How to Protect a Poem with Copyright in the United States

Table of contents:

How to Protect a Poem with Copyright in the United States
How to Protect a Poem with Copyright in the United States

A copyright exists from the moment you create your literary work. However, it is advisable to register the request for copyright. Registration is not mandatory, but it must be submitted to a public register in order to protect the work against any violations that may be presented in court. There are several basic methods and procedures for registering copyright.

The following steps assume that you are a citizen of the United States and wish to register your work with the US Copyright Office, but of course there are several services available that protect works outside the United States. Writing on Google 'copyright registration' (or something similar) will provide thousands of links to intellectual property attestation services. See also the "Tips" at the end of this article for more information.


Copyright Poetry Step 1
Copyright Poetry Step 1

Step 1. Fill out your copyright registration application with the US Copyright Office (CO)

There are three ways to file basic instances:

  • You can register it online via the eCO (electronic Copyright Office). This choice is the best method because it costs less, is faster, you can monitor the status online and the payment method is safe. Go to and click on "Registration".
  • Register it using the Fill-in Form CO. This option uses barcode scanning technology. For literary works, complete the TX Form on your computer, print and submit. Forms are available at
  • Register it using paper forms. You can request a copy, which will be sent to you by post. You must request the TX Literary Form and submit it to the Library of Congress, US Copyright Office, 101 Independence Avenue SE, Washington DC 20559-6222.
Copyright Poetry Step 2
Copyright Poetry Step 2

Step 2. Submit your payment

  • The registration fee via eCO is $ 35 for a basic instance. You can pay either with an electronic check or by using an ATM or credit card at
  • For the CO forms, the fee is $ 50 and the TX form with the paper document is $ 65. Send the check or money order.
Copyright Poetry Step 3
Copyright Poetry Step 3

Step 3. Submit your work or deposit material that will be copyrighted

  • For online registration with eCO it is possible to upload the deposit categories or attach an electronic file of a copy of what you are going to deposit. If you do not have an electronic copy or need to send the hard copy, print a shipping receipt, attach it to your warehouse, and mail it to the US Copyright Office at the address listed above.
  • If you are using the Form CO or the paper documents, you must send the form and include the tax and the work to be deposited in the same package at the US Copyright Office at the address indicated above.


  • It is often possible to submit a collection of poems in a single request (instead of individual poems). This represents a huge saving, as you can easily register the entire collection for a single fee (see the "Registration advice center" of the website, ie the registration advice center. - the collection is an example).
  • For guidance on international copyright and registration requirements, the World Intellectual Property Organization provides a Directory of Intellectual Property Offices.
  • For guidance on international copyright and registration requirements, the World Intellectual Property Organization provides a Directory of Intellectual Property Offices.
  • If you want to obtain copyright protection in a particular country, find out the nature of that country's relationship with the United States regarding copyrights. For a complete list of countries in agreement with the United States, see International Copyright Relations of United States, posted online.
  • To use eCO, disable your browser's pop-up blocker and close third-party toolbars (such as Yahoo, Google, etc.).


  • Do not use screen shots or print screens to generate the Form CO. You can make photocopies of the blank application forms.
  • Do not use a saved copy of the completed CO form for another registration. Each time you register new works, you will have a corresponding barcode.
