Sagittarius men are exciting, adventurous and fascinating. It is no coincidence that this sign is represented by a centaur archer, or the symbol of freedom, adventure and passion. If you want to seduce a free-spirited Sagittarius, you have to face him head on! Follow these steps to win the heart of your favorite Sagittarius.
Part 1 of 2: Having the Right Attitude

Step 1. Be open to change
Sagittarius tends to constantly expand their horizons, in search of new knowledge, new scenarios and new adventures. If you are going to tame an archer, you need to be spontaneous and willing to change your plans without any warning.
A great way to show your flexibility is to propose a crazy adventure. Tell him "Hey, how about sneaking into that place? There's a secret terrace with a breathtaking view that few people know besides me!". This way you will have his full attention. Of course, the plan doesn't have to be extremely elaborate (or risky). Just offer him an excursion that you have wanted to do for a long time, or an unusual drink that your friend bartender reserves for a few customers. In the end, an original idea is enough to intrigue the Sagittarius

Step 2. Don't reveal everything about yourself from the first moment, but surround yourself with an aura of mystery
Sagittarius is attracted to somewhat reserved girls. Don't tell him your life story a minute after you meet him. Instead, show your personality little by little. The sign of Sagittarius is under the influence of Jupiter; that means he appreciates puzzles. Let him find out who you really are.
When he asks you personal questions, keep him on a tightrope by answering "You really want to know, right?" or "Maybe I'll tell you … on the next appointment!"

Step 3. Tell him the truth
You can be mysterious and detached without lying. Generally, Sagittarius can easily frame a person, so they will immediately understand if you are false and a liar. When dating a Sagittarius, make sure you always tell them the truth and behave honestly.
Sagittarius is willing to give you their trust, but it won't be easy to gain it again if you let them down. He tries to deserve it because he probably won't be willing to forgive you (or call you back) if he notices you're lying

Step 4. Be optimistic
Take things lightly, have fun and be joyful. Avoid negative attitudes when dating a Sagittarius. Generally, people of this sign are happy, active and just want to have fun. Try not to complain and not speak ill of others. Do your best to have as much fun as possible with a Sagittarius man - remember to smile, laugh together, and offer him some fun activities to share.

Step 5. Challenge him
Sagittarius loves unpredictable girls who constantly test him. You don't have to make his life hell, but he'll appreciate the challenge. Play the flirt, but don't give in immediately: she must deserve your affection. Don't show too much interest, but behave differently with him. Of course, you don't have to ignore it!
Men of this sign adore intellectual challenges. You have to be a smart and sharp girl to win him over. Discuss topics with him that interest both of you. Play devil's advocate, and even if you secretly agree with him, hold the opposite theory

Step 6. Siiben willing to travel
Sagittarius doesn't like to stay in the same place for too long, so it will be easier if you love to travel too. Ask him right from the start of his travels and tell him about your experiences, without revealing too much. It can be a great opportunity to pique his interest by giving vague answers about your travels.
Suggest some activities that require a short trip. Plan an excursion to explore an area unknown to both of you. Maybe you can go into the surrounding countryside, stop in the most intriguing places and taste local products

Step 7. Don't forget to flirt a little
Sagittarius loves to flirt. Don't be afraid to talk to him and strike up a conversation that is quite flirtatious. Sagittarius will be impressed by your confidence and flattered by your attention, so they will likely indulge in flirting.
To get his attention even before you speak to him, try to make eye contact. If you meet your eyes, lower your eyes with a covert smile. Then look at him again and don't look away until he does it first. Try to attract him with your eyes

Step 8. Don't be too sticky
Sagittarius doesn't want to lose their freedom. He doesn't need a girl to stick to him during all his travels and free time (which he probably spends running or hiking in the mountains). If you follow him everywhere he will feel overwhelmed.
During the first few interactions, prove that you are an independent girl who doesn't need to be served and revered. Pay for your drink and ask him if he wants one too. In this way, she will understand that you don't need to be taken by the hand, because you know how to manage your life on your own
Part 2 of 2: Looking The Right

Step 1. Always look your best
Men can't resist women who look gorgeous, and Sagittarius is no exception. Men of this sign also love sexy women who sport an intriguing look without revealing too much.
If you're going to a party or club where you know you're meeting your favorite Sagittarius, rock a flirty and sexy outfit with stiletto heels. No man will be able to resist you, least of all your Sagittarius

Step 2. Choose a good perfume
Sagittarians appreciate fresh and delicious aromas. Tease it with a fruity scent. You will have an entire army of archers at your feet as soon as you enter a club.
A little tip: always carry a bottle of perfume and deodorant with you to freshen up and always smell good

Step 3. Use your best weapons
Are your eyes deep blue? Do you have stunning legs? Maybe you have princess hair? Whatever your strengths are, get him to notice it, highlighting it with the dress, make-up and hairstyle. He takes care of every detail perfectly.

Step 4. Be confident in your appearance and attitude
Sagittarius appreciates women who have confidence in their abilities. Do you know that you are a beautiful, strong and intelligent woman? Then prove it with facts. A woman who feels sexy is much more glamorous than someone who sits in a corner fiddling with a lock of hair.