This type of meditation can really help you focus and improve your concentration. It will take some time to get to the right state of mind but once you get it you will be able to improve your life.

Step 1. Sit down or put yourself in a position that allows you to stand still
- For convenience, you can also try the Burmese position: sit with your legs crossed, but don't put them on top of each other (you can alternate them if necessary to find the most comfortable position).
- You can also try the meditation walk - you can maintain awareness by focusing on every step you take. This method is useful if you feel sleepy or your body is uncomfortable in a sitting position.

Step 2. If you choose to sit, place your palms on your knees or thighs
If you are standing, let your arms naturally fall to your sides.

Step 3. Relax

Step 4. Breathe naturally, but deeper than normal

Step 5. Begin to breathe deeply
First inhale, then exhale.

Step 6. Don't think about anything
If a thought enters your mind, acknowledge it, accept it and then clear your mind, then return to your breath.

Step 7. Stop the meditation when you wish
- If you try not to think about anything, you are actually thinking. Instead, let your mind relax.
- You can get into the right frame of mind if you focus on one very simple thing, like a white circle with a black outline. You may also want to focus on the sound of your breath. Listening to the ringing in your ears can also be a great way to start.
- It would be advisable to get direct instruction from a meditation teacher.
- It is also a good idea, when meditating, to surround yourself with religious and / or spiritual symbols, such as a crucifix, a quote from the Bhagavad Gita, a seated Buddha or anything else that is spiritually uplifting. If you know a spiritual quote, you can say it with your heart before starting to meditate.