How to Keep a Prayer Journal: 5 Steps

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How to Keep a Prayer Journal: 5 Steps
How to Keep a Prayer Journal: 5 Steps

There are many ways to turn to God through prayer and also some things to avoid. One method of praying is to write a journal (something that looks like a collection of prayers). You will be surprised how God will respond to your requests as you keep track of them.


Make A Prayer Journal Step 01
Make A Prayer Journal Step 01

Step 1. Get a diary

Any notebook will do as long as there are free pages and no other writing inside. It could be a notebook or a diary. It doesn't matter, the key thing is that it has a good number of free pages, at least 70, so it will last for some time.

Make A Prayer Journal Step 02
Make A Prayer Journal Step 02

Step 2. Find a hiding place

You will write your prayers in the journal and also personal things that you do not want others to know. You shouldn't tell anyone where you hide the diary. Better yet: no one has to be aware of its existence. It's hard to find something you're not looking for.

Make A Prayer Journal Step 03
Make A Prayer Journal Step 03

Step 3. Write your notes

No matter how you write them, just do it. Make sure you put the date. In the future you will need to know when you have written your prayers. When you write, do not leave anything out, say your prayer as it is born in your head. Write just as if you were talking to Him. Talk to God.

Make A Prayer Journal Step 04
Make A Prayer Journal Step 04

Step 4. Review your notes

Once you've written down your thoughts, don't go back to reading them until the journal is finished. At this point you can go back through the pages and look at your words again. You will be surprised when you realize that all your requests have been fulfilled. It is a wonderful thing to realize that prayer works. When God answers your questions, sometimes you notice it, sometimes you don't because the answer is a little different from what you expect.

Make A Prayer Journal Step 05
Make A Prayer Journal Step 05

Step 5. Consider writing down the names of the people you think about during prayers and especially the reasons for your requests, so you will understand that you can also write to intercede on behalf of others

Write praising the Lord including a blessing for these people as well, not just you, as you want all of you to receive what you ask for in your prayers.


  • Make the effort to write every day. God deserves your full attention and a full relationship. The only way to build a relationship is through continuous commitment.
  • Remember to hide the diary. Don't leave anything out when you write, it doesn't matter if it's something embarrassing, God wants to hear everything you have to tell him. Don't let people read the diary, it's a private thing between you and God.
  • If you don't know what to write, regularly write down a canonical prayer.
  • Periodically (once a month or every three) go back to your journal to see if your prayers have been answered.
  • Do not repeat the same words over and over, praying for a long time in a meticulous manner. "Behold, the hand of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too hard to hear" (Isaiah 59: 1). So, have faith that God hears and knows, just as Jesus recommends:

    "And in praying, do not use excessive rumors as the pagans do, who think they will be heard by the multitude of their words. Therefore, do not resemble them, since your Father knows the things you need, before you ask him." (Matthew 6: 8).

  • If you accuse a "writer's block" simply quote a passage from the Bible, study and process it until you find inspiration.
  • If any of your family members find the diary (since you don't want them to know your secrets), politely tell them not to read it and not to tell anyone else about the diary's existence. Tell them that this is a very special thing and that you would appreciate your writing remaining a private matter between you and God.
  • Formulate some of the prayers in the form of praise and remember to glorify God the way you live.
  • Pray sincerely and avoid compromising your success in life by yourself by remaining in the grace of the Lord. Keep having faith, don't despair.


  • Even if you don't mind other people reading the journal, hide it anyway.

    "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and at the chants of the squares to be seen by men. I tell you the truth that this is their reward. But you. When you pray, go into your little room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. " (Matthew 6: 5-7)

    God doesn't want you to show off your prayers, so don't brag about it.

  • Don't let anyone find your diary, unless you don't mind it being read.
