Many believe they are metalheads. A metalhead is a fan or composer of metal music who belongs to this culture. Metal is a rock genre that became popular in the 1970s and which, in turn, has evolved into various subgenres. There is a large assortment of fake metallics, which differ in type and style. If you don't pay attention, you risk being part of this ranks.
Part 1 of 3: Evaluating Your Musical Tastes

Step 1. Consider what you listen to every day
Ask yourself if you really listen to metal music every day. Hearing a few songs at a friend's house or while playing doesn't make you a metalhead. If you use software to play songs, you can easily reconstruct the history and frequency of what you have listened to.
In your playlist you should find at least a couple of metal songs you've heard recently

Step 2. Get to know the classics of metal music
If you consider yourself a metalhead, there are metal "godfathers" you should know. There are also various bands that fall into traditional metal and rock music. The fact is that genres are flexible and are not meant to be rigid classifications. Some bands that fall into classic rock and metal are Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, AC / DC, Van Halen and Iron Maiden. Other classic metal bands are:
- Metallica;
- Megadeth;
- Slayer;
- Death;
- Judas Priest;
- Panther.

Step 3. Learn about the subgenres
Make sure you know some bands from all subgenres of metal music. The main ones are thrash metal, death metal, black metal, power metal and speed metal. Many metalheads consider people who listen to "metalcore" to be inexperienced and pretend to be metalheads when, on the other hand, they just put on airs.
- Metalcore includes some bands like Bring Me the Horizon, Of Mice and Men and Escape the Fate.
- You can find a list of some bands and their sub-genres in the "Tips" section.

Step 4. Learn about metal culture
Learn more about some curiosities about some bands like Motorhead, Metallica, Pantera, Death, Iron Maiden, Children of Bodom and any other band you love. Those who say that Slipknot are to be thrown away or that Metallica are the only band that represents this genre does nothing but give themselves a metalhead airs. If you only like one band, it means that you don't like metal, so you are not qualified to be a "metalhead", but rather, you are addicted to a single musical group.
- However, there is an exception to the rule. If someone likes Metallica and has only listened to this group, he can be considered a true metalhead, but inexperienced.
- There are various ways to find information about metal music, for example by watching episodes of "That Metal Show".
- You can find great information in various guitar magazines and some rock music periodicals.

Step 5. Accept other musical tastes
Being a metalhead does not mean rejecting all other musical genres. A metalhead (like everyone else) should be open-minded and reasonable. Generally, metal can be considered good music, but not all good music is metal.
- Being a metalhead is a matter of personal expression. If you're willing to show your passion, don't make fun of those who want to share what they love.
- There is also a growing community of electronic and experimental music artists who are heavily inspired by metal. Noise rock is not part of metal, but whoever composes it comes from the metal culture.
Part 2 of 3: Having a Metallaro Lifestyle

Step 1. Surround yourself with metalheads
Make sure you have friends who love this genre. The main goal is to share your thoughts on metal music and learn in turn, without excluding other people who don't like or don't like it. If you are true friends, you should get along well regardless of your musical preferences.

Step 2. Be kind
Avoid irritating people. Metal is aggressive, but that doesn't mean you have to overpower others. Metal music is an expression of human emotions. It has become so popular because it is an outlet that allows fans and musicians to channel the most unspeakable emotions they experience throughout their lives.
True art conveys the emotions that can be shared by all people in order to trigger a reaction. Metal certainly can give off some upset, but don't let it change your behavior

Step 3. Respect the nickname of metalhead
Claiming to be a metalhead doesn't make you one: you should also understand that it has almost nothing to do with fashion. No doubt you can wear a t-shirt or leather jacket from your favorite band, but clearly don't feel constrained.
- Metal promotes thinking that is completely centered on being yourself. There is no model to follow. So, try to be a metalhead beyond your passion for this music genre, not to gain popularity or attract the attention of others.
- Remember that being a metalhead doesn't mean you base all conversations on music.

Step 4. Dress like a metalhead
Even if the dress does not make the monk, do not give up following this style. Check on the Internet if your favorite band has signed any clothing you like. The classic metalhead will have a handful of shirts from his favorite bands. The aesthetic is very similar to the punk one.
Hang a pick from a necklace or use other accessories that resemble a musical instrument if you know how to play it

Step 5. Avoid the trends of fake metalheads
There are many aspiring metalheads who let themselves be captivated by trendy clothing. Some shops are very well stocked, but many of their items only follow the trends of the moment. If you find a band t-shirt you like and think it's original, don't hesitate to buy it. However, avoid spending all your money on clothes.
- To be a metalhead, you have to show yourself authentic. It is not with money that you can acquire this lifestyle.
- After all, to be a metalhead you have to have musical sensibility and be passionate about the genre.
Part 3 of 3: Improving Your Metallaro Reputation

Step 1. Learn to play a musical instrument
Consider the ones that are used to compose metal music and pick one. You can decide between guitar, drums, bass and keyboard. The keyboard is under-appreciated, but it has its value. Learn to play your favorite instrument. If you suddenly pretend you're playing guitar during a Van Halen song, don't hesitate to choose it.
If you find yourself following the rhythm of a song with your hands while listening to Motorhead on the bus, start playing the drums

Step 2. Learn classic metal songs
Once you've started playing an instrument and learned the basics, try your hand at a song you know well. It is easier to learn the music you already know by heart. This way, when you read tablature on the Internet, you don't need to repeatedly listen to a song.
You can push yourself to learn classic metal songs, such as "Master of Puppets", "Thunderstruck" or "Iron Man"

Step 3. Form a metal band with other metal friends
The best way to start a band made up of friends is to assign instruments from the start. This way everyone can choose one to improve and practice. Once you get used to it, try composing a piece.
- It is more useful if you agree before Christmas.
- It is easier to compose a song if the guitarist creates a riff before rehearsing the song. That way he can show it to the rest of the group and you won't waste time.
- In addition, it is important that all members of the band feel united by learning metal songs.
- Find a suitable space where you can practice playing.

Step 4. Attend metal music shows
Find out about metal music events organized in your area. Check if there are any age restrictions. Check the show's website before you go.
If you follow a particular metal band, check if they have a concert tour planned

Step 5. Maintain your metal roots as you grow
Many people become metalheads when they go to middle school, but they start to break away from this passion as they grow up. Stay true to your origins if you want to be a true metalhead. Even if you take a break for a month or a year, you can still listen to metal music.
- Some black metal bands are Immortal, Emperor, Gorgoroth, Carpathian Forest, Mayhem, Watain, Taake, Besatt, Carach Angren, Dark Funeral and Dimmu Borgir.
- Some speed metal bands are Death Mask, Accept and Powermad.
- Some death metal bands are Sadistic Intent, Death, Desecration, Opeth, Cannibal Corpse, and Deicide.
- Among the doom metal bands consider Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus, Electric Wizard and Saint Vitus.
- Make sure you know "The Big Four of Thrash Metal": Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer and Metallica. Hear from 1980s Metallica, not just their 90s hits and power ballads. Exodus, Testament, Gama Bomb and Municipal Waste also allow you to expand your knowledge beyond "The Big Four", but above all listen to the beloved Pantera who, despite being classified in groove metal, have followed the thrash flag.
- Some traditional metal bands are Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, and Motorhead. They are essential to understand where this subgenre comes from.
- Among the power metal groups consider Manowar (often regarded as the pioneers of the genre), Blind Guardian, Helloween, Dragonforce, Sabaton, Avantasia and Hammerfall.
- Try to understand the differences between the various sub-genres of metal music. Some believe that Opeth are death metal, but they actually belong to progressive death metal and progressive rock.