Have you ever had a dream that turns into a nightmare? Even though you know you are sleeping, sometimes not being able to change the dream events makes you feel trapped. A lot of people have dreams of this kind; however, if they are too recurrent and if they scare you, it is important to know how to wake up as soon as possible.

Step 1. Try to realize that you are dreaming
It is much more difficult to wake up if you think the dream facts are real. Try to spot the things that might not happen in real life, or the weird aspects. In fact, when you have lucid dreams, you can also change the course of events and turn a nightmare into a good dream, without any consequences. Sometimes, even if you realize you are sleeping, it can be difficult to wake up. Don't try to wave your arms to wake yourself up as the odds are that you will go into a half-sleep state and assume weird positions that could scare other people in the room.

Step 2. Try to manipulate your nightmare
Some people do better than others; if it is difficult for you, there is no problem. It takes a lot of practice to master this skill. The moment you understand that you are dreaming, and if you want to continue sleeping, you can change events and chase away the fearful elements of the nightmare. Keep thinking about what you want to happen. For example, if you were having a bad dream in which your dog is killed, keep repeating "My dog will bite the attacker and run into my arms". If you think hard, this should happen immediately.

Step 3. Wake up if you can't change the dream
If you're having a nightmare where your house catches fire and you can't put it out, it's time to leave. You should have noticed that when you try to scream in dreams, what comes out is just a soundless whisper. This happens because your mouth is actually closed and you are not really using your vocal cords, or air. Think 'Now I'm calling someone to help me.' Some people have the feeling that their brain responds with a no. Keep telling your brain that you will, in fact, seek help until the feeling subsides - which usually happens after two or three times. Then, try saying something; you will notice that you will struggle more than usual because you are really using your vocal cords. This time, a sound should come out of your mouth, and you should wake up and realize it was just a dream.

Step 4. Try waking up again
If you still can't wake up, and if the fire is getting closer and closer, it's time to move on to Plan B. Have you ever noticed that you don't blink in dreams? In reality it is a very simple action that can be very useful in dreams. While you sleep, close your eyes and when you open them again, they will also be open in reality and therefore you will be awake. If you don't succeed on the first try, close your eyes for a few seconds, then slowly reopen them.

Step 5. Try to shake yourself
During the dream, shake your body so that it affects you in reality. If you have nightmares often, sleep in a position that allows you to 'kick' your legs in the dream, and hopefully you will wake up.
- If you dream that you are dying, you should wake up automatically just before you die.
- Manipulating a nightmare is very difficult, but it's a good skill if you're tired of waking up all the time.
- The step where you have to blink is generally simpler than the vocal one; for the first time, just follow that step.