Hire cybersecurity personnel to test your network and make sure no door is open to hackers.
  • Back up all files regularly.
  • Never open attachments from unknown addresses.
  • Use Firefox instead of Microsoft Internet Explorer. The first is safer. In any case, disable the execution of JavaScript, Active X, Java and other code. Enable this feature only for trusted sites.
  • Lesser known systems such as Mac OS, Solaris and Linux are less likely to be attacked. There is also a lesser chance of encountering viruses programmed specifically for this type of system. Either way, just using one of these systems doesn't make you safe from cyber attacks.
  • Always update the software on your computer. Otherwise, you will open a door for intruders.
