Keeping your monitor clean can extend the life of your computer. LCD screens are made from a type of plastic that can be easily scratched by abrasive chemicals, brushes, and even wipes, so it's important to use a gentle cleaning method. Here are some tips on how to clean your monitor without damaging it.
Part 1 of 3: Daily Cleaning

Step 1. Turn off the monitor
It is easier to see dust and dirt when the monitor is off, and if you try to clean it with the pixels on, you risk damaging the screen.

Step 2. Clean the monitor with a microfiber cloth
This type of antistatic cloth leaves no lint on the screen and is soft enough not to scratch the surface. Remove any visible traces of dust and dirt with the cloth.
- Do not put too much pressure on the screen and do not try to rub it. You could damage it and it could get fogged up the next time you turn it on.
- Avoid using old t-shirts, wipes, paper products, or other rags to clean the screen. There may be threads and scratches.

Step 3. Clean the frame
Spray glassex or another mild cleaner on a clean cloth and wipe the frame holding the screen. This structure is made of long-lasting plastic material, therefore you can rub lightly to remove any residual dirt.
- Do not spray the cleaner directly on the frame, as it may accidentally get some of it on the screen.
- Don't forget the base, buttons and back of the monitor. Remove all dust and dirt with the cloth. Wrap a corner of the cloth around your finger to clean up hard-to-reach crevices.
Part 2 of 3: Eliminating Mottles and Stains
Step 1. Spray the LCD cleaning solution onto a microfiber cloth
Moisten the cloth, but don't soak it with the solution. Make sure you are using a microfiber cloth and not kitchen paper or any other type of fabric.

Step 2. Gently remove the smudge from the screen
Make a circular motion to rub away the stain, whether it is a sticky residue of food, ink or another substance. Do not rub or rub with excessive force.
- Be patient; it may take a few minutes for the solution to penetrate the stain to remove it properly.
- Don't be tempted to spray the solution directly onto the screen if the stain is stubborn. Instead, moisten the cloth with more of the solution and press it gently on the stain for a few moments to let the cleaner soak in, then pick it up and wipe the stain away.
- Once the stain has been removed, dry the area with the clean part of the cloth.
Step 3. Use vinegar as a natural cleanser
Dilute 1/4 of a cup of vinegar with a few tablespoons of water, dip the microfiber cloth in the solution and gently rub the vinegar on the stain on your screen. Once the stain has been removed, dry the area with the clean part of the cloth.
Part 3 of 3: Scratch Repair
Step 1. Check the warranty
If your monitor has a scratch, it may be replaced. Check your monitor warranty to find out what possibilities are available to you. If you start attempting to repair the scratch yourself, further damage may no longer be covered under warranty.
Step 2. Purchase a scratch repair kit
Computer stores and IT departments in department stores sell scratch repair kits for LCD monitors. Follow the instructions to apply the Scratch Repair Solution to the screen.
Step 3. Try Vaseline
If the scratch is small, a small amount of petroleum jelly is a safe option. Use a cotton swab to apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the scratch. It will not repair the scratch, but it will make it more discreet to the eye.
Step 4. Use the paint
Clear varnish or clear nail polish applied to the scratch may prevent it from spreading. Apply the paint carefully to the scratch with a small brush. Let it dry completely before using the monitor.