3 Ways to Become a Catholic Priest

3 Ways to Become a Catholic Priest
3 Ways to Become a Catholic Priest

Table of contents:


Becoming a Catholic priest is an important decision. If you feel God's call and believe that a life of celibacy and devotion to the Lord is the right one for you, then this could truly be a decision you need to make. Here is how to begin your journey in the service of the Lord.


Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Starting the Path

Become a Catholic Priest Step 1
Become a Catholic Priest Step 1

Step 1. Make sure you meet the necessary requirements

At present, for many denominations, a priest must be male and must never have been married. There are some exceptions to both of these rules, but for most dioceses, being a single male is mandatory.

  • A widower can be accepted for the priesthood. However, he must promise not to remarry.
  • There are some very rare cases in which a married man has managed to become a priest. This is a kind of exception that can happen, but usually doesn't happen.
  • The Church must consider deeply rooted homosexual tendencies on an individual basis.
Become a Catholic Priest Step 2
Become a Catholic Priest Step 2

Step 2. Participate in the activities of your parish

Before even considering whether to go to university or seminary, it is a good idea to start your journey by helping with parish activities. Aspiring priests must have been good practicing Catholics for at least 5 years and must have been active in their community for at least 2. In addition to this requirement, it may be useful to learn the procedures of mass, special functions and outside activities.

  • Get to know your favorite priest better. Tell him about your intention to enter the seminary and ask him if you can assist him during services or when he visits sick parish members or when he takes part in community activities.
  • In addition to participating in altar service, offer your contribution by singing and reading. Gaining a thorough understanding of the scriptures and hymns will make everything much easier along the way.
Become a Catholic Priest Step 3
Become a Catholic Priest Step 3

Step 3. Evaluate your beliefs well

Becoming a priest is not a decision to be made lightly - it is a process that takes years to complete and is not suitable for those who are easily discouraged. If you see yourself in any other business, the priesthood may not be for you.

Pray to God so that he can help you clarify your situation. Attend mass regularly, developing a relationship with the clergy of your parish and feeling firsthand the reality you are thinking of dedicating yourself to. Seek advice from a vocation counselor or mentor within the church that you trust

Become a Catholic Priest Step 4
Become a Catholic Priest Step 4

Step 4. Evaluate your options

In addition to becoming a priest, there are other positions in the church that you can pursue to stay connected to God. In addition to deacons and monks, you can also consider the missionary priesthood. Missionary priests focus on intercultural missions, living among the poor and people in difficulty.

Again, it is best to seek the advice of an expert in this category. If you are as involved in the church as you would like, you will have a number of people to turn to to be guided on the right path. Do your research and use your diocese for potential leads

Method 2 of 3: Part 2: Education

Become a Catholic Priest Step 5
Become a Catholic Priest Step 5

Step 1. Go to university

For those who have a five-year degree, the seminary years are reduced to 3. They are in any case 8 total years in one way or another; the decision is up to you. If you decide to attend a secondary education institution (public or private), it is good to earn a degree in a related subject, such as philosophy, theology, or even history.

During college, take part in campus religious initiatives. Use this time to participate in retreats, help other students, and connect with your new parish or diocese. Attending college is by no means a way to avoid responsibilities - it allows you to learn life lessons and is a very practical way to steer you towards your career

Become a Catholic Priest Step 6
Become a Catholic Priest Step 6

Step 2. Apply to enter the seminary

Follow the enrollment process in the seminary through your diocese or your religious order. Usually this process involves a lot of questions about yourself and your desire to pursue the path of the priesthood. Ask your parish where to start.

  • This step can be done after college or high school. If it is done after university, it will be a 4 year course. If it is done after high school, the duration will be 8 years instead. In the 8-year program, you will simultaneously attend university lectures, earning a similar degree. In Europe and North America you will still come out with a Master of Divinity degree.
  • Each school has its own enrollment process. You may need letters of reference, proof of your church membership, a certain grade of maturity, and a declaration of interest, just to name the most basic requests.
Become a Catholic Priest Step 7
Become a Catholic Priest Step 7

Step 3. You excel in the seminar school

In the seminary, you will spend your years studying philosophy, Latin, Greek, Gregorian chants, dogmatic and moral theology, exegesis, canon law and church history, to begin with. You will also spend a year focusing on "spiritual study" - as you can see, it's not all book study!

You will also participate in spiritual retreats, conferences and seminars as an ordinary part of your training. You will be guided into meditation and solitude and given time to hone your skills as a public speaker

Method 3 of 3: Part 3: Post Seminar

Become a Catholic Priest Step 8
Become a Catholic Priest Step 8

Step 1. Make your appointment as a deacon for a period of six months

This can be considered as a kind of mini priesthood or, if you like, a light priesthood. If you are past 8 years of education / seminary, these 180 days are the last stop before enjoying priestly privileges. Get through this period and virtually you will have made it.

This is basically a trial period. It allows you to experience the world you are about to enter. It is the last obstacle to overcome and only those who are truly dedicated to the priesthood can do it. For your information, it is at this time that you must make the promise of celibacy and faithfulness to God

Become a Catholic Priest Step 9
Become a Catholic Priest Step 9

Step 2. Receive your order

The final "test" to determine whether or not you have a vocation to the priesthood is the calling of the bishop. If the bishop does not call you to Holy Orders, this means that you do not have the vocation to become a priest. Unless you give him a good reason not to call you, you should be fine. Make your promise and you're done!

  • The bishop's call is final. If you are not chosen to be a priest or if you leave seminary early, you will be responsible for the cost of your seminar education. A former would-be priest may ask to be exempted from paying for his education depending on the financial situation he is in.
  • Due to the recent scandals, background checks are becoming increasingly stringent. Your criminal record will be checked, and particular attention will be paid to sexual offenses.
Become a Catholic Priest Step 10
Become a Catholic Priest Step 10

Step 3. Get a job as a priest in a particular parish

Once the bishop calls you to Holy Orders, your diocese will assign you a place to begin your service. In some cases, you may be asked to relocate. They will try to settle you in the best possible way.

Once this process is complete, it is all about remaining obedient to God and celibate. This life may not be financially profitable, but your soul will be in seventh heaven


  • Remember the two promises of a Catholic priest: obedience and celibacy. These promises are made by diocesan (secular) priests to their bishop. Religious priests - those who join an order - take a vow of Obedience, Chastity and Poverty.
  • Prayer is absolutely essential to the discernment process. Daily Mass and frequent confession, along with spiritual readings and choosing a favorite saint to ask for help are all very important things.
  • Go to www.gopriest.com and order your free copy of Father Brett A. Brannen's book "Saving a Thousand Souls." It is arguably one of the most powerful books on diligent vocational discernment and it is also completely free!
  • Several things, such as celibacy or sexual abuse scandals, may make you hesitate to deepen your vocation to the priesthood. Know that these fears are shared by many men who have already begun their formation process and can be overcome with prayer. Also remember that sexual abuse represents the actions committed by a few men within the church and is in no way representative of the church in general or of most priests.
  • You may benefit from the Priesthood Formation Program. You can find it here [1].
  • Even if you are not a Catholic, you may feel called to the priesthood. It often happens that a person understands his own vocation and, at the same time, the need to convert.
  • Remember that entering the seminary does not necessarily mean becoming a priest. Many people enter the seminary or novitiate of a religious congregation and find that they do not have a vocation to the priesthood. So even if you are not entirely sure of your vocation (and few are), you can still enter the seminary or the novitiate.
  • The terms "vocation" and "discernment" can be useful: according to the church, "vocation" is a calling. We are all universally called to be saints, but each in a different way - vocations include religious life, priesthood, single life, and marriage. By "discernment" we mean the path, which lasts a lifetime, to discover the will of God through prayer and spiritual guidance. Discernment requires a lot of patience.
