Are you always sad and dissatisfied? Do you always feel out of place and alien to situations? Are you quiet and lonely instead of perky and spirited? Well, don't worry, this article was created with the intent to help you master those negative feelings that separate you from your potential happiness. Read it and learn tips and strategies for finding happiness in your life.
Method 1 of 2: Find Happiness on Your Own

Step 1. Be strong and optimistic
Don't leave room for sad and negative circumstances and don't let them ruin your life. Even when you feel sad, try to keep your head up. You should tell yourself that life is full of hope, challenges, twists and turns and unexpected turns.
Go in search of the positives. We often interpret life events as negative. On closer inspection, however, we will realize that there are positive aspects and implications. Let's see some examples:
- Your partner left you. The positive side? There are so many people out there that you can meet, having the chance to get to know a different person, to let them enter your heart and soul, is a positive and empowering aspect.
- You lost your job. Maybe you didn't really like your job. The positive side? Now you will have the opportunity to find a better, more meaningful and better paid one.
- You failed when you thought you were going to be successful. Life often surprises us doesn't it? The positive side? Failing your goal on the first try, rather than succeeding immediately, will be an equally important life teacher, if not more so.
Find Happiness in Life Step 2 Step 2. Keep busy
You know what they say about holding hands don't you? Research has shown that people who keep busy are happier than those who don't. Not only is having a lot of free time slightly depressing, it's just as unproductive. Think about all the things you might be doing, like signing up for a class, visiting places, or attending conferences, and then think about how little time you are spending in your life on these activities.
Find Happiness in Life Step 3Bullet2 Step 3. Give yourself reasons to smile
Scientists have found that the act of smiling can actually make us happier. That's right: smiling is enough. Why not try? Choose one of the following reasons to smile and give it a try:
- A stranger walks by and smiles at you.
- Someone does a good deed for someone else.
- An unexpected event leads you to reflect on the vastness and strangeness of the world.
- Your gaze falls on something beautiful in the world.
Find Happiness in Life Step 4 Step 4. Follow your instincts
People who act instinctively may be happier than those who make their own decisions. Here's why: following your instincts, you will be less likely to wonder how else things could have gone; mulling over your decisions, however, you will be more inclined to ask yourself if you made the right choice, or if it would have been better to make a different one.
Find Happiness in Life Step 5 Step 5. Be generous and compassionate
Maybe you are sure that winning a lottery ticket could make you happy, you are wrong. Money increases our happiness to the extent that our basic needs are met. After that, money won't make you happier than other people. Instead, what will make you happy will be compassion.
One study found that watching a person give money charitably has the property of making us as happy as if we were receiving it! This means that, if possible, you should find ways to be generous. Do charity, volunteer, make yourself available to your community, etc
Find Happiness in Life Step 6 Step 6. Learn to forgive others
Forgiveness of others is the act of allowing the past to be past. Studies suggest that if you find the strength in your heart to forgive someone, even if they don't deserve it or intend to do the same to you, you will be a happier person.
Forgiveness can make you a happier person by reducing your blood pressure and general stress levels, as well as slowing your heart rate
Find Happiness in Life Step 7 Step 7. Whatever you do, and whoever you are, move
Research has ascertained a close link between exercise and a person's overall happiness. Movement can increase the level of endorphins in your body, reducing your overall stress levels and giving you a sense of euphoria.
Find Happiness in Life Step 8 Step 8. Do the things that make you happy
Not doing what you think should make you happy, or what makes others happy; do what makes you happy. Throw away preconceptions about what you should do and take action towards your true happiness.
Find Happiness in Life Step 9 Step 9. Listen to the inspirations
Whether the message comes from reading a book, a quote found on the web, or an interesting lecture, you will find that the world is full of inspiration if you only know where to look. Here are some quotes that could motivate you to open up to the world, looking for something that could make you happy:
- "Challenges are what makes life interesting, and overcoming them is what fills it with meaning." - Joshua J. Marine
- "The best revenge is a huge success." - Frank Sinatra
- “No one has ever planned to be bankrupt, fat, lazy or stupid. These things happen when there is no plan. " - Larry Winget
- "It's never too late to be what you could have been." - George Eliot
Method 2 of 2: Find Happiness Through Others
Find Happiness in Life Step 10 Step 1. Join a club or organization that expresses your personality and reflects your interests
Whether it's bowling, sewing, debating, experimenting, cooking, flying, sports or playing, being involved in a community of like-minded people will make a huge difference.
When you first meet the group, introduce yourself by trying not to be shy. Maintain eye contact and try to stay relaxed. Remember that other people are also most likely as tense as you are
Find Happiness in Life Step 11 Step 2. Get help
Don't be afraid to ask a friend for help. When you do, be grateful. As mentioned earlier, people get satisfaction from helping others, feeling useful and fulfilled. Do you want to know something else? Usually spending your time and getting along with happy people is simple and motivating. This means that you will be able to socialize more easily and that you will be able to be yourself in their company.
- Ask for help with your homework
- Ask for directions when you get lost
- Ask for help on a project
- Ask for advice on a problem you are facing
Find Happiness in Life Step 12 Step 3. Don't be afraid to open your heart to others
Holding all your emotions inside can be complicated and can make you feel like you are suffocating, like you have no one you can open up to. For these reasons, it is best to tell what you are experiencing to people you trust. Talking about your problems, with a friend or a professional, can help you release negative emotions, reaching a state of purification.
Find Happiness in Life Step 13 Step 4. Keep other people's secrets
If someone trusts you enough to tell you a secret, keep it to yourself. This means no gossip, no accidentally escaped words, and no behind-the-scenes commentary. Imagine what would happen if one of your secrets were 'accidentally' told to other people? You would feel hurt and betrayed. Don't let other people feel that way. Finding happiness means keeping your friends close and giving them good reasons to trust you.
Find Happiness in Life Step 14 Step 5. Keep your promises
The message is always the same: if you have made a commitment, carry it out. Words are just words until they are followed and made real by an action. Understand that your friends are counting on you; By keeping your promises you will prove that you are a person of your word.
What does happiness have to do with kept promises? Keeping a promise means teaching about trust. You will teach your friends that they can trust you. If you make constant promises that you don't keep, your friends will stop trusting you. If your friends stop trusting you, you will find that they will drift away
Find Happiness in Life Step 15 Step 6. Lean on a friend in time of need
When you're feeling down and need someone to cheer you up, call a friend or two. Find a productive and fun way to take your mind off what's bothering you. Your friends believe in you. They are your friends because they want you to be happy and because they love spending time with you. In all likelihood, they will behave to you as you would have done to them, doing everything in their power to help you. Lean on them when you need to.
Find Happiness in Life Step 16Bullet2 Step 7. Lean on your family when you need it
Your family loves you unconditionally, even if they don't show it as transparently as possible. Above all else, your family cares about your safety and well-being. After that, he wants to see you succeed and live a fulfilling life. Just talking to your family about your problems could make you feel really better.
- Try not to worry about your family's judgment; essentially, what your family members want is to see you find your own happiness. If you are concerned about telling your parents something, talk to a friend or another family member.
- It is not necessary to have a "problem" to talk or spend time with your family. Talking about your normal daily life can also bring you a lot of happiness. Opening up to your family, talking about the little things of every day, is an important first step in building a relationship.
Find Happiness in Life Step 17 Step 8. Chat thoroughly with people
One study has shown that people who get involved in intense conversations experience more intense happiness than those who gossip about petty insignificant facts. So, the next time you find yourself gossiping about the weather or the clothing Rihanna wore at the Grammys, resist the temptation to keep talking empty topics and quickly change the subject. You will not regret!
- Don't be afraid to live for yourself, it's basically your life!
- Have faith.
- Realize that you may be in a worse situation.
- Have hope.
- Don't be put off by boredom. Is it better to feel temporarily bored than to be plagued by pain or misery don't you think?
- Having a life that is too happy, you can fall into the mistake of thinking that you have 'nothing to lose'. Learn to control yourself and not to be attracted by temptations !!