Becoming an early riser can be difficult if you're used to sleeping late and rushing out to work or running errands. With a little planning and understanding the benefits of waking up early, you can transform from a sleepyhead to an early riser and be active early in the morning! One way to do this is to go to bed earlier. It will be easy to do, it just takes a little practice.

Step 1. Don't make drastic changes
Start slowly, waking up only 15-30 minutes earlier than usual. Get used to it for a few days. Then, cut your sleep by another 15 minutes. Do this gradually until you have reached your set time.

Step 2. Make sure you go to bed earlier
You may be used to staying up late, perhaps watching TV or surfing the internet. But, if this habit persists and you try to wake up early anyway, sooner or later a habit will have to give up. And, if your side that gets up early gives up, then you'll find yourself sleeping late again, having to start all over again. It's easier to go to sleep earlier, even if you don't think you can doze off, and read while in bed. If you are really tired, you may fall asleep much sooner than you think.

Step 3. Remove the alarm from the bed
If it is right next to the bed, you will turn it off or press the button to activate the snooze function. Never do that. If it is far from the bed, you have to get up to turn it off. At this moment, you are now out of bed. Now you just have to stay standing.

Step 4. Turn on the light
Even the sleepiest of people can fully wake up with a little light.

Step 5. Get out of the bedroom as soon as you turn off the alarm
Don't allow yourself to be persuaded to go back to bed. Force yourself out of the room. Get into the habit of jumping into the bathroom right away and getting ready. Once you have done this, you have emptied your bladder, washed your hands and checked your coffee cup, you will be awake enough to face the day.

Step 6. Don't rationalize
If you allow your brain to persuade you to get up early, you will never make it. Make sure that going back to bed doesn't become an option.

Step 7. Have a good reason
Make up your mind to do something important early in the morning. This reason will motivate you to get up. Writing early in the morning when no one else will bother you is a big motivator. It's also a good time to check all emails received late the night before from people who are still snoring!

Step 8. Reward yourself for waking up early
Sure, at first it might seem like it's forcing you to do something hard, but if you make it enjoyable, you'll soon be looking forward to waking up early. A good reward is to brew a hot cup of coffee or tea and read a book. Another reward could be eating or drinking something delicious for breakfast, such as a smoothie, watching the sunrise, or meditating. Find something that is enjoyable for you, and allow yourself to indulge in it by setting up a morning routine.

Step 9. Take advantage of all that extra time
Don't wake up an hour or two early just to read the blogs you follow, unless it's essential for you. Don't wake up early and then waste the extra time. Get your day off to a great start! It can be an excellent time to prepare the kids' lunch in advance, plan the rest of the day, exercise, or meditate and catch up on your readings. By the time the hands hit 6:30, you will have done more than many people do throughout the day.

Step 10. Say hello to the day
Create a morning ritual that includes thanks for what you have. The Dalai Lama said, “Every day when I wake up, think 'Today I am lucky to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I will not waste it. I will use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart among people, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all living beings, I will have kind thoughts towards them, I will not get angry or think bad of others, I will grant as much as possible of the benefits to the people '”. This will encourage you to wake up early every day, whatever you need to do.
The benefits of waking up early include:
- A beautiful start. You no longer have to jump out of bed, late as usual, and rush to get yourself and the kids ready, to quickly drop them off at school and arrive late for work. Start with a revitalizing morning ritual, trying to get a good chunk of homework done before 8am. By the time you get to work, you've already had a great start, and so are your kids. There is no better way to start the day than to wake up early!
- Calm. Children do not scream or cry, you do not hear the sound of soccer balls, cars or television. The early hours of the morning are so peaceful, so quiet. It is easy to discover that this is your favorite moment of the day, an interval of peace, to dedicate to yourself, when you can think, read, breathe.
- Sunrise. People who get up late miss out on one of nature's greatest gifts, which is offered in its entirety every day, which is the sunrise. Observe how the sky slowly lights up, when the midnight blue turns to light blue, when the bright colors begin to filter into the sky, when nature is painted in incredible colors. If you like to run early in the morning, look up at the sky while jogging and tell the world "What a wonderful day!".
- Breakfast. If you get up early, you will actually have time for breakfast, the most important meal of the day. Without it, your body will trudge until you are very hungry at lunchtime, and you will eat whatever it finds, even the least healthy. In fact, it would be better if it is as fatty and full of sugar as possible. By consuming breakfast instead, you will be full until late. Plus, eating while reading a book and sipping coffee in the silence of the morning is hugely more satisfying than gulping down something on the way to work or after sitting in front of your desk.
- Exercise. Of course, there are other times to exercise for the rest of the day, but you may find that while exercising right after work is enjoyable, it's also annoying to have to cancel due to other commitments that arise. Morning exercise is virtually impossible to postpone.
- Productivity. Morning is the most productive time of the day for many people. There are no distractions and you can get more done by starting them early. Then, when the evening comes and you no longer have to dedicate yourself to any work, you can be with your family.
- Time for the goals. Do you have any purposes? Well, you should. And there's no better time to review, plan, and get them done early in the morning. You should have a goal that you want to achieve this week. And, every morning, you should decide what to do on that given day to get even closer to the finish line. If possible, take care of this activity right away in the morning.
- Transportation. Nobody likes rush hour, except at gas stations. Leave home early, when traffic is much lighter, and you'll get to work faster, saving you more time. Or, better yet, get around by bike (or, better yet, work from home).
- Appointments. It's much easier to get to your meetings early if you get up early. Arriving late does not allow you to make a good impression on the person who is waiting for you. Showing up early will make a good impression on her. Plus, you have time to prepare.
- Do not put the alarm in a place where you might fall while you go to turn it off. Keep in mind it's dark!
- Don't get up too early and don't make any drastic changes to your schedule.