How to Get Rid of a Cold (with Pictures)

How to Get Rid of a Cold (with Pictures)
How to Get Rid of a Cold (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


A cold is a viral infection that infects the nose and mouth. Even though we don't really need to see a doctor, when we have a cold the normal daily challenges seem to get more difficult. A cold can usually be treated with home remedies, but if it lasts longer than two weeks, it is advisable to see a doctor to make sure it is not attributable to a more serious condition.


Part 1 of 3: Supporting the Struggle of the Immune System

Get Rid of a Cold Step 1
Get Rid of a Cold Step 1

Step 1. Drink more water

Having a fever or a runny nose can force you to lose a significant amount of fluids. Make sure you drink plenty of water so you don't force your body into a double battle: with the cold and with the physical stress that comes with dehydration.

  • Before going to sleep, make a cup of hot water, juice, broth, or lemonade and place it on your nightstand. If you can't sleep, you can sip it to try to relax; in the same way you can drink it during the night, should you wake up feeling thirsty and dehydrated. In this regard, avoid alcohol and coffee, both of which cause dehydration.
  • If you find that you urinate infrequently or that your urine is dark or cloudy, it means that you are most likely dehydrated.
Get Rid of a Cold Step 2
Get Rid of a Cold Step 2

Step 2. Make sure you get extra sleep

Most healthy adults need about 8 hours of sleep per day. If you are battling a cold, however, you are likely to need more sleep.

  • Give yourself permission to take a nap. Sleepiness is a signal transmitted by the body in an attempt to let you know what it needs.
  • A fully rested body is able to better support its immune system and fight colds more effectively.
Get Rid of a Cold Step 3
Get Rid of a Cold Step 3

Step 3. Relieve breathing difficulties with moisture

If you have a cough or a stuffy nose, it is not at all easy to be able to sleep. Try keeping your bedroom air moist by using a cold humidifier or vaporizer. The better the quality of your sleep, the higher your energy levels and your ability to fight the virus.

If you don't have a humidifier or vaporizer, you can make one quickly and cheaply. Place a pot full of hot water on the radiator and let it evaporate slowly overnight

Get Rid of a Cold Step 4
Get Rid of a Cold Step 4

Step 4. Protect yourself from the cold

A few lines of fever cause the temperature of the air around us to appear lower. If you feel so cold that you shiver, it means that you are forcing your body to use different energies that should be dedicated to fighting the cold virus. If you have to go to school or work, bundle up an extra layer of clothes, for example, wearing a second thick sweater. If you have the option to stay in bed, add another blanket.

If you struggle to keep warm, try using a hot water bottle (or a bottle filled with hot water), or sip a hot drink

Get Rid of a Cold Step 5
Get Rid of a Cold Step 5

Step 5. Stay strong with chicken broth

The nutrients and salt will restore your electrolyte levels. Plus, the hot steam will help clear your airways.

If you feel like eating something more substantial, you can enrich the broth with pieces of chicken, noodles, peas, carrots, or other nutritious vegetables of your choice

Get Rid of a Cold Step 6
Get Rid of a Cold Step 6

Step 6. Avoid foods and drinks that contain milk

Milk (more precisely any type of fat) increases the amount of mucus generated by the body. These products can be:

  • Products that contain milk (including soy and almond milk);
  • Yoghurt, puddings and creams;
  • Butter, margarine and cream cheese;
  • Almost all products rich in fat.

Part 2 of 3: Keeping Cold Symptoms Under Control

Get Rid of a Cold Step 6
Get Rid of a Cold Step 6

Step 1. Relieve congestion with steam

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan and add balsamic essential oils of your choice, such as eucalyptus or rosemary. Place the pot on the table (protect the surface with a trivet) and breathe in the steam that comes out. The perceived fragrance will be pleasant, you will feel more relaxed and your airways will soon be clearer.

  • Maximize the result of the treatment by covering your head and shoulders with a towel that allows you to create a small steam chamber. Keep inhaling the steam for at least 10 minutes or until you feel the benefits.
  • Children should be constantly assisted by an adult to avoid getting burned by coming into contact with hot water or pot.
  • Do not ingest eucalyptus oil and keep it out of the reach of children; it could be poisonous.
Get Rid of a Cold Step 7
Get Rid of a Cold Step 7

Step 2. Apply anti-cold ointment to your chest before falling asleep

It will help keep your airways clear while you are lying down. Massage it into the skin of your chest and inhale the vapors as you breathe. For proper use, read and follow the instructions on the package.

Do not apply the ointment to your nostrils as you may risk inhaling small portions of them by channeling them into the lungs

Get Rid of a Cold Step 8
Get Rid of a Cold Step 8

Step 3. Do a nasal wash with a saline solution

If prepared simply with water and salt, the saline solution will be safe for children as well. Ask your pharmacist for advice and buy a product in drops, usually available without a prescription, that will help you clear your nose and breathe more easily.

Some spray or drop products contain more than just water and salt. Read carefully the list of ingredients to highlight the presence of any preservatives, substances that can damage the cells of the nasal mucous membranes. If your saline solution contains preservatives, be careful to respect the frequency of use indicated on the package so as not to risk abusing them. Also, if you are pregnant, nursing, or given to a baby, consult your doctor before using it

Get Rid of a Cold Step 9
Get Rid of a Cold Step 9

Step 4. Try a decongestant medication if the saline solution proves ineffective

This category of medicines is available without a prescription and can be taken either orally or in the form of nasal sprays. It is good to specify that it should not be used for a long time, in particular never more than a week, to avoid possible inflammation of the nasal tissues. It is also important to specify that nasal decongestants are not suitable for everyone; before using it therefore consult your doctor if:

  • You are pregnant (or if there is a possibility that you are)
  • You are breastfeeding
  • You want to give the drug to a child under 12
  • You suffer from diabetes
  • You suffer from hypertension
  • You suffer from hyperthyroidism
  • You suffer from prostate enlargement
  • You suffer from some liver disease
  • You have some kidney or heart disease
  • You suffer from glaucoma
  • Take antidepressants that are monoamine oxidase inhibitors
  • You are taking other medications, even those of natural origin or that do not require a prescription, and you are not sure if they will interfere.
Get Rid of a Cold Step 10
Get Rid of a Cold Step 10

Step 5. Relieve itching and sore throat by gargling with warm salt water

The heat will relieve a sore throat from coughing, and the salt will help fight infection.

  • Pour at least ¼ teaspoon of table salt into a glass of hot water and stir until completely dissolved. If you are sure that the taste of salt does not bother you, you can increase the flavor of the water by adding an even greater dose.
  • Tilt your head back and gargle. If it is a child it is essential that it be supervised by an adult to avoid the risk of suffocation.
  • Gargle for about a minute. Don't swallow salt water as it will be loaded with bacteria, so it's important to remember to spit it down the sink.
Get Rid of a Cold Step 11
Get Rid of a Cold Step 11

Step 6. Reduce fever or relieve pain with an over-the-counter antipyretic or pain reliever

You will also benefit from it if you suffer from headaches or joint pains. Commonly used antipyretics and analgesics contain ibuprofen or paracetamol. In case you are pregnant, breastfeeding or want to give the drug to a baby, consult your doctor before use.

  • To determine the exact doses to administer, especially if you are a child, follow the instructions of your doctor or the instructions on the package leaflet. Check the ingredient lists of any other medicines you are using to make sure they are not the same as those in the antipyretic or analgesic drug. If some ingredients are present in both preparations, do not take them at the same time to avoid the risk of overdose.
  • Aspirin has been associated with Reye's syndrome and should not be given to children and adolescents.
Get Rid of a Cold Step 12
Get Rid of a Cold Step 12

Step 7. Ask your doctor for advice before trying to relieve a cough

The reason you cough is that your body attempts to eliminate the pathogens and irritants that plague the airways. Suppressing the cough symptom may be necessary, for example to allow you to sleep, but at the same time it may complicate the elimination of the virus from the system.

  • Do not give cough syrup to children under the age of four. For older children, follow the instructions in the package leaflet. In the absence of specific indications for children, consult the pediatrician.
  • Many pediatricians advise against cough medications for children, especially under eight years of age, as they have not actually been proven to be effective.
Get Rid of a Cold Step 13
Get Rid of a Cold Step 13

Step 8. Avoid ineffective remedies

There are a number of remedies that, while known to be ineffective or without guarantees to prove their validity, are used every day in an attempt to get rid of the cold. If you intend to use an alternative method of treatment or additional medications, consult your doctor to evaluate their effectiveness and to find out if they might interfere with those already in use. Possible remedies to check include:

  • Antibiotics. It should be noted that colds are caused by viruses, not bacteria, so taking antibiotics is useless.
  • Echinacea. Evidence for Echinacea's effectiveness is vague. Some studies suggest that it can be useful if taken as soon as the first symptoms of a cold appear, but others indicate that it is still ineffective.
  • Vitamin C. In this case the evidence is conflicting. Some studies show that it can be useful in speeding up recovery from colds, others, however, consider it completely ineffective.
  • Zinc. Some studies suggest that zinc may prove useful when taken as soon as the first cold symptoms appear, but others indicate that it is still ineffective. Do not take zinc nasally as it may cause you to lose your sense of smell.
Get Rid of a Cold Step 14
Get Rid of a Cold Step 14

Step 9. Take your baby to the doctor if he has a severe infection

His task will be to make sure that the infection is not linked to a disease more serious than a simple cold. Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • A child under 3 months of age with a fever of 38 ° C.
  • If your baby is between 3 months and 2 years of age and has a fever and a cold, call your doctor; he will let you know if he deems it necessary to have him examined.
  • Older children should have a medical examination if the fever lasts more than three days or exceeds 39.5 ° C.
  • Dehydration. A dehydrated child may appear tired, urinate infrequently or have dark or cloudy urine;
  • He retched;
  • Abdominal pain
  • Difficulty staying awake
  • Severe migraines
  • Stiffness in the neck;
  • Respiratory difficulties;
  • Crying that extends for a long time, especially in younger children who are not yet able to describe their ailments.
  • Ear ache;
  • Persistent cough.
Get Rid of a Cold Step 15
Get Rid of a Cold Step 15

Step 10. See your doctor if you are an adult with a severe infection

In the case of an adult, the symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Fever of 39.5 ° C or higher
  • Heavy sweating, chills and expulsion of abnormally colored mucus
  • Extremely swollen glands
  • Severe sinus pains
  • Severe migraines
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Respiratory difficulties

Part 3 of 3: Preventing the Cold

Get Rid of a Cold Step 16
Get Rid of a Cold Step 16

Step 1. Wash your hands frequently

Never touch your eyes, nose or mouth without first washing your hands; all are potential entry points for cold viruses. By washing your hands often you will be able to reduce the number of bacteria on the skin.

  • Rub your hands with soap under running water for at least 20 seconds. If available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Always wash your hands after coughing, sneezing, shaking someone's hand, or blowing your nose.
Get Rid of a Cold Step 17
Get Rid of a Cold Step 17

Step 2. Stay away from sick people

To do this, avoid shaking their hand, hugging, kissing, or touching them. If possible, disinfect items used by people with cold symptoms, such as keyboards, handles, or toys. Another way to avoid exposing yourself to the presence of sick people is to avoid crowds, especially if they are contained in small spaces and with poor air circulation, such as:

  • School classrooms
  • Offices
  • Public transport
  • Auditorium
Get Rid of a Cold Step 18
Get Rid of a Cold Step 18

Step 3. Strengthen your immune system with a nutrient-rich diet

A cold does not usually cause loss of appetite; as soon as you feel the first symptoms, provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and effectively fight the virus.

  • Eat different varieties of fruits and vegetables to meet your vitamin needs.
  • Whole-grain baked goods are an excellent source of fiber and energy.
  • Get the protein you need through healthy, low-fat foods, including poultry, legumes, fish, and eggs.
  • Even if you feel tired, avoid resorting to ready-made foods. Their main characteristic is that they contain high quantities of sugars, fats and salt. While you may feel full, you will not be getting the nutrients needed to keep your body healthy.

Step 4. Learn to manage stress

Stress causes hormonal and psychological changes in the body, sometimes hindering the functions of the immune system and putting you at a greater risk of contagion. You can relieve stress through:

  • Daily physical activity. When you move, you allow your body to release endorphins, substances that can improve mood and promote physical and emotional relaxation.
  • 8 hours of sleep per night. Some adults may need up to 10 hours of sleep. Try to establish and adhere to regular sleep patterns that will allow you to get enough sleep and wake up every day perky and rested.
  • Meditation.
  • Yoga.
  • The massages.
  • Interpersonal relationships that know how to prove to be a source of social support.


  • Before taking any drug, supplement or natural remedy, ask your doctor for advice; particularly if you are pregnant (or think you may be), breastfeeding or intend to give it to a baby.
  • Do not give aspirin to children and adolescents.
  • Always read and follow the instructions contained in the package insert of the drug or product in use.
  • Over-the-counter medicines, natural remedies, and supplements can interfere with taking other medications. Make sure your doctor is always aware of the substances you are taking.
  • Never take more than one drug that contains the same active ingredient at the same time, you could risk poisoning.