How to Make Money Fast (with Pictures)

Table of contents:

How to Make Money Fast (with Pictures)
How to Make Money Fast (with Pictures)

Do you need to make money fast? It can be stressful, but there are ways to solve your problem. You can sell something, do odd jobs, and get some money back in ways that are often overlooked. Not all of these methods are reliable in the long run, but if you need to raise a certain amount pretty quickly, they can be a good solution.


Part 1 of 3: Selling Items and Other Tangible Assets

What to Sell?

Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 5
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 5

Step 1. Sell the things you no longer need

The quickest and easiest way to earn a small amount is to sell valuable and highly sought-after items. Look around the house (don't forget to rummage through the attic and basement too) for items that are easy to sell and you no longer need. If you have a good dexterity and are a creative person, you can buy used things online, at judicial auctions or by rummaging through the stalls of a market. Refurbish and resell them for a profit.

  • Selling collectibles allows you to immediately earn a nice nest egg. Obviously the price of the item increases in relation to the value that has been attributed to it on the basis of various factors. The world of collecting is quite vast, so you can resell special editions of CDs, DVDs, books or comics, vintage toys, works of art, stamps and so on and so forth. It is not an idea that is good for anyone, in fact you must first of all be in possession of rare objects (which happens for a stroke of pure luck or for a competence in the matter), but being able to make a sale like this is a real bargain..
  • Selling commonly used products is another pretty profitable idea. If you have musical instruments, electronic devices (computers, tablets, TVs, speakers, smartphones, and so on), video games, appliances, and other items in excellent condition left to collect dust, put them up for sale. Not only will you make an immediate profit, you will also free up space in the house.
  • You can also sell designer bags and other accessories. Two sites that allow you to do this are Vendôme, where you can fill out a form to offer your product directly to the showroom, and Private Griffe.
Upsell Step 7
Upsell Step 7

Step 2. Selling used books is always profitable, especially if you have a lot of school or university books available

There are several ways to sell. To get started, you can simply rely on word of mouth at school or college, or post an ad on the bulletin board. Another option is to look for used book markets in your city; however, in many cases you will have to leave the books at the flea market, wait for them to be sold and pay a commission. The last solution is to rely on a website: one of the most renowned is Libraccio.

Think big: in addition to books, you can also sell notes and theses on

Sell Step 8
Sell Step 8

Step 3. Do you have a great artistic talent and your creations always impress?

Then try to sell them! Try to get the raw materials at a low cost (recycle as much as possible), dedicate yourself to the whole creative process and put the finished work on sale. You can do this at a flea market or on special sites like Etsy. There are various categories, so you will surely find the one that's right for you, plus you'll have a practically global showcase. Just remember that taking a picture of the product and posting an ad is not enough. Read thoroughly the seller's manual made available by the site itself, focusing in particular on the protection of intellectual property.

Upsell Step 2
Upsell Step 2

Step 4. Sell something to passersby

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, you can sell frozen sodas on hot days and roasted chestnuts in winter. These activities can be particularly profitable if you find accommodation close to a sporting event, park, etc. You will need some money to invest in the product, but you can make a great profit from sales.

  • For example, imagine you buy a pack of 20 bottles of water for € 5. If you sold the water to passers-by for € 1 a bottle, you would get € 20, with a net gain of € 15.
  • Contrary to the options discussed so far, this is not the most immediate. In fact, street vending requires a license, so it is a project that will take time.
  • Be careful if you try to sell your items in high traffic areas.
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 3
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 3

Step 5. Sell valuables that you have legally recovered

If you have a metal detector, or just a good eye for detail, visit public places where people often drop their belongings (like parks, beaches, and malls), in search of money, jewelry, and other valuables. This method is not reliable, but you may get lucky and find something to resell.

Bleach Your Hair Platinum Blonde Step 18
Bleach Your Hair Platinum Blonde Step 18

Step 6. Sell your hair

If you have healthy, untreated and long hair, you can list it for hundreds of dollars on different websites. For example, OnlineHairAffair and Hair Sellon are international sites that allow you to post ads and sell. Even beauty centers or hairdressers may be interested in your hair.

Hair up to 25 cm long is priced below € 100. The more the length increases, the more the value increases. Hair over 50 cm can be worth more than € 1000

Build a Video Store Business Step 4
Build a Video Store Business Step 4

Step 7. Sell waste

It may seem a weird idea, but you can turn to a so-called green landfill, where you can take your waste materials in exchange for money, as long as you have previously sorted them correctly.

  • In addition to collecting waste materials such as cans and bottles in the house, look for them in the bins you find along busy streets and in places where many people gather (parks, stadiums, etc.). When throwing a party, ask guests to bring drinks. Once the festivities are over, collect all the rubbish and differentials.
  • As for the collection of plastic bottles and cans, contact Ecobank (which for now offers this service only in Piedmont) or the Aluminum Packaging Consortium.
  • Consider if there is an Ecopunto in your area, a shop where you can bring aluminum, plastic and paper in exchange for points: once a certain threshold is reached, they will then be converted into food items.
Become an Immigration Lawyer Step 14
Become an Immigration Lawyer Step 14

Step 8. If you often travel abroad, you can take the opportunity to buy and resell products that are only available in a certain country

For example, you can export goods that are only available in Italy and sell them at a higher price to make a profit, and at the same time you can import typical products from other countries to resell them in Italy.

Become an Immigration Lawyer Step 2
Become an Immigration Lawyer Step 2

Step 9. Sell unused computer components

Computers are filled with precious materials, such as steel, aluminum and gold. By dismantling old models, you can recover these metals and sell them online.

  • If possible, accumulate many computers to be dismantled, to earn a sum worth the time it took. For example, offer to dispose of obsolete computers that belonged to a school or office, or find broken computers in classifieds.
  • Do not disassemble computers that are working and in good condition; the amount you can get from scrap is almost always lower than the price of the individual components or the entire device.
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 2
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 2

Step 10. Sell gold

If you have objects of this precious metal, you can sell them immediately and make a considerable profit. The amount mainly depends on the karat of the gold and the current price, so not all pieces have the same value. Don't be in a hurry: before selling, contact more than one jewelry store to ask how much cash you would receive exactly, in order to understand which one offers you the best price.

How to sell?

Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 16
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 16

Step 1. Look for ways to sell your items

You can try contacting people you know, selling in person to customers, or using the internet. Depending on where you live, all of these methods can allow you to get rid of the items you offer in a short time.

  • Private sales.
  • Flea markets. If you are a hobbyist and you make unique creations, you can sell as an amateur and get discounts. To find out more, take a look at this site.
  • Online sites, such as, eBay (where you can open an auction or sell the product directly) and Amazon. In some cases, thanks to these services, you can immediately receive compensation for popular products such as books, DVDs, appliances and smartphones. A percentage of the profits will be withheld by the site, or you will be asked for a commission.

    When you sell online, your advertisements must be treated in detail. To start, take high-resolution photos that allow you to see all the details of the product. Work out a precise description and finally set a competitive price

  • Advertisements in newspapers or bulletin boards.
  • Pawn shops.
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 12
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 12

Step 2. Sell your items at a competitive price

It can be difficult to choose the right amount. However, selling a product at half price of its original cost could help you make a pretty quick sale. If you're looking to make a quick buck, this method can become your top priority.

Don't sell an item at a bargain price unless you're in dire need of money

Part 2 of 3: Online

Writing, Commissioning and Teaching

Find E Employment for Doing the E Business Through Highlance. Com Step 3
Find E Employment for Doing the E Business Through Highlance. Com Step 3

Step 1. If you plan to write paid reviews of products and services, you can consider several sites, including Dooyoo, Ciao, Trivago (specialized in hotels), Brandfan and TrustPilot

Some will deposit money directly into your account, while others will give you points that you can exchange for goods.

Step 2. Also if you like to write you can take a look at sites that offer remuneration for published articles, such as o2o, GreatContent, Scribox and Melascrivi

Follow Home ‐ Based Business Regulations Step 2
Follow Home ‐ Based Business Regulations Step 2

Step 3. If you like to write but prefer to do it completely independently, start a blog on Blogger or Wordpress

It is a real showcase to showcase your skills. In fact, in addition to having readers, it is possible to attract the attention of companies and receive free products. In particular, you can make a profit thanks to the sale of advertising space and the insertion of banners. As if this were not enough, a blog allows you to build a reputation in a certain sector: when you have a good following, you can propose premium paid services through a website or on Skype.

You can also sign up for an affiliate program like Amazon's. Bloggers (but in general also those who own networks and content portals) can advertise products through the use of links. This allows you to earn a percentage on every purchase that readers have made by clicking on the link indicated in the blog

Follow Home ‐ Based Business Regulations Step 5
Follow Home ‐ Based Business Regulations Step 5

Step 4. Writing isn't your business?

Don't despair: the internet also offers many opportunities to other professionals, especially in sectors such as graphics and administration. One of the most used international platforms is UpWork, where you can find numerous freelance job offers. If you need to make some quick money, you can apply for short-term positions, just try to create an ad hoc profile and get a good reputation. Another platform that allows you to sell your services is Fiverr. If you can find a certain variety of offers and sectors on UpWork and Fiverr, Zooppa is a marketplace focused on video and graphics production. Do you create logos? Register on Stocklogos to sell them.

Step 5. If teaching is your passion, open a Life Learning account and start offering educational content for a fee

Product Tests and Market Investigations

Sell Step 14
Sell Step 14

Step 1. Do you enjoy testing products?

Open an account on trnd. You will be able to choose projects to apply for, receive product kits and try them out to give an opinion. There is no monetary compensation, but in most cases they will give you the option to keep the material sent.

If you love to travel, you can sign up for the Trivago Quality Test program, which allows you to test hotels and receive a refund at the end of the project

Sell Step 3
Sell Step 3

Step 2. Complete some surveys

Many companies use survey responses to establish their marketing strategies. There are many websites designed to introduce users to free online surveys. Often you will not receive more than a few euros, but the work you have to do is very simple and the compensation will arrive in a short time.

The trnd and Trivago Quality Test programs are undoubtedly attractive, the fact is that you don't always have the opportunity to be selected. While you wait to be contacted about an interesting project, keep busy by answering polls and market surveys. You can choose a survey site that is generic or specialized in a sector that interests you (for example, if you are passionate about books, go to Mondadori Lab). The possibilities are practically endless. Start with sites like MOBROG, Hiving, and OpinionWorld. In some cases you will be able to receive money directly on PayPal, while in others you will be rewarded with free gifts or discount coupons. The figures aren't astronomical, but over time you can save what you earn or use it for small purchases

Sell Step 9
Sell Step 9

Step 3. If you have a good command of English and a great passion for computer science, you can try to review paid software on SoftwareJudge

Sell Step 6
Sell Step 6

Step 4. Another idea is to participate in focus groups, groups of people paid to provide their opinion on a product or service to a company, organization or professional

Sign up on ResearchLovers or on Emisphera (this site is aimed only at people who live in Piedmont) to participate in the research.

Videos and Photos

Be a Wine Sales Rep Step 8
Be a Wine Sales Rep Step 8

Step 1. If you are a videomaker, try to use the largest and most renowned video sharing platform in the world, namely YouTube

Just open an account and start uploading videos. Try to follow a consistent content line, in order to give a specific direction to your channel. The categories are really many. For example, you can try your hand at vlog videos to talk about your daily life or specific experiences, or engage in gameplay by filming video game matches. If the channel is quite successful, you will be offered a partnership, which will allow you to earn thanks to the advertisements introduced in your videos.

Be a Good Seller Step 3
Be a Good Seller Step 3

Step 2. Are you a photographer?

Alternative Ideas Online

Sell Step 12
Sell Step 12

Step 1. If you have a winning idea for a start-up, consider crowdfunding, a real online fundraiser that is gradually spreading also in Italy

On this site you can find an exhaustive list of platforms dedicated to different types of initiatives, from music to literature, but there are also more generic ones.

Organize Sales for a Craft Business Step 8
Organize Sales for a Craft Business Step 8

Step 2. Try playing online poker

It's a risky and risky idea, so it's always best to opt for safer earning opportunities if possible. If you really decide to give it a try, choose a trustworthy platform

Find a Good Writer for Your Business Marketing Materials Step 5
Find a Good Writer for Your Business Marketing Materials Step 5

Step 3. Are you a speaker?

Register on Bodalgo, a platform that connects speakers and customers. You will be able to give voice to commercials, clips or telephone messages in exchange for a salary that will be paid to you by the client himself.

Advertise Your Home Business Online Step 7
Advertise Your Home Business Online Step 7

Step 4. Make your CPU power available

CPU sharing sites allow you to offer the computing power of your computer to perform complex calculations. Before starting, make sure you know which site you have chosen to avoid scams.

Advertise Your Home Business Online Step 1
Advertise Your Home Business Online Step 1

Step 5. Try the Beruby cashback system, which allows you to recover money from online purchases

Basically, when you buy something from a company that is in the Beruby shopping section, the company in question pays a share of money to the site itself, which in turn will return it to you (at which point you can transfer it wherever you want, whether it's on your bank account or on PayPal). This system can also be used for travel agencies and airlines.


Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 13
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 13

Step 1. Find small paid jobs with apps

There are many apps that can make you money with promotional jobs; for example, by scanning some products at the supermarket or by connecting with companies that need more complex activities (such as answering surveys).

  • You won't make much money with these jobs. But starting right away, you can make some money.
  • Avoid apps that ask you to pay a fee or provide your credit card information to sign up and complete surveys. They are almost always scams.
Buy a Franchise Business Step 1
Buy a Franchise Business Step 1

Step 2. If you are interested in working as a mystery shopper, you can download several apps on your smartphone and get to work

One of these is BeMyEye. But what is a mystery shopper? He's a kind of undercover client. His function is to analyze a shop or other commercial place based on different parameters predefined by the company that hired him for this job. For example, it has the task of evaluating product exposure and sales strategies, and then make a written or photographic report. In any case, it must be remembered that the earnings are small and not all areas offer the same opportunities. You can also find job offers on Mystery Client.

Sell Billboard Space Step 5
Sell Billboard Space Step 5

Step 3. Another app you can try is CheckPoints

After you download it, start earning points by watching videos, taking quizzes, and so on. The payment is mainly made through the donation of gift cards.

Step 4. If you have a car and you drive certain routes more or less regularly, you can try downloading the BlaBlaCar app, a service based on the principle of carpooling

By offering free seats in your car, you can save on costs and even make some money. A very similar application for scooters called Scooterino has recently been available.

Part 3 of 3: Ideas just a few steps away from you

Occasional or Part-Time Jobs

Make a Low Key Sales Pitch Step 2
Make a Low Key Sales Pitch Step 2

Step 1. Consider working for the day

You can post an ad on the internet or on a bulletin board, offering to do simple jobs. In addition, there are employment agencies specializing in temporary jobs. An alternative way to find day-to-day jobs is to go to where people in such jobs meet. If you know such a place, go there and wait for the employers (yard owners, homeowners and small business owners) to arrive. The most common jobs for which temporary employees are hired are varied. Here are some of them:

  • Construction;
  • Simple office functions;
  • Work as a hostess at events and conferences;
  • Organizing children's birthday parties;
  • Organize tours in your city;
  • Gardening and similar work (collecting leaves, cutting grass, shoveling snow, etc.);
  • Grocery shopping or other seniors' errands. You can also teach them to use the computer;
  • Doing housework (cleaning a house, clearing an attic or tool shed, etc.). If you know how to iron well, you can offer this service (at home or in your home) to people who are very busy or who do not want to take care of it.

    In addition to word of mouth and the personal contacts you acquire over time, you can open an account on a site called Helpling, a platform that connects cleaning professionals and customers

  • Wash cars of friends, relatives and neighbors;
  • Removals (for those who have a van) or packaging;
  • Work as a waiter, bartender or for a caterer;
  • Private driver. It is better for you to use the customer's machine, so as not to have additional costs.

    Become a taxi driver. Companies like Uber have devised services that connect drivers with people who need a ride and are willing to pay for it. To take advantage of this opportunity right away, you need to own a car, have a valid driving license and meet other qualifications. It can take some time to become a registered driver, but when you can rely on an agency, there will be plenty of earning opportunities, as these services are quite in demand

  • Consider saving videotapes to DVD or pen drive. Many families own videotapes and do not know how to digitally transfer the content. Offer the service through message boards, word of mouth and online. It is an opportunity that requires a very low investment (you just need a program and a cable), but you can make a decent return.
  • If you have good taste and experience in the marketing sector, you can propose yourself as a window dressing consultant for small shops and companies in your city.
Start a Dog Walking Service Step 6
Start a Dog Walking Service Step 6

Step 2. Try taking care of another person's pets

Find friends who are about to leave town and offer to keep their pets when they're not around. Professional animal shelters are very expensive (they are often considered frightening and cold solutions for a pet), so a cozy home can be a very good alternative. Around the holiday season, animal shelters fill up fast and you'll likely be able to snag a better price for your service.

Train Dogs Not to Bark Step 9
Train Dogs Not to Bark Step 9

Step 3. Consider taking dogs for a walk

Anyone who owns a dog, but is too busy to take him for a walk, is often willing to pay someone to do it for him. Print a flyer or post an ad on an online bulletin board. Enter your mobile number as a contact; in this way you will be sure to receive phone calls from potential customers wherever you are! You can also advertise on the Dogsitter website.

Convince Your Parents to Let You Babysit Step 7
Convince Your Parents to Let You Babysit Step 7

Step 4. Become a babysitter

Babysitting is a common way to earn some extra cash, especially during the holidays, so it's an ideal job especially for students. Today there are professional agencies you can join, which put you in touch with people who need help. To be considered a good candidate, it will be helpful for you to take a cardiopulmonary resuscitation course or to have other certificates, or to demonstrate that you have a particular talent in childcare. Even without the support of an agency, you may be able to earn some money by babysitting for acquaintances, or by asking friends to name people who need a babysitter your name. Another possibility to find job offers is to open an account on the Sitter-Italia website.

Convince Your Parents to Let You Babysit Step 3
Convince Your Parents to Let You Babysit Step 3

Step 5. Become a personal shopper on PayPerShopping or Supermercato24

What does a personal shopper do? In practice, it receives shopping lists from users who do not have the time or the desire to go to the supermarket. Sign up on the platform, complete your profile and start receiving requests. Once you have finished shopping, deliver it to the recipient, who will refund the total amount of the products purchased and pay you a commission (this will be your compensation).

Become a Musician Step 7
Become a Musician Step 7

Step 6. Become a street artist

If you can dance, play, mime, sing, or tell jokes, you can probably make some money by performing in public. Design a good show and find a place to put it on. Keep people entertained and if you get lucky they will reward you with money.

  • Make sure you display a hat, glass, instrument case, or whatever, where people can leave their offerings.
  • There is no national legislation, in fact every single municipal administration regulates itself as it sees fit. In some cities it is possible to perform on the street, in others it is forbidden, so find out about the rules in force in the place where you live.
Become a Female Fitness Model Step 7
Become a Female Fitness Model Step 7

Step 7. Still staying in the art and entertainment business, you could also offer photography or DJ services for weddings and other parties

Another idea is to work as a living model. Art students learn to draw human figures by observing live models. If you are willing to pose nude (although a full nude is not always required) in front of a classroom for about 30 minutes, you can earn some money (usually, by getting paid hourly). Models of all shapes, sizes and sexes are in demand. You can contact art schools, universities or museums in the area to find out about job opportunities as a model and earn some money.

Determine if a Student Is Your Dependent Step 5
Determine if a Student Is Your Dependent Step 5

Step 8. All of the ideas listed so far can be exploited by virtually anyone, but there are perfect earning opportunities for students, especially those living in a college town

Here's what you could do:

  • Give reps;
  • Layout and formatting of theses;
  • Write CVs and cover letters;
Pay Internet Sales Tax Step 7
Pay Internet Sales Tax Step 7

Step 9. Resell your Wi-Fi

If you have a powerful network and you live in a condominium, you can make this service available to those who request it. The only thing you will need to do is provide the password. It is a particularly lucrative idea for those who live in a building mainly inhabited by students, who don't always have Wi-Fi at home or the ability to sign up for a subscription.

Create an Online Magazine Step 13
Create an Online Magazine Step 13

Step 10. If you are an experienced cook, create a profile on Gnammo, a platform dedicated to the so-called social eating

In fact, you can organize dinners and meetings at your home in exchange for a fee. Once registered, each cook can organize an event and wait for the reservations of the gnammers, or users interested in participating.

Rent or Rent

Decorate an Attic Bedroom Step 5
Decorate an Attic Bedroom Step 5

Step 1. Try renting a room in your house or a garage

Post ads online or on bulletin boards in your city and wait to be contacted by potential candidates. Another idea is to opt for Airbnb. After registering as a host, create an ad describing your accommodation in detail and indicating its availability, after which you will see that the reservations of your future guests will not be long in coming.

If you live in Rome or its surroundings, you can also rent your home for film or television sets, or for events. Visit the Location Set website to find out more

Step 2. Don't have houses or garages?

You can always bet on the rental of equipment, cars, clothes and so on. Visit LocLoc, a platform that allows you to truly rent everything from home accessories to high-tech devices. If you fear that your property will be stolen or broken, don't worry - all transactions are protected by a contract.

Alternative Remedies

Upsell Step 3
Upsell Step 3

Step 1. Ask for the loan

If you really need money, you can always ask friends or family for it. Explain why you need a loan, promising to repay the amount within a (reasonable) time limit.

Beware of usurers and extortion. Ask for a loan from people who are willing to give you their money because they want to help you and not because they want to make a profit

Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 6
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 6

Step 2. Use your bank's credit line

If you have an overdraft bank account, you will be able to withdraw more than your account balance and take advantage of this temporary credit system. The bank will initially cover the cost of the operation, but you will have to, within a certain time limit, return the money withdrawn, plus the negative interest accrued.

Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 18
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 18

Step 3. Use a credit card down payment feature

Some credit cards allow you to withdraw cash using an ATM. This option can come in handy if you are in immediate need of money. Keep in mind, however, that interest rates on cash advances are usually much higher than normal credit card interest rates; this means that your outlay will be greater at the time of payment.

Some credit cards allow you to get a cash advance by writing checks. In some cases, the interest rates for this form of credit are lower than that described above; ask your bank or the company that gave you your credit card for information

Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 13
Leverage a Business With Other People's Money Step 13

Step 4. Get a short term loan as a last resort

You will find many companies that offer short-term loans and are willing to hand you cash on short notice. The expected interest rates for these services are, however, extremely high (even exceeding 100%). If you fail to repay the loan and interest within the allotted timeframe, you risk facing even greater expenses or losing the mortgaged property. Avoid this type of loan if the circumstances are not really desperate, especially if you are not sure that you will be able to pay off your debt within the time limit.

Alternatively, you can ask your employer for an advance on your paycheck

Make a Low Key Sales Pitch Step 5
Make a Low Key Sales Pitch Step 5

Step 5. Ask for alms.

. If you really need the money, you can decide to put pride aside and ask for help from people luckier than you. Put up a sign that briefly explains your situation, find a suitable place, politely ask for donations and always thank those who decide to help you.

In Italy there is no crime of begging, but some behaviors can lead to illegality


  • If possible, avoid gambling. Even if it is a chance to win, the risk involved is always greater than the win percentage.
  • Watch out for those who promise to make you rich in a short time. You should always look very carefully at the possibilities for easy earnings before confirming your engagement. Don't spend money trying to get large sums in a short time; if you are not in good financial condition, take care of essential items, such as food, first.
  • If you find yourself in extreme poverty, seek help from a reputable charity.
  • Search wherever you can find money that you have forgotten: in the sofa, in the pockets of clothes, in drawers, in old bags, etc. You may have a nice nest egg in the house without even knowing it.
