Do you want to make a good impression on a professor? Or do you just want the school year to go smoothly? Whatever your reason for becoming a model student, there are several ways to improve. Doing well in school doesn't just mean getting good grades, but also being a good person and showing the teacher that you take their lessons seriously.
Method 1 of 3: Getting the Most out of Learning

Step 1. Prepare your brain and body for learning
You will learn better and will have no difficulty in school if the body is ready to assimilate! There are several methods you can try to do this. Here are some of them:
- Get enough sleep. You will need a good amount of sleep for the brain to work at its maximum potential. You should feel awake for most of the day. If your eyes close at lunchtime, you're not getting enough sleep. For most people, eight hours of rest are needed.
- Your body can't function right if you eat chips, candy, and burgers. To be more efficient, prefer vegetables (like broccoli), fruits, and lean proteins (like chicken and fish).
- Drink lots of water. The brain needs it to work properly. In fact, water is necessary for the whole body for it to function. Consume several glasses a day, but remember that some need to drink more than others. If the urine is dark, take more.

Step 2. Learn in a way that works for you
Everyone assimilates in different ways, meaning everyone has a personal learning style. Find one that works for you and try to learn as much as possible that way. This allows you to exercise more control when studying at home, but you can also talk to the teacher to change teaching techniques and include more variety for different styles.
- For example, have you noticed that it is really easy for you to remember graphics or images? This means that you learn visually, i.e. you should use more photos and tables in order to better absorb the concepts. For example, you could make an outline of the parts of speech.
- Maybe you noticed that it is easier to study with low volume background music, or you don't remember what the professor wrote on the blackboard, but in your mind you can "hear" what he said, as if he were repeating it in front of you. This indicates that you learn audibly, or that you assimilate better by listening. For example, you could record lectures and listen to them again while doing homework or studying.
- You may have realized that, during a lesson, despite your desire to pay attention, the urgent need to get up or move gets the better of you. Maybe you walk around the room while you study. This means that you learn kinesthetically, meaning that learning is more efficient when you do something concrete with the body. Try playing with a piece of clay while the teacher explains.

Step 3. Pay attention
The trick to improving grades and learning a lot is to listen carefully to the teacher. If you get distracted, you will miss important information on the way and it will be more difficult to follow the thread, both in class and when you study later.
If you have trouble staying focused while the teacher explains, try sitting up front and attending class more often. Raise your hand and ask questions when you don't understand a topic or the teacher says something interesting and you want to know more

Step 4. Learn to take notes
It can be a difficult skill to acquire (or at least put it to good use), but it will make learning and studying a lot easier. This means that the votes will go up and the results in general will be positive. Just remember that you don't have to write down every single word the professor says. Just write down the main concepts and everything that is obviously difficult to find in your memory.

Step 5. Do your homework in a timely and accurate manner
As much as you have trouble, completing them on time will help you make a favorable impression and earn higher grades. Despite your struggles, you still have to give your all while doing your homework. When you don't understand them, ask someone to help you. The teacher may recommend a tutor or help you personally.
- Allow for all the time you actually need to complete the tasks. This may mean watching less television or seeing your friends less often, but it will be worth it in the end.
- Creating a supportive environment for homework will help you complete it successfully. Go to a quiet place, free of distractions. If you can study in the library, go ahead. Can't you leave the house and live with noisy people? Give it a try in the bathroom.

Step 6. Look for less conventional ways to learn
Studying concepts that weren't covered in class can help you understand the topics much better and make a great impression on professors. Assimilating information following your interests is also useful for maintaining concentration in class. Try new ways to learn more about all the subjects in the curriculum and you will soon realize two things: school is more exciting than you thought and you can get better.
- For example, if you study American history, you can watch documentaries online and learn more about the era.
- You can learn more by reading books from the library, but also online you will find a lot of information. While Wikipedia isn't always accurate, it's usually done quite well. You can also find documentaries and instructional videos on YouTube, such as those from the popular Crash Course and TedTalks channels.
- Study even when the school is closed. Keep learning in the summer and on weekends. Start preparing for the next school year as soon as you learn about the subject schedules. In the summer, start reviewing the concepts of the past year by organizing three or four study sessions lasting two or three hours. You'll make sure you're ready for school to begin.

Step 7. Study in time
One of the most effective ways to get good grades on classwork and questioning is to start preparing as soon as possible. What is certain is that you shouldn't wait until the end. The harder a test is, the sooner you should start studying. Usually, it is enough to start two or three weeks in advance.
Take note of the questions that may be on the test and start highlighting the key points. Try to wake up earlier on the day of the exam and review the notes you made while studying. This can be very helpful in helping you understand details that you may have missed previously. The harder the exam, the sooner you should start studying. Two or three weeks is usually a great place to start
Method 2 of 3: Be a Good Person

Step 1. Make others feel good, don't offend them
Being a model student isn't just about getting good grades. You should also strive to be a good person. Don't be a bully - that's not how you'll become top of the class. Make sure you create a positive environment with various compliments and appreciation. Don't be obnoxious with people, avoid teasing and insults.

Step 2. Help everyone
To be a good person, give people a hand when you can. If you know how to do something or know an easier way to do it, show it. Don't put on airs and avoid being dismissive - you should be kind and friendly. You can also do small acts of courtesy, such as holding the door open for someone or helping carry a heavy envelope.
For example, if a classmate has been away for a few days, offer to pass them homework and notes

Step 3. Respect people, even when they don't deserve it
As much as there are people who dislike you, you should still be respectful. Don't scream when you talk to them and don't physically hurt them. Don't offend them or walk past them while in line just out of spite. Just ignore them and act like everyone else.
Respect people by not interrupting when they talk and, if they want, giving them the chance to express themselves. Value their opinions, don't worry if they see it differently from you. You should also let them be themselves, don't let them demoralize because they are unique or don't blend in with the crowd

Step 4. Stay calm
When in class, try to always be quiet. Do not run between the desks or interrupt others. You should also avoid stressing yourself out when the going gets tough. In addition to hurting yourself, this could lead to anger at others.
- Try to calm down by breathing slowly. Remind yourself that everything will be fine. You are strong and you can do it!
- Don't worry about getting perfect grades. To be sure, averaging is important in the last three years of high school and college, because it allows you to continue your career smoothly and access more professional opportunities. However, if you don't have any particular ambitions, just focus on studying in and of itself and do your best, without worrying about the numbers. Learning something is more important than a vow for its own sake.

Step 5. Create a pleasant environment
Try to help everyone feel good. Be enthusiastic and optimistic in class. The desire to learn will inspire your peers to give their all. It may even incite the more lazy and less active people to show a modicum of interest.
For example, you could start studying planets for science class. Find a nice picture of your favorite and show it to others. Then, encourage them to look for photos of the celestial bodies that hit them

Step 6. Be yourself
This is of primary importance. You can't become a good person and a model student if you pretend to be someone else. Do what makes you happy. Share what you like. Make friends with people who understand you and make you feel good about yourself. Don't worry about what other people think. The truth is, in 10 years you won't even remember their names. If they don't think you're cool right now, in five or six years that won't matter. What you will remember will be unhappiness, the regret of not having dedicated yourself to your passions.
Method 3 of 3: Satisfy the Professor

Step 1. Be respectful
If you want the teacher to be proud of you, showing respect is rule number one, especially if other students don't. You will emerge and quickly become his favorite. Here's what you could do:
- Don't interrupt. Don't pass notes, talk to your friends, make jokes, or move too much when the teacher explains.
- Be on time, or better yet, arrive early. Avoid skipping classes.
- Address the professors politely. Name them using the right title and use words like "Thank you" and "You're welcome". Do it seriously, don't give the idea that you are making fun of them.

Step 2. Ask questions
Professors like active students. The reasons are different. First, this suggests that you pay attention. Secondly, it suggests that you find the lesson and the subject interesting (although this is not the case). Finally, it makes them feel valued and useful. And everyone likes to experience these sensations. Intervene by asking questions, when you have them, and you will see that you will enter the good graces of the teacher.
- For example, if the professor explains Avogadro's number, ask him how he memorized it.
- However, keep in mind that no senseless questions should be asked. You don't have to do much to do it. Eventually, this attitude annoys the professors and they will think you are just looking for attention.
- Avoid asking personal questions or asking things that are only important to you. You can ask about homework or about things you don't understand.

Step 3. Get help
Maybe you think you'll get in trouble and make a fool of yourself. Nothing more false. This attitude actually makes you look more mature, and the teacher will be happy to help out. If you ask questions, he realizes that you study hard and that his teachings are not in vain (in fact, he can think about them and improve them). He will be proud because you took the initiative and stepped forward in time of need.
- For example, a math test will be held in a few weeks and you know you don't quite understand how to divide fractions. Ask the teacher if you can review them together again and do two or three problems until you have acquired them.
- Ask it something like this: "Professor, I'm having a lot of problems with my homework. The Saxon genitive seems really difficult to me. Can I go to your office during office hours to review it together? Maybe you can explain it to me in a different way."

Step 4. Try to be a thoughtful student
Try to be a student who not only stays out of trouble but makes the class a more welcoming place. It's not just about avoiding arguments and rages in the classroom, but also about being someone who helps solve problems when they arise. For instance:
- Remind others (without being overbearing or rude) to respect the rules of the class.
- If an argument breaks out, go immediately to find the nearest teacher, or arrange to calm things down, or whatever action is most appropriate for the situation.
- Help the teacher with activities such as distributing documents, materials, photocopying, helping students who do not understand or whatever is most appropriate for the situation.
- You help classmates who are having problems. If your mate is visibly upset, you try to help him. Open the door to the teacher if his hands are full and avoid talking behind your classmates.

Step 5. Don't get left behind
Do your homework on time. Get study guides and ask for help at least two weeks before a test, not when there are only two or three days left. Take notes. The professor will be impressed if he realizes that you study hard, even though you are not the best in his subject or do not get the highest grades.
- Do not be shy. When a professor asks you a question, take the ball and answer confidently, even if he is not sure of what you are going to say. The teacher will notice your self-esteem and you will be closer and closer to your final goal, which is to become the top of the class.
- Always try to be organized. Sort the sheets in folders or binders. It's easier to retrieve everything and remember where you left off the study materials you need at any given time.
- Once at home, reread the notes taken in class and review the exercises. This will help you better understand what was covered in class and fix important details.
- If possible, review your notes the night before a certain class. This allows you to focus on the details in the classroom and also gives you a way to contribute.
- Study at least a little each afternoon, so when the date for an exam arrives, you will be ready and will just have to brush up on the small hours.
- Remember that there is nothing wrong with friendly competition. If there are other students who aspire to be top of the class, draw energy from their motivation. But be careful not to confuse competition with rudeness.
- Once you have achieved what you wanted (for example, getting the highest grade in the whole class on a certain assignment), don't forget to reward yourself for the effort you put into preparing for the test.
- Focus on your goals and ignore people who make fun of you. You shouldn't be ashamed of wanting to do well in school.
- Don't try to act like a clown in front of your friends to make them laugh, as you will ridicule yourself and disturb people who are trying to learn.
- When you study, rewrite your notes and reread them to fix them in your memory. Repeat them constantly, adding them to any new concepts you learn. The day before the test, all you have to do is review them.
- Be patient, grades don't change overnight.
- Remember that many professors value both performance and commitment.
- Don't overload yourself with work.