Sometimes prancing out of bed and into the bathroom is the most terrifying thing you will do all day. You fumble for the light switch, look in the mirror, and the reflection is chilling enough to suddenly wake you from numbness. While it may be an advantage not to need a cup of coffee to start the day, it would be more pleasant to wake up feeling (and seeing you) beautiful. With some healthy lifestyle habits and the right evening routine, you will look in the mirror saying "Good morning, beauty!", And you will really think so.
Part 1 of 2: Perfecting the Evening Routine

Step 1. Remove makeup with a mild cleanser
At the end of the day, your face has been through a lot. Go with makeup, sun, exposure to dust and dirt… To make sure all of these things don't do any damage overnight (resulting in breakouts), clean your face before bed. Choose a cleanser that is moisturizing and has a soothing smell. It should be gentle and leave a smooth, clean feeling on your face.
- If you find that you are leaving makeup stains (eyeshadow or other) on the pillow, use a light makeup remover as well. The cleaner may not be thorough enough.
- Some women like to cleanse their face even in the morning. If you tend to have oily skin, this may be a good idea. But this product should have a sour smell; cleansers with lemon, orange, mango or pomegranate fragrance can make you feel more energetic.

Step 2. Hydrate
Your skin, especially that of your face, is important. After washing your face, apply a moisturizer to keep it from drying out. An odorless lotion is fine, but a cream made specifically for your skin type is better. And if you're approaching the age when wrinkles are on the horizon, invest in a good night cream. Better start as soon as possible!
In truth, you should hydrate everywhere, every day. Once a week, spread some deeply nourishing lotion or butter on your hands and feet and sleep with socks and mittens on. This intense eight-hour moisturizing session will leave your feet and hands as soft as a baby's ass

Step 3. Brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash regularly
Your teeth are what everyone sees when you smile, so take care of them! Always wash them, morning and evening, to avoid bad breath and have good oral hygiene. Use a good toothpaste, and change your toothbrush every 3 months to make sure it works well and isn't full of bacteria.
If yellow teeth are your problem, a quick and easy (and cheap!) Option is to pour a pinch of baking soda on your toothbrush after brushing your teeth every night and give your enamel another quick swipe. Baking soda is a natural bleaching agent and a pinch of it is enough to erase those stubborn yellow spots

Step 4. Treat your hair well
By turning your head on the pillow for eight hours, your hair can literally get damaged. Since you can hardly avoid the unconscious part of switching positions, pull your hair up in a high bun or slow braid before bed. You will wake up with natural volume and waves!
And when it comes to hair products, every now and then you spend a little more on no-rinse treatments. A couple of times a month or so, apply a long-acting conditioner and leave it on overnight. The extra nutrients will be absorbed into the hair, leaving it shiny and beautiful

Step 5. Make sure you have good general hygiene
If you sweat a lot or sometimes forget your deodorant in the morning, apply one that lasts a long time before going to bed. Even if you forget to put it on the next morning, it could still last the effect of the night before. And that means no deodorant stains on your black shirt in the morning!
In case it needs to be said, make sure you shower regularly. If you exercise regularly, this advice counts twice as much. Use a good body soap and exfoliate your skin regularly
Part 2 of 2: Having Good Habits

Step 1. Drink lots of water
You have surely heard of the wonders that water does: it is good for hair, nails, skin and so on. It can prevent blemishes from appearing and give you the brightness you want. Oh, and it's also very good for internal organs!
8 glasses of water a day is fine, but try drinking even more. It can even help you lose weight! Increase your water intake by one liter and you could lose 2.5kg without even realizing it. Cool water can speed up your metabolism and even calm your appetite

Step 2. Avoid foods and drinks that are bad for the skin
If your dinner was all about nachos, sweets and beer, you know exactly where this is headed. Oily, fatty and sugary foods can cause blemishes. Salty foods and alcohol can cause bloating. For example, you will notice a swollen and congested face in the morning. These foods are not only harmful for aesthetic reasons, but they are also bad for the body! All more reasons to eat healthy.
By drinking plenty of water and avoiding heavy meals before bed, you will be doing your body a great favor. Eat a light dinner, avoid drinking more than one alcoholic beverage, and don't add too much sugar and salt

Step 3. Do yoga
Taking as little as 10 minutes in the morning to do some stretching and yoga helps circulate blood better (giving your face a more natural glow) and get synovial fluid (the fluid that lubricates the joints) working. And it will make you wake up! There's nothing like a nice natural wake up call to boost endorphins for the rest of the day.

Step 4. Meditate
After the sun salutation, take another 10 minutes to do some meditation, clear your mind and increase your positive energy. Smiling can make us more beautiful, so put your mind on a positive track to give yourself that extra edge. It only takes a few minutes dedicated to you to clear your mind and make the rest of the day much easier to deal with.

Step 5. Sleep on your back
Holding the weight of your head (about 4.5kg!) For eight hours can wreak havoc on your face. For this, try to get used to sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your stomach or sideways putting weight on your head, causing lines and swelling to appear on your face.
Silk or satin cushions are a great investment. Plus, the more you use, the better. Soft pillows prevent hair from breaking. Sleeping at a slight angle (i.e. reclining upwards) prevents your face from becoming congested. Gravity helps the lymph and blood to circulate, which prevents fluid build-up

Step 6. And sleep more
Try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night. On two pillows! When we don't sleep enough, our skin also gets tired: it gives way, bags come and loses brightness. Your blood vessels dilate (not good) and you are more stressed all day, which leads to even more problems. So, don't take that risk! Sleep is a real beauty cure, so you should sleep for as many hours as you need: it's free and you'll feel wonderful when you wake up.
Your body actually goes into recovery mode while you sleep, from the brain to the muscles to the skin. New cells are generated. However, sleeping too much isn't good either. Sleep hours should be around seven to nine
- Use a heat shield before straightening your hair to avoid frying it.
- If you are under 16, you shouldn't use whitening strips (they can damage tooth enamel).
- The exfoliator will make the skin soft in the morning (do not use it more than three times a week).
- Trust yourself. If you say "I'm beautiful", really thinking it, you will be convinced.
- You can use sake as a makeup remover. Just pour some on a cotton ball and remove the makeup. It's good for the face and eliminates everything!
- Remember to brush your teeth. That way, they'll look prettier (and whiter) and you won't need whitening strips.
- If you want to get a good night's sleep and feel good and relaxed before bed, have a cup of green tea and listen to relaxing / classical music, such as Vivaldi or reggae.
- Let the lotion and nail polish dry before going to bed.
- Sleep at appropriate times; don't be too late. For a beautiful face and a peaceful day, you need to be content and fully rested. Try to wake up early on the weekend. Being in bed all day is not good for your face, and you will also feel tired and lazy.
- Remember: true beauty comes from within! No amount of hair serum or facial mask will make you shine as much as your self-esteem.
- If you have long hair, braid it before going to bed. They won't be knotted in the morning when you wake up, saving you time.