Putting together a band for the purpose of becoming famous can be a daunting undertaking. It will take a lot of work, and all the members of the band will have to work with the same passion and with the same intent. By following this guide though, you could achieve success much faster. Just find people who won't give up because they think it's impossible.
Part 1 of 7: Getting started

Step 1. Find a band or start one
There are many ways to complete this step. First, put up flyers that let people know that you are trying to start a band. If you already know the genre of music you will want to play, decide what kind of instruments you will need and be sure to mention which artists you are looking for on your flyer (ex: I am looking for a jazz trumpet player). Also, choose the right place to post the flyers. Putting flyers for rock musicians in a jazz bar won't get you many answers.

Step 2. Hold auditions until you find the perfect members for you
You could ask musicians what their musical interests are and what their work ethic is, to ensure your compatibility.
Part 2 of 7: The Trials

Step 1. Find a place to rehearse
Make sure the rehearsal location is accessible to everyone and easy to reach. If the rehearsal room is a 30-minute drive from the drummer's house, he'll probably get tired of having to charge and discharge his drums every time.

Step 2. Try it yourself in order to improve and know your potential

Step 3. Once the band is formed, try a lot
Make sure you make rehearsals productive. If you spend all your time talking about the latest sporting events, your band will not be successful.
Part 3 of 7: Developing Your Style

Step 1. Start finding your sound
This will often happen when the band begins to work together and find an understanding. The individual style of each member will contribute to the creation of a unique sound.

Step 2. Create an image for the group
This includes finding an interesting name for the band and choosing the look to wear during live shows. When you play in a band, you can be as good as you want, but you won't be very successful if you don't have the right look for your musical genre. People expect to see a certain look that matches what they are hearing.

Step 3. Decide how to write your music
Many bands let 1 or 2 people write the basics of each song, while the whole group participates in the final arrangement. Other groups write with everyone's participation, but this process can take longer.
Part 4 of 7: Recording and Playing Live

Step 1. When you have a good repertoire, consider recording a demo
If you really want to be successful, and you have the funds to do so, book a recording room. It will be very expensive compared to a DIY recording, but the quality will be much better and your band will be more likely to get gigs more often. Plus, you'll have a high-quality recording for friends and family to hear until the first album is released.

Step 2. Start with small gigs
Call the clubs in your area and ask if they are willing to let you ring. Find parties to play at. If you are in school, ask to play at the end of year party, or at a school assembly. Starting from the bottom, you will be able to evaluate the reactions of the audience, what to do when you have to play in more important venues and you will make some money.

Step 3. Search craigslist
There is a section where venue managers and event planners publish announcements for groups who want to perform live. Often these will be paid gigs, a great way to expose your band to the public.
Part 5 of 7: Advanced stage

Step 1. Hire an agent
They know how the environment works and have the right connections.

Step 2. When you have more money to invest, book a recording room
A few hours in the recording studio with an experienced sound engineer can work wonders. If your band has performed and rehearsed together regularly, you should be able to record the songs below, like at a concert. Once you've produced a quality recording of your band, send it to record companies and radio stations. You will also be able to produce CDs and sell them at your concerts.
Part 6 of 7: Promotion

Step 1. Create web pages for your band
Myspace.com is a great site to make your band known to the public and there are many other sites with similar purposes, free and effective, and even if you are hesitant to distribute your music for free, remember that the publicity you will get from it does not. price.
Create some sort of website for your group and upload material for users to download, so that people from all over the world can listen to your music. Also do footage of your performances and post on YouTube. This can go a long way in making you popular.
Make a Band and Get Discovered Step 20

Step 2. Talk to everyone you know about your band
Friends, family, people you meet at McDonald's. Spread the word as much as possible.

Step 3. When you get the chance to play at a big enough concert, create a poster with a photo of your band and information about the concert
You will be able to create around 20 copies at a good price and post them around the city. People who see them may decide to come and see it.

Step 4. Sell cheap tickets for your gigs, which may be on clubs or in some park
Part 7 of 7: Future

Step 1. Forget the nervousness, just think about having fun
If you're afraid of the stage, find a dark place to look when you're feeling nervous. That way you don't have to worry about looking your fans in the face.

Step 2. Most importantly - keep practicing
You may decide to rewrite or rearrange songs with the evolutions of your band's sound. This is perfectly normal. You will find renewed interest in playing your songs, and your fans will be pleasantly surprised too. Never stop trying because you think you have achieved success. If you really want to have a great band, remember to always try to improve.
- Take trials seriously and help each other.
- If you have musician friends, start a band with them!
- Try to make your group unique.
- Don't share your ideas for melodies and lyrics with people you don't trust.
- Be prepared to work hard.
- Make sure you have a great passion for music.
- Remember not to try to rule the group. Other members may dislike your attitude and leave the band or kick you out. All band members should have the same importance.
- Don't settle for recording until the song is perfect.
- Don't break your instrument at a gig unless you can afford to replace it.
- You will have to learn to accept rejection.