How to Survive Corporate Policies: 10 Steps

How to Survive Corporate Policies: 10 Steps
How to Survive Corporate Policies: 10 Steps

Table of contents:


All the workplaces in which there is more than one person are characterized by a very specific company policy, particularly complex in some cases. Nonetheless, by paying a little attention to your own behavior and that of other colleagues, you can effectively manage these unwritten rules. The following article will guide you through the steps required to survive in the environment you work in.


Survive Office Politics Step 1
Survive Office Politics Step 1

Step 1. Take your time to understand how your colleagues and superiors are

It is important to understand the people you work with: you will know what motivates them, what they do outside the organization, what their aspirations are and what they think about the company.

  • No one will serve you this type of information on a silver platter. You need to be attentive, tactful, and most importantly, show good listener skills. Everyone wants to be heard. If you can make others feel important, they will build confidence in you in a short time. Becoming someone's confidant is the best way there is to fit in in a place, be it personally or professionally.
  • All you have to do is listen (this is more important if you have recently been hired). If there is something you disagree with, keep your thoughts to yourself: it is not necessary to express them aloud or try to change your interlocutor's mind, provided that it is not an issue that absolutely requires your own. intervention. This applies to both colleagues and superiors. Listen to them, try to understand their motives and then form your opinion. If you understand others, then it will be easier to deal with them.
Survive Office Politics Step 2
Survive Office Politics Step 2

Step 2. Be kind and friendly to everyone

This step is especially important at larger organizations and offices, since you don't know where and with whom you might find yourself working! On the other hand, in smaller jobs, groups aren't changed often after being formed, so this problem will surely be minor, or nonexistent.

  • Try to be nice to everyone. It will help you in your work and to obtain information, so you will know what happens in the office, what are the policies that are followed within it, etc. Being courteous does not mean that you are always smiling and accommodating. In fact, make sure to bring out your disagreement and to assert your opinions and points of view, otherwise they may take you for granted. But do it when it suits you.
  • If you are consistent and always stand up for your ideas, the people around you will understand this and will also begin to respect it. On the other hand, you have no reason to disagree in the most sensitive situations or when it is not necessary, unless they are absolutely critical, and this generally does not happen.
Survive Office Politics Step 3
Survive Office Politics Step 3

Step 3. Conceive new problem-solving strategies

Thinking in an original way will help you deal with colleagues and superiors. In general, when you are in front of a professional, you are expected to behave in a certain way; he should therefore act by meeting basic expectations and realizing what has been indicated in the job description he is applying for.

  • The problem arises when he doesn't want to do it and acts negatively. Usually this does not happen with a single individual, but with a group of employees, who all have the same attitude and the same excuse for not working. They've been inside the system for a long time and know how it works!
  • This is where innovative approach tactics must be devised to manage the situation and even get the job done, without disturbing the balance or questioning their superiority in rank, which is demonstrated through years of experience or an arrogant attitude. Put simply, you have to make sure that their duty is done, without being marginalized and without interfering in corporate power games.
  • First, be clear when talking about the work that should be done. Express yourself transparently, then try to figure out if you have authority over others. If you are not the boss, don't worry, you can still do it! Once the task has been defined, present it in a way that makes them think you need their help. You can even go further, proving you are unable to finish it on your own. Next, ask if they could help you review it and take action. In most cases this approach works!
  • It works simply because it doesn't seem like you want to be in command, so others feel important and satisfied because you've asked them for a hand, giving the idea that their opinion matters to you. It won't even look like you've assigned a task to do - they'll be happy to help out, and the job will get done. The reason is simple: there are many people who do not want to commit on demand, but then work when the projects they are assigned do not seem related to their profession (a bit like it happens with capricious children who do not want to do their homework). And don't forget that you must be kind and well-meaning throughout the process. At no time should you give the impression that you are cunning or selfish, which brings us to the next step.
Survive Office Politics Step 4
Survive Office Politics Step 4

Step 4. Try to be as genuine as possible

By practicing the steps listed so far, it is crucial to make sure you look like a direct person. In fact, you don't have to give the idea that you are shrewd, but rather show your frank side. Now, we know it's not easy to be honest since we're talking about convincing techniques, cunning or how to persuade others to work without imposing it, but the genuineness we are referring to will help you just that, that is to make you listen. Also, remember what we have advised you before, that is, avoid always having your say, try to be silent when you should, do not agree or disagree if it is not convenient for you. Try to show your more humane and tolerant side towards others as well. Do everything to not judge people, only in this way can you be sincere and empathetic. It is a quality that will always allow you to get closer to others, in any context. As a result, try to worry and help spontaneously, but don't get trampled on.

Survive Office Politics Step 5
Survive Office Politics Step 5

Step 5. It is not possible and it is not necessary to change the system

Try to understand and accept that systems exist because that is the way it should be. And their goal is to meet certain requirements and get everything they need to keep running. An individual cannot overturn them, and shouldn't set a goal of this kind either. Don't row against what is approved by the rest of society. Be yourself and always remember what your values are. If you find that the system and the rules of the place where you work go against everything you believe, you better leave. Easier said than done, but there are no other solutions.

Survive Office Politics Step 6
Survive Office Politics Step 6

Step 6. Try not to be satisfied and not turn a blind eye to what does not fit your standards

There is a limit to everything, and at some point you feel like you've had enough. Consequently, the moment an alarm bell starts ringing in your conscience, you better give up: you can work elsewhere. If you find yourself in a workplace where you always have to compromise and one way or another you are not satisfied, the day when the standards you have set cease to exist is not far off, and you will be in the same boat as everyone else. those people who have not had enough self-esteem to change their existence and who do not live survive.

Survive Office Politics Step 7
Survive Office Politics Step 7

Step 7. Learn to play chess, a game that deeply engages the mind and is suitable for anyone who works in contact with others

If you know how to play, you will know how to prepare for at least two future moves by your opponent. In an office, everyone is your opponent, unless you have them, and even then you should be careful and never let your guard down! Chess helps you think deeply and evaluate your next move, as well as where and from whom to protect your assets, skills and information. You will understand who will try to hit you. In short, chess teaches all this and much more: they are real life lessons, not a game for its own sake!

Survive Office Politics Step 8
Survive Office Politics Step 8

Step 8. Learn to speak at the right time, in the right place and with the right person

If what you say gets to the wrong ears, the repercussions are potentially fatal, for example you could be unemployed. Need to add more? Well, then remember to choose your confidants carefully and avoid making heavy comments about a colleague or the company in front of people who might use them to their advantage. In most cases, people try to make a career out of beating the competition. Maybe they tried to do it thanks to their skills, competences and knowledge!

Survive Office Politics Step 9
Survive Office Politics Step 9

Step 9. Patience must be practiced

You have no alternative. The more patient you become, the more your stress will be reduced, and your predisposition will undoubtedly be more optimistic.

Survive Office Politics Step 10
Survive Office Politics Step 10

Step 10. Learn to be tactful

It's a prerequisite in whatever you do, and it's a natural result if you follow all the steps outlined in this article. Nobody teaches you to be diplomatic, but everyone has to learn to be diplomatic to be successful and happy!
