How not to give up: 7 steps (with pictures)

How not to give up: 7 steps (with pictures)
How not to give up: 7 steps (with pictures)

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There are some moments in life when giving up seems to be the only solution available to us. No matter how hard we try, we can't see any way out, not even a temporary one. This article contains numerous useful tips to find the strength not to give up, in order to be able to identify the correct solution to your problems.


Not Give Up Step 1
Not Give Up Step 1

Step 1. Try to relax, you will feel better

If you are going through a stressful time in your life and feel that you have done everything possible to keep yourself strong, it may not be easy to continue being patient and believing that, sooner or later, things will work out for the best.

Not Give Up Step 2
Not Give Up Step 2

Step 2. Take a break

Sometimes we need to get away from worries and stop trying and try again to find a solution, devoting ourselves to different things for some time. By doing so, our minds could clear up and prepare to propose new and interesting solutions.

Not Give Up Step 3
Not Give Up Step 3

Step 3. Set yourself realistic goals

Make sure your goals are virtuous and fruitful, for example, don't bother your ex-girlfriend by trying to get her back into your life if you know she's happily married in the meantime. In addition to being realistic, your goals will have to depend solely and exclusively on your choices.

Not Give Up Step 4
Not Give Up Step 4

Step 4. Be honest and loyal

Accept the reality: a goal can be difficult to achieve. You may run into difficulties, missteps, have ups and downs, and have to dedicate days, months or years of your life to it, depending on how quickly you intend to improve the knowledge and skills needed.

Not Give Up Step 5
Not Give Up Step 5

Step 5. Take baby steps

Be realistic in calculating how you can incorporate the time it takes to develop the desired qualities into your life. Dedicating every second of your free time to reaching your milestone could mean neglecting your family or putting yourself under excessive stress - sometimes resulting in you drifting away from the result. So take small steps and proceed with a solid linearity towards the goal, sharing your goals with the people around you.

Not Give Up Step 6
Not Give Up Step 6

Step 6. Manage your stress

Don't go into your own purposes when you feel stressed. Instead, try some relaxing techniques and do activities that will strengthen you. Find some time to dedicate to yourself and learn to develop your patience - a vital skill for anyone looking to hit their target.

Not Give Up Step 7
Not Give Up Step 7

Step 7. Find someone to support you or turn into your biggest fan

Realize that success doesn't come easily - for most people it's the result of hard work. When we are working on a goal, being able to count on someone's support is really very useful. Share your projects with those friends who know how to support and encourage you and be cautious about surrounding yourself with people who are ready to tell you what you can't do. If none of your loved ones seem to believe in you, do some research on "tapping" and EMDR, one of its advanced versions: it is an effective self-empowerment exercise that can clean up and develop your channels. natural energies and allowing you to tap into your inner strength - it will help you stay in the saddle and on your way to the finish line.


  • Repeat the phrase "Don't give up" to yourself at least 10 times. Some find it very helpful to get the reps up to 100.
  • Don't worry about what others think. You are as unique as any other human being, do not allow anyone to discredit or discourage you.
  • Analyze what the consequences of your surrender would be, then think about what would happen if you decided not to give up.
  • Listen to music that inspires you.
  • Focus on the positives and not the negatives.
  • Ask yourself this question: "Why am I giving up?". Be specific in answering yourself. Put your words in writing.
  • Give yourself a pep talk, talk to yourself using motivating and positive tones and expressions.
  • Take deep breaths.
  • Seek inspiration by thinking of all those who love and support you and find the strength not to give up.
  • Think of all those who despite having greater problems than yours have the strength to continue believing and trying.
