Would you like to enter one of the best institutes, but can you enter only through a compulsory competition? Here is a guide on how to prepare for competitions to be the best and pass them. Everyone, including parents, teachers, friends, tutors and relatives, always gives the same advice, but the truth is that they are very complex. This guide will help you not only in the preparation but also in passing the various competitions.

Step 1. Sign up for a great preparation course
While self-preparation is the best solution for any type of exam, for a deeper understanding, preparation courses provide the big picture you need to prepare. However, even choosing a great preparation course could be a source of headaches. Here are some valuable tips to consider before choosing one:
- What is the qualification of the faculty and of the proposed teaching? Take a trial class to understand the teaching style and whether the teacher programs are qualified.
- Talk to students attending the course to learn more about tutor schedules, simulations, test discussions, study materials, and payment issues.
- Check the previous results, the finishers of the preparation course and the actual authenticity.

Step 2. Find out about the exam procedure
Do your research on the program to better understand the grading pattern in various subjects and topics. Focus more on the most important concepts and review them in advance to deepen them and to clarify all doubts in time.
- Underline the necessary information and the most used words and highlight if they are important.
- In a separate notebook write formulas, equations and concepts.

Step 3. Meditate and stay calm
To understand all the concepts and topics, you need to stay calm and focused. Don't panic if you still have a lot of studying to do in a short time. Recognize the importance of meditation. If you spend half an hour a day meditating you will see that what you would have studied in 4 hours will be completed in half the expected time.
Take a two to five minute break every 45 minutes of study. A scientific study has shown that ours while assimilating information in the first 45 minutes. After that he begins to get confused

Step 4. Exercise and eat healthy food
Don't underestimate your health as you try to prepare for even the toughest questions. Healty mind in healty body. Then, exercise in the morning and stretch during the various breaks. Follow a healthy diet that energizes your mind and always keeps it fresh. Consider the following steps:
- Exercise for your hands, back and eyes, as these are important parts of your body that tend to get tired the most during your study.
- Avoid junk food. These kinds of foods have been shown to slow down the mind's reaction speed and critical thinking.
- Eat almonds in the morning, as they help improve memory.
- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to get essential nutritional values.

Step 5. Discipline and planned program
Discipline is very important when preparing for competitions. Make a schedule of times to follow regularly. There is no point in biting your head to make a study program and then not follow it. While preparing for competitions, it is reasonable to be tempted by other activities aside from studying. Follow these tips:
- Take a five-minute break after 45 minutes of studying to avoid getting tired and to regain the energy needed to continue studying.
- Don't make a schedule that you should study all day. Set aside time to relax and rest. During the break, however, avoid watching television or playing video games.
- Instead, try to do fun activities, such as playing outside or at home, a walk or to indulge in a pastime that keeps your mind busy and always active.

Step 6. Always be motivated and organized
You must have the right motivation to pass the competitions, a very important one for you. External incentives only work in the short term, that's why you need to know why you want to excel and pass these contests. Be motivated all the time to have enthusiasm and desire to study.

Step 7. SWOT analysis
Have you ever heard of SWOT analysis? It consists in the analysis of the strengths, weaknesses (Weaknesses), opportunities (Opportunities) and threats (Threats). This means that you must first budget for these four variables. The variables of strengths and weaknesses are inside you, while opportunities and threats are outside, that is, what surrounds you. Here's what to do:
- Find out what your strength is, stay focused on it and use it in the best way to help you prepare for competitions.
- Find out your weaknesses, to understand what you need to work on. You may have bad writing, be slow to write, or have trouble concentrating. Work on your weaknesses to make sure they don't get in your way while you're preparing or running a contest.
- Recognize your opportunities. Make a list of the factors that could best help you prepare for contests and the things you could do after passing them. This way you will be more motivated to do your best.
- Remember that there will still be threats. You will also need to budget for things that may hinder you in your preparation and passing the contest.

Step 8. Study and practice every day
Never deviate from your schedule! Strive to follow him every day without fail. Don't think like a relaxed student. This means that you cannot skip a study day to go to the cinema to see a movie or to go out with friends. You can go out and have fun, but never sacrifice a day of study. Plan your time in a way that never compromises your schedule.

Step 9. Study the basics
Always start with the basics and fundamental principles. Start at the basic level. Don't try to jump to the more complicated questions right away. It is true that the basics may not be on the exam, however they will help you understand the subject in a more comprehensive way. Here are some tips:
- Work out a strategy on how to get started with your program. You can't just start studying something. Come up with a specific plan and strategy that will save you time.
- Understand the basics well and have your teachers and tutors explain them. This will lay the groundwork for future study.

Step 10. Time Management
This is the key to success. If you know how to manage your time, you are halfway there, because it is one of the most important aspects of preparation. This applies not only to the preparation but also to the execution of the exam itself. Time is the only thing you have available that you cannot get back. Every second past is a lost second. So spend your time very carefully. People say time is money. In reality, time is even more precious than that. You may get your money back once it is lost, but not the time. Keep these things in mind:
- DON'T waste your time. Sometimes, while you are thinking about the solution of a problem, it may happen that you wander with the thought. Do not do it.
- Five-minute break must only be five minutes. Don't let them become sixty.
- While taking the exam, allocate a time frame to each question based on the time available. Don't waste time looking for pens, pencils or erasers. Keep everything close at hand.
- Keep a watch on your counter instead of putting it on your wrist. It is easier to move your eyes to the counter than to look at your wrist, distracting you.
- Just pay attention to your exam. As much as you can be friends with someone who is sitting in front of you or behind you, they will have to deal with it alone. That contest is critical to your life, so value it right.

Step 11. Finally, most importantly, review everything you studied a few days before the exam and try to get a good night's sleep

Step 12. Good luck
- Never lose hope.
- Always have faith in yourself. It will work!