Rock attracts a lot of high school kids. Starting a rock band is a fun and difficult operation… but above all tempting, not to mention extremely rewarding. Through various steps this article will guide you along the path to becoming a rock celebrity within the school.

Step 1. Learn to play an instrument or sing
If you aren't already good at it, learn to play an instrument or take singing lessons. Bass is great because it's not too complicated to use in most songs. Singing lessons might be expensive, but it's worth it if you really intend to start a band, don't you think?

Step 2. Name the band
Use an original name or one that has a special meaning. Once you have actually formed a group, discuss the name with others, as it is usually the whole band that chooses it. It is not appropriate to be accused of deciding the most pleasant things on your own, since if you argue with the other members, you also risk that they will give up on the project.

Step 3. Spread Ads:
it's a great way to get the news that you're forming a band. If your school has a notice and information board for students, make sure the head teacher or whoever is responsible for this kind of thing agrees. It can be a great idea since kids interested in music will go and read it. To get the reader's attention, consider writing your ad in large, bold type, such as "rehearsal for a band" or "audition for a band." It's all in advertising, right? How do you want people to stop and read the ad if it doesn't attract attention? Make it as large and noticeable as possible.

Step 4. It is not enough that you have friends, a girlfriend or a boyfriend in the group just because you like them
If you have an argument with them or you break up with your girlfriend, you will be left empty-handed, especially if they had an important part, as a lead vocal or guitar… and rock isn't rock without a guitarist, right?

Step 5. Returning to the question of friends, the band must be made up of people who know how to do something
If they can't play drums and you need a drummer, don't just ask the first available person. You can survive without a drummer for a while and as long as you have a good bass player and a metronome (optional) to practice with, everything will be fine. If the opportunity comes, perfect! Seize it, but if it doesn't show up, you'll probably have to make do.

Step 6. Once you get some responses to your announcements (hoping you'll have a place to hold the auditions), go ahead
If no one proves that they have the qualities you are looking for, extend the deadline for submitting candidates, but if you find the right people, you are in luck! Remove the ads or change them by saying that the band seats are already occupied. At this point there is a fairly common mistake when forming a band: you only choose people who seem to have a suitable appearance for the role. Obviously it is essential to give an excellent image to the group, but think about this aspect later, because what reason is there to put the look before the talent? If that guy with the thick eyebrows is a phenomenon with drums, why choose the one who has those beautiful golden curls, when he's an average, if not below average drummer?

Step 7. Once you have found the right people for their role - usually a bassist, a drummer, at least one guitarist and a singer - you will need to be able to write songs and have the basic knowledge to structure them
Yes, it means reading and studying. I'm sorry! But did you just think you were writing music and having fun? Most of the songs go like this:
- Verse 1
- Bridge (optional)
- Chorus (or chorus)
- Verse 2
- Choir
- Bridge (optional)
- Chorus (repeated two to four times)

Step 8. Sit down at the table
You can start by covering songs by your favorite artists or artists who have a similar style to your band, or even start writing right away. It is better to produce immediately so as to always improve. Still, it's not bad to cover some songs, especially if you have a creative block. It happens to everyone, even to the great songwriters who risk staying still for a while. To write a song, think of a "plot". Maybe it's something that made you nervous, upset, or happy. It is better not to present the story explicitly, but to base the song mainly on the event to intrigue the listener (this is why people go to the Internet to find out the meanings of their favorite songs). It is also much easier if you sit down with the band to have a confrontation of ideas. In this way you will be able to share your experiences and facilitate the elaboration and writing of the songs, as despite having a great story it does not necessarily mean that it is easy to write it.

Step 9. Realize that writing songs is difficult at first, but don't worry about rhyming
Write, on several sheets so that you don't get confused, all the emotions, thoughts and memories that come to your mind when you think about your experiences. That might be a bad example, but let's assume for a moment that a few years ago you went on the tallest and scariest roller coaster in the world. Think about what impressed you the most. Was it the moment you were sitting in the cart totally terrified or when you got off? Yes, you guessed it: that's when you were walking in, because you were so scared of falling that you will probably forget it again.

Step 10. Once you have written all the thoughts that crowd your mind in black and white, choose the best pieces and change them to rhyme
And so you will have some pieces for the song! It's much easier to start with the chorus (or chorus), so the main work is done. If you sing it and it seems to flow and stay in your mind, it's perfect! You have created a catchy refrain. And what is the thing that most people remember about their favorite songs? The refrain, of course.

Step 11. Take all the other pieces, rhyme and sing them
Maybe it will take you some time to fit them into a melody, but again, if they're smooth, you've hit the mark. It doesn't matter if all the lines make sense or not, because the key thing is that they are related to each other. Don't fall into the trap of rhymes. Follow the main rule "two lines in rhyme and the other two with a different ending". Words that rhyme only in part are fine too.

Step 12. When you have written some songs, you need to create a melody
This is probably the easiest part, but sometimes structuring the song is extremely difficult. Where to put an exciting break? Or the guitar riff? Does the guitarist have to do a solo? Should there be a part where there is no background music and then there is a verse sung a cappella? How should the battery go? Most important: how should the bass line go? How should I adjust the tone of the guitar? All fundamental questions, difficult to answer, but which will be solved over time. Sit down with the band and discuss the songs one by one. Ask everyone to write down whatever comes into their mind at any time: during chemistry class, while working on a song or playing a video game. It is always necessary to write down any thought, because there is nothing worse than having an extraordinary idea and losing it in the mind. In the meantime, focus on writing several songs and finding venues to perform.

Step 13. Find some places
Of course, when you're just starting out, don't expect to attend a concert or some local show. Start from the school context. If schoolmates like the band, perfect! You have fans! When you start off on the right foot, see if you can get a gig to perform in your area. Don't expect the May 1st concert, though! If you can, rent a place, perhaps the auditorium of the municipality or something similar made available to the citizens. If you have to pay a fee, it might be a little expensive, but try to impress the reason for your music in the ears of the people who come to look at you. You have to please people as soon as they look at you. So smile, don't neglect stage presence and a sense of humor. Use a bit of self-irony, saying for example that you have never played a certain piece correctly before, apologizing if this time too it won't turn out well. Put on a good show and the place will be worth paying, because the people who come to see you will have fun, but above all you will have fun like crazy and you will want to repeat it other times. Communicate your joy to the public! Smile, dance wildly and show that you have so much fun that you have to be chained.

Step 14. Advertise
Once you've got your first gig, spread the word. Post posters on bulletin boards and shop windows in your area.

Step 15. Get to know people's opinions on the band
If someone gives you an uncertain opinion, for example "Did you like the band… in yesterday's concert?" "Yes, I liked it. BUT …" But nothing. If there is a "but" after saying "yes", you need to work on that. Get to know the opinion of the people and commit to this point. If they say they don't like music, that's their choice. Answer that if in this case they don't know what they are missing!

Step 16. Enjoy
It's hard to get ideas at first, but keep trying! If the passion for your rock band is strong, fight to the end. By being part of a musical group, you will develop a very strong bond with your mates. You will go from hell to heaven with them. Do you know the story of Bob Bryar when he left My Chemical Romance? Everyone despaired, but look at My Chemical Romance where they have come since. And that of Brownsound who left Sum 41? It was terrible! But the group went on, producing fantastic songs. What I'm saying is that, even if a member of the band gives up, it's not the end of the world (however, it wouldn't hurt to have two guitarists, so if one leaves the band, someone else will fill the spot). You will have to fight until you can find a replacement. The best bands have known several conflicts. My Chemical Romance's Gerard Way's Drug Problems: He's recovered and today he's perfectly clean. Josh and Zac Farro's breakup from Paramore: overcome. Always remember to love music and have fun.
- Don't get stressed out and don't lose sleep over a guitar riff that you can't get better or a verse isn't smooth. You will find the answer to your problem. Just move on to something different, which will distract you for a while, and you will be able to deal with the problem.
- If it happens that one of the band members is on drugs, it's not worth your time. People don't have a good opinion of people who indulge in these things at all. Remember that drug problems are very difficult to overcome and can affect every aspect of life. If you use it, the band members may hate you for it.
- Regarding the covers, do them in moderation, otherwise you will become lazy and think that "bad, you can always copy someone else". It is a bad habit. It's like drugs which, by the way, don't make you strong and destroy your personality. Look down.