How to Make a Music Video (with Pictures)

How to Make a Music Video (with Pictures)
How to Make a Music Video (with Pictures)

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Thanks to recent advances in computer and video technology, it has become easier than ever to create home music videos. Like any art production, creating a music video can be rewarding, frustrating, fun, difficult, exhausting, and exciting - often all at once. The limitations on your video are imposed solely by your imagination and budget. In this article, we'll explore the basics of the technical and creative process to go through to create a music video, whether it's a humble one-shot video recorded with a webcam or a more complex production.


Part 1 of 5: Developing the Concept

Make a Music Video Step 1
Make a Music Video Step 1

Step 1. Think about your budget

Great music videos don't have to be expensive or complex. Some of the most creative and memorable videos in history are simple and inexpensive productions. Others are multimillion-dollar businesses. Knowing how much money you have before you start can help you stay within your limit.

Make a Music Video Step 2
Make a Music Video Step 2

Step 2. Keep a notebook

Nothing expensive, digital or fancy is needed. All you need is something to write your thoughts, take notes and draw scenes. Bring your notebook, pencils, and an eraser or two with you, and never abandon it throughout your production. You may have ideas when you least expect it.

Make a Music Video Step 3
Make a Music Video Step 3

Step 3. Talk to the artist or band

They may have some ideas about the video. Some of them will be good. Some will be exceptional. Others will require a cast of a thousand, state-of-the-art computer graphics and a world-renowned director. If you have the budget for such a production there is no limit to what you can do, but you will have to decide whether to include the artist's ideas in your video. Keep a realistic approach - evaluate ideas based on their feasibility.

If you are a member of the band that composed the song accompanying the video, you are in a position that presents unique benefits and challenges. You will have first-hand access to the creative process of the band. On the other hand, creating a video can be stressful. Your personal and creative relationships may be affected - be careful

Make a Music Video Step 4
Make a Music Video Step 4

Step 4. Before making any plans, listen to the song

Do nothing before you have listened to it. Do this many times. Listen to it with the artist or the band. Even if you know the song by heart, try to listen to it as if it were the first time. How does it feel? Does it make you want to dance, cry, act stupid or go to a bar? Or it leaves you with a combination of weird feelings. Write them down.

To get the most out of your listening, try playing the song on professional equipment

Make a Music Video Step 5
Make a Music Video Step 5

Step 5. Refine your ideas

Once you have an idea about the emotional center of the song, come up with ideas for your video. It will be very helpful at this stage to consult with your technical staff - they will know what is easy to film and what is not.

  • Music video ideas can be straightforward without being ineffective. An idea for a country song, for example, like "following a man driving on the freeway and meeting people at small town grocery stores and roadside gas stations in situations that reflect the lyrics" can be great if done well..
  • Adding small specific details can make your video memorable or even iconic. The following notes give much more personality to the video than the vague description above: "The main character, driving a '57 Chevrolet convertible, drives on a straight highway west; factor in a food on the road in verse 1, soldier on a Hummer in a gas station during verse 2, beautiful girl in verse 3 (cameo of a star?) Gets in the car with our hero and the two drive off together as the song ends. embarrassed in every scene: gets dirty with sauce in scene 1, hits the Hummer with his Porsche or spills gasoline on expensive shoes in scene 2; clumsily tries to get the girl in scene 3."
  • Weird and abstract ideas can give rise to great music videos. The images don't necessarily have to closely reflect the lyrics - creating a strong contrast between the video and the song can give great results. Some videos are even bizarre or nonsense. Don't be afraid to confuse or surprise viewers if you think it's the best choice. It's a great way to be unconventional.
Make a Music Video Step 6
Make a Music Video Step 6

Step 6. Find the suitable location

Before you start filming, you'll need to know exactly where to shoot. In some cases the video concept may require traveling to a distant location or building a bespoke set. Country video, for example, can be easy to shoot if you live in a rural area, less so if you live in a big city.

  • Talk to the owners or managers of the locations you have chosen. Make sure they give permission to shoot. If you're lucky, they might be willing to be featured on the video.
  • It is a good idea to notify the neighborhood of the shoot in time. If you don't, people may be confused or annoyed. Know the local noise regulations so that you are prepared for complaints to the police.
Make a Music Video Step 7
Make a Music Video Step 7

Step 7. Create a storyboard

One of the most effective video planning tools is the storyboard. These are sketches of each scene that you can consult to direct the video's actions.

  • Music videos often employ special film choices or visual effects to create a unique experience. If you decide to incorporate any of these elements into your video, be sure to include it in the storyboard as well.
  • Storyboards don't have to be very detailed. They will have to describe in a simple way the position of the actors and objects in each scene, but they can also be much more detailed, containing information on shots, expressions, camera movements, etc. If you can't even draw a straight line, don't worry; create a textual storyboard. If you know what's going to happen in each scene, and you can communicate it to the crew, you won't have a problem.
  • Try to divide the video into "scenes" that represent your vision. You will be able to minimize the time of filming if you shoot all the films that take place in one location on a single occasion (even if not in chronological order). Plan your shots so that you travel as efficiently as possible.

Part 2 of 5: Finding the Cast for the Filming

Make a Music Video Step 8
Make a Music Video Step 8

Step 1. Find the crew

Depending on the scale of your production, you may be able to rely solely on yourself and the actors, or you may need a larger crew. Here are some positions you might consider based on the work needed:

  • Director. It will likely be the role you play. You will manage all the different parts of the shoot, from explaining your vision to the cast and crew, to mediating disputes between the sound engineer and the cinematographer, to taking care of gasoline in the cars and availability of locations. You will be the boss, but you will also be primarily responsible for the success of the project.
  • Video operator. The videographer will be responsible for shooting the scene with one or more cameras. You will define the shot, but this professional will basically take care of the shot, make sure the lighting is correct and let the engineer know when the explosion will arrive.
  • Photography director. Someone has to make sure all the lights are on, the actors are visible, and everything is perfect for the shoot.
  • Sound engineer. On a film set, this is the person in charge of positioning the microphones. In a video, which often does not contain dialogue, it will be the person who plays the song to give the actors a point of reference. While he presses "Stop" and "Play" he will also take care of the food and other small jobs.
  • Assistant. This is the good soul who will have to move all the cables, lights, equipment, props and everything else needed for the shoot. It is much easier to shoot when someone is in charge of the labor and leaves you free to worry about the final result.
  • Wardrobe. Depending on the budget, you could just give the actors directions ("wear jeans and a tight top"), or create costumes. Whichever route you choose, if costume changes are needed, make sure that one person can coordinate operations between scenes and that the actors have a minimum of privacy to change.
  • Props clerk. Again, you can fill this role, but someone has to find the vehicles to use and the items the actors need - everything they need to hold and are not part of the location.
  • Continuity officer. Unless you decide to shoot the entire video from start to finish in one take, you will need someone to make sure people start the scene where they finished the previous one. This is this person's job. He will take note of the positions, usually with the help of a camera. He'll make sure the mustard stain on the manager's suit in the first scene is still there three days later for the last take.
Make a Music Video Step 9
Make a Music Video Step 9

Step 2. Find the right cast of actors

Write a list of all the characters in the video. Your video may or may not include images of the band playing - if they are present, you will need to direct the band members as well. If your video tells a story, write down all the characters, noting their appearance and behavior. Make auditions and choose the most suitable actors for each character. For our hypothetical country video, we will need actors for these roles:

  • The traveler. He will not have to speak, but he will have to look charismatic, confident and suitable for a trip up a country road in a vintage convertible. Jeans. Sun glasses. Shirt?
  • The Factor. An older man, with sunburned skin. An old hat, a pair of jeans and the shirt untucked, with a friendly smile. It will stay on the video for a short time, so it doesn't have to be a pro.
  • The soldier. Young, tall, muscular, with short hair, stronger and more confident than the hero, but also humbler.
  • The gas station. Skinny? Plump? Dirty mechanic's shirt, friendly with a sense of humor, good at judging others.
  • The Manager. Urban, almost beautiful but not good enough. Manicured hair that is ruffling in the heat. Expensive looking wardrobe and car. Socially and physically clumsy, with a look of superiority. Unpleasant at first sight.
  • The girl. Strong and independent woman. Confident of her body and therefore beautiful. Dark hair. Carefree, tanned, good sense of humor and constant smile. He never lets the Manager get nervous, he just amuses himself. Treat the Traveler naturally as an object.

Part 3 of 5: Ciak, Engine, Action

Make a Music Video Step 10
Make a Music Video Step 10

Step 1. Prepare the internship

Now that the actors are ready and the crew are in place, it's time to prepare the set and shoot the video. Choose a scene. For this example, we have chosen the final scene of the country video. In the scene, the Manager makes a fool of himself, the Traveler helps him, and the Beautiful Girl gets in the car with him.

  • Position the vehicles and all the other props and have the actors put the starting points.
  • Take care of the lighting. Since this is an outdoor camera, if you don't have electric lights you could use a "spotlight" - a large piece of white fabric that reflects sunlight - to reduce shadows and better illuminate the scene. To direct the light most effectively, use more than one reflector, or a mirror. The director of photography, if present, will take care of this work under your supervision.
  • Remember, the main character in a scene will need to be the most enlightened one. Outdoors, always have the main character turn their backs to the sun, unless it is midday. In this way, the spotlights can illuminate the person's face. While there is a lot to do to get efficient lighting, it's worth it if you want high-quality video.
Make a Music Video Step 11
Make a Music Video Step 11

Step 2. Prepare the camera

You may want to shoot the static parts of the scenes with a tripod. A choppy shot can distract the viewer from the video itself. In other cases you may prefer to use a hand-held Steadi-cam for more dynamic scenes, or a free-moving camera for high-energy shooting. If you have the staff and the budget, shooting a scene from multiple angles and with multiple styles will give you more creative options when editing.

Make a Music Video Step 12
Make a Music Video Step 12

Step 3. Get the actors right

If they have to shoot a scene from the beginning, have them place where they need to be. If they enter the scene during filming, have them placed at the point of entry.

Make a Music Video Step 13
Make a Music Video Step 13

Step 4. Play the music

Ask the sound engineer to find the right spot in the song, and get it started early so that people can get in tune with the song. The more advance there is on the music, the better it will be at the beginning. If more takes will be needed, you may need to reduce this time. When the technician is ready and the music plays, he will say "Match!" (An expression that recalls the time when the recordings on the set were made on magnetic tapes driven by motors, which took a few moments to pick up speed) The sound engineer could also leave the song in the video, so as to give a trace of reference to who will take care of the assembly.

Make a Music Video Step 14
Make a Music Video Step 14

Step 5. Lights

Have all the lighting staff take a stand, and have them all turn on.

Make a Music Video Step 15
Make a Music Video Step 15

Step 6. Engine

The videographer will press the record button and start filming.

Make a Music Video Step 16
Make a Music Video Step 16

Step 7. Action

You know what it means - after the command "Action!", the actors will play the scene.

Make a Music Video Step 17
Make a Music Video Step 17

Step 8. Repeat for all scenes in the video

In the end, you'll have lots of takes, lots of angles, great shots, and bad shots. Here the fun begins!

Producing a film is a complex and detailed process that cannot be fully described in one article. Check out our large collection of articles on how to make films for specific advice on the production phase

Part 4 of 5: Post Production

Make a Music Video Step 18
Make a Music Video Step 18

Step 1. Transfer videos to computer

You will generally be able to do this via USB, Firewire or proprietary connections. Whatever the means, you'll have to transfer everything to your computer and save them in a folder.

Make a Music Video Step 19
Make a Music Video Step 19

Step 2. Open the video editing program

You can use Sony Vegas, iMovie, Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, or Avid deluxe suite to edit the video.

Make a Music Video Step 20
Make a Music Video Step 20

Step 3. Use the best footage

Work on the video from start to finish, watching all the shots, looking for the best.

Use the reference audio track on the video to align the music with the pictures, but don't worry about noise or audio issues. This track will not be used in the final video

Make a Music Video Step 21
Make a Music Video Step 21

Step 4. Overlay the song on the images

Once the track is loaded, check if the movie and music are in sync. Unless you're out of luck, they'll likely be synced almost perfectly. Make minor changes to each scene so that everything happens when it should - you will need to be especially careful if there is footage of the band playing.

  • If you are using images of the band playing the song, be prepared to cover up the mistakes. For example, if the guitarist was miming the solo of "Stairway to Heaven" in the video, in a passage of the song where only one note plays, he shows on the video another member of the group, or a different scene.
  • Edit the video without exaggerating. Too much scene changes can confuse the viewer, while footage that is too static can start to look fake. It's usually noticeable when a take doesn't work - use your common sense and don't rush.
Make a Music Video Step 22
Make a Music Video Step 22

Step 5. Add the title and credits if you wish

It used to be standard procedure to stamp the name of the song, artist and record label on the video at the beginning and end of most videos. Today, some artists prefer to eliminate this information and take a more cinematic approach to opening and closing credits. Talk to the cast, crew and band to decide with them.

Part 5 of 5: Learning from the Greats

Make a Music Video Step 23
Make a Music Video Step 23

Step 1. Study the classics

Like any art form, music video creation has its "classics". These videos have influenced future artists and directors. Remember that many of the greatest music videos have been successful for entirely different reasons. Some are innovative, others are extremely effective at presentation, and others are just perfect for music. By learning to understand what made some videos particularly influential, you may have a better perspective on how to make your video unforgettable.

Make a Music Video Step 24
Make a Music Video Step 24

Step 2. Tell a good story

Many of the most beloved music videos of all time tell funny, amazing, tragic or triumphant stories. A high-impact story stays in the viewer's mind for weeks, months, or even years.

  • One of the most famous videos of all time, John Landis' video for Michael Jackson's "Thriller" tells a classic story. The video is also much longer than the song. In this case it worked, but be careful - too much video and too little music can make for a boring combination.
  • Radiohead's video for "Just", directed by Jamie Thraves, also tells a beautiful story, but with a completely different tone. This video uses an excellent cast and an open ending to interpretations to target the stillness of the employee's life - a great combination with Thom Yorke's irreverent lyrics.
Make a Music Video Step 25
Make a Music Video Step 25

Step 3. Create a unique visual style

Music videos give you a great opportunity to showcase innovations and tricks of the trade. Video can be an opportunity to employ abstract images, unique effects or animations to complement the song's audio. The images don't have to "make sense". If they are impactful and accompany the song well, they will leave a good impression.

  • Steve Barron's video for A-ha's hit "Take on Me" features a romantic story that unfolds in a combination of live footage and sketch animation. This stylistic choice perfectly matches the light and cheerful tone of the song and creates an unforgettable visual effect.
  • The video for The White Stripes' "Seven Nation Army" (made by director duo Alex and Martin) employs an optical illusion to give the impression of a single 4-minute shot that is constantly zoomed in. Combined with the lighting choices, this creates a tremendous disorienting effect that gives the video a stunning dark vibe.
  • See also: "Stockholm Syndrome" by Musee "Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits.
Make a Music Video Step 26
Make a Music Video Step 26

Step 4. Play with parodies and imitations

Cultural references are often used in music videos - in some cases, the entire video is a tribute to the material being referenced. With a good sense of humor, the result can be a classic. If the artist appreciates self-irony, even better - people love musicians who are humble enough to fool themselves.

  • Hype William's video for 2Pac and Dr. Dre's "California Love" is a parody of the Mad Max movie series. The parody serves two purposes - besides being funny, it also suggests that early 1990s California is a place. out of the law where only the strongest survive, similar to the post apocalyptic wasteland featured in the Mad Max movies.
  • An even more fun parodic music video is "Sabotage" by the Beastie Boys, directed by Spike Jonze. By having the Beastie Boys interpret exaggerated caricatures of the rude cops depicted on TV in the 1970s, Jonze has created an unforgettable and hilarious video that fits perfectly with the music.
Make a Music Video Step 27
Make a Music Video Step 27

Step 5. Be extravagant

It can be fun to spare no expense. Shoot in an exotic location. Plan colossal choreography. Hire models. A great music video can be pure and simple show.

  • Hype William's video for Jay-Z's "Big Pimpin '" is a classic example of a music video as a show. There are very few narrative elements and no story - it is simply Jay-Z and his friends having fun on a giant yacht, partying in a mansion in the tropics and throwing money at the crowd, all surrounded by beautiful women. As a display of wealth and boasting, it is very effective.
  • Lady Gaga is another artist famous for her complex music videos. Steven Klein's video for his song "Alejandro" depicts a bizarre dystopian setting loaded with sexual and militaristic elements, complete with extremely strange sets and costumes. It is an extravagant production of great impact.
Make a Music Video Step 28
Make a Music Video Step 28

Step 6. Make a simple video

Conversely, many great music videos follow the philosophy of simplicity. Minimalist videos allow the viewer to focus on the action (and its emotional relationship with the music) without any other distractions. Such a video is a great choice for filmmakers on a tight budget.

  • Saam's video for XX's "Islands" uses repeated footage of a short dance for great effect. By making very small changes to the dancers' movements each time the scene repeats, the viewer can see hints of a tragic love story develop. The gradualness of the change makes the final scene even more shocking.
  • OK GO's early videos used creative choreography to create unforgettable visual experiences on a paltry budget. Their video for "Here it Goes Again" (directed by Trish Sie and the band) is a great example of a well done video with almost no expense. The video is made with a single static shot in an undecorated room, and the only props are eight treadmills. Thanks to the strength of the choreography and the impact of the concept, the video was a major viral hit upon its release in 2006.


  • A good strategy for creating a video is to shoot 3 different videos and mix videos from each of them to create a single final video.
  • Always include a copyright notice in the credits to protect copyrights. Look for more information on the internet on this topic if you don't know how.
  • When you're done with the music video, share it! Upload it to a video site like YouTube and share the link with friends and family.

    If you are truly convinced of the quality of your work, share your video with radio stations and music TV channels. These broadcasters may in turn share it on their site or add it to their rotation

  • Make sure the camera is not looking into the sun or another camera - the sun can greatly damage the internal image capture hardware.
  • For YouTube videos, you will need to add the credits in the Additional Details area, or the audio of the video may have mutated and the video removed for copyright infringement!
