Do you want to move forward in life but feel like you are looking in the wrong places? Do not worry! Anyone can find their place in the world if they have the right mindset, the intention to work hard and the ability to stay focused on their goals. Once you've figured out exactly what you want to accomplish, you'll need to think of a way to do it, without letting everyday distractions and futility stand in your way. If you want to know how to move forward in life, go to the first point!
Part 1 of 3: Acquiring the Right Mindset

Step 1. Arm yourself with knowledge
You can learn whatever skills you want, or understand even the most difficult concepts, if you read and study. Reading costs nothing if you choose to go to a public library, you can find books in flea markets or some offers in bookstores. The Internet is not just made up of social networks, there is also a lot of information there, from Wikipedia to the most important national online newspapers.
- Reading has the advantage of taking you out of your emotions and making the rational part of the frontal cortex work.
- Reading helps you to better understand your surroundings and to deal with it appropriately. Reading also develops language skills, which can make you successful in the business world and can help you communicate better with the people you love.

Step 2. Set your goals
Write what you are working for, and what goals you want to achieve with the energy of your life. What are the commitments that carry you forward, and what would you prefer to work on concretely to build your future? What is your vision of the future and what are the intermediate steps you can take to reach your ultimate goal? Even if you will learn through trial and error what you really want in life, it is always best to have a clear vision of your goals.
The noblest goals bring inner satisfaction. Consider your goals based on less selfish and more spiritual values, such as "loving your neighbor", "making love, not making war", "protecting the earth", "helping others", "having a safe neighborhood" and "a happy family". However, there is nothing wrong with wanting to open a business on your own, become a partner in your company, or do anything that makes you feel more satisfied.
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Other examples of noble goals could be: "spending more time with my children", "quitting arguing with my partner", "walking or cycling to work", "having dinner with my family", "praying or meditate every day”,“get to know my neighbors”.
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Artistic and creative goals are also healthier than temporary and selfish ones. Spend your energy in the creative or expressive arts, such as music, dance, gardening, crafts, but also create a beautiful home, or start a business. These activities can help you focus on your life and develop skills to make a difference in the world in a positive way.
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Step 3. Write a to-do list
Write down the two most important goals you have chosen to accomplish and think about how to do it. Remember that it does not matter if your goals are very ambitious, you will first have to reach small goals to be able to achieve them.
Do you want a better job? The intermediate steps to achieve this goal can be, for example, consulting a career counseling service, attending an evening or online course, studying the field in which you want to specialize (what are the available places and the necessary skills), writing your resume, learn useful techniques during job interviews, learn to accept failure, and so on.
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Attach your to-do list prominently so you can see it often. Or mark dates on your calendar by which you want to accomplish some of these goals.
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Step 4. Let go of your past
If your past is limiting you in some way, make an effort to leave it behind. Forgive those who have hurt you and apologize to those you have hurt. Go to therapy or join a help group if you feel overwhelmed by your past or need help.
If your friends or family make you feel stuck in guilt or bad habits (alcohol, drugs), you should consider putting some distance between you until you feel better.
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If your job is degrading or offensive, seek out a job counseling service (there are many low-cost ones on the internet) and work to improve the situation as soon as possible.
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Step 5. Develop a positive mindset
Negative emotions can jeopardize your commitment because they drain your energy and destroy hopes. Keep a journal in which to write down your positive emotions or things you are grateful for, and describe at least three positive things a day. Try to become more and more aware of your negative view and commit to changing it.
After all, we always need a balance, but if negative emotions are a habit, for a while you will have to overdo the positive ones to regain control of your life

Step 6. Learn to manage stress
You can get stressed out by always thinking positively or staying focused on the final goal. If you don't have control over stress in your life, then before you do anything else you will need to work hard to manage it:
Reduce your schedule.
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Delegate your work to others (they may complain at first, but in the long run they will be grateful to you).
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Take some time to relax, calm down or meditate.
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Step 7. Follow your own path
Maybe your parents want you to follow a path. Probably all your mates and friends are following the same path, and you think you have to go too. Your partner probably expects you to follow a path. Sure, all of these roads could be positive and make you feel good, but ultimately, if you want to move forward in life, you have to do what makes you happy, not what others want from you. If you don't know what you want to do yet, that's fine, but your first goal should be to figure out what would make you the happiest person in the world and how to best practice your talent.
It doesn't mean you have to try to be a rock star if you don't have talent and a family to support. You have to find a way to combine profit with what satisfies you the most. And if it's okay for you to do something unachievable, then do it

Step 8. Talk to someone who has already been there
If you want to be successful in a certain field, whether you want to be an engineer, financial analyst or actor, one of the things that can help you the most is to talk to someone who has already walked the path you want. undertake and knows the obstacles. It doesn't matter if he is a family member, supervisor, teacher or friend of a friend, if you have the opportunity to sit at a table with this person keep your eyes and ears open, and listen to their experience tips. what you should do, who you need to know, and any other words of wisdom that he bestows on you.
This person may not be able to give you the best advice for achieving your goals, but you should still be able to learn something from their experience

Step 9. Get smart in the workplace
Of course, you could also neglect the internal politics of the office because you think it is useless and meaningless, that you can only do it with your talent. This is a nice point of view, but it's idealistic, and if you really want to be successful, you have to be able to play your cards right. Try to figure out who really is in charge in the workplace and ingratiate yourself with that person without being too much of a licker. Learn about the specific skills that are really useful for a career and develop them. Try to figure out who shouldn't be contradicted, even if you don't agree with their ideas.
It may seem unpleasant or unnatural to enter the internal politics of the office, but remember that you are doing it to pursue a higher goal. Just try not to sacrifice your integrity to get there
Part 2 of 3: Take action

Step 1. Make friends with those who make you happy
True and caring friendship is the basis for a healthy life! Friends are what make you strong and aware when you are feeling down. They can help you solve your problems and open new doors for you.
If your friendships are based on superficial things, like alcohol, drugs or materialism, look for other friends. Go to places that represent your interests.
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If you think your friendships are unbalanced because you give more than you get, try to communicate better with the people you think are most important, and abandon the selfish ones (if you can't avoid them, at least try to limit contacts, saying "no" more often).
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Spend time with motivated and hard-working people to be positively influenced by them. You can still maintain a relationship with more relaxed people, but try to cultivate friendships with people who are as motivated as you are.
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Step 2. Search for new contacts
It doesn't matter what field you work in, it's all about the people you know. Be friendly to your supervisors, but don't be a sucker. Go to conferences and refresher courses, and try to get to know many people in the same field as you. Whenever you meet someone new, have a business card ready, a good handshake, and good eye contact. Flatter people without exaggerating. Learn to summarize what you do in one sentence and try to impress people so that they remember you. Don't look scruffy, remember it's all part of the game.
You never know who will help you in the future. Don't humiliate yourself by licking all your superiors and ignoring the people below you

Step 3. Do the dirty work
Being successful doesn't mean starting from the top. It means starting the run close to nervous, inexperienced runners, and working hard to overtake everyone at speed. This means that you will have to be ready to work a lot for little money, at least in the beginning. Don't think it's your right to be the boss, or the executive director. You have to be up to date, even if you think you're too smart for the job you do, or that you might be using your creative skills to get a better job. Use your creativity when you can, work hard when you have to, and sooner or later the right people will notice you.
- This does not mean that you have to waste hours on a job that is of no value to you if it does not serve you as a means of achieving your goal. But if you know that a job, even if it's not perfect, can help you get what you want, then grit your teeth and put your all into it.
- If you thought making the mess was hard enough, try doing it with a smile on your face all the time. People will respect you more if you are happy with your job, rather than acting like you deserve more.

Step 4. Specialize
Whether you decide to become the Google Docs expert for the company, or the graphics department head of your start-up, it's important that you learn to do something better than anyone else. This will make people respect you, who will come to you when they need help, and will think you are indispensable. If you are the only one in the office who knows how to do something, then your job is guaranteed.
- Find an activity that interests you and spend some time specializing in it. Even if you don't make any money, the effort you make now will pay off in the future.
- Don't be afraid to commit to something other than where you work now. If your boss is a good boss, he or she will be impressed with your enthusiasm and determination (unless this activity interferes with your job).

Step 5. Show yourself
Studies show that 66% of managers prefer to talk to people in attendance rather than via video conferencing, over the phone or via email. Although the new generations prefer e-mail as their main form of communication, you can stand out from the crowd and take the time to talk to your supervisor or other executives in the company in person, when the opportunity arises. It will help you to be remembered more easily, to develop stronger bonds and to appear as a person who puts his all into what he does.
Of course, you must follow the company's policies. If you are part of a trendy start-up, where the only means of communication is Skype, don't try to destabilize someone with face-to-face meetings

Step 6. Don't sacrifice your present personal satisfaction for future happiness
Working hard is inevitable, but you should never feel like everything you do is terrible, depressing, or repulsive. You have to find benefit and satisfaction in what you do. You will never know if it will help you in the future, and you could spend years doing something totally frustrating. Even if there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, it is not worth it if it is the path covered with barbed wire.

Step 7. Stop waiting for the perfect moment
If you have a big dream, like starting a business, writing a novel or founding a non-profit organization, you can't put aside everything you're doing and make your dreams come true in one day. However, you don't have to wait for the perfect time to come to start pursuing your goals. You can wait until something important happens (like the wedding you've been organizing for a year, the end of the bank debt payment done to finance your studies), but don't wait for the perfect moment, otherwise you could end up waiting forever..
- If you always have a reason not to start doing what you want, then you're just making excuses.
- Start small. You may not be able to quit your job to start painting full time until you have saved enough money. But what stops you from working an hour a day on your paintings? That's seven hours a week.
Part 3 of 3: Stay Focused

Step 1. Take care of yourself
Do not compromise your physical and mental well-being just because you have decided to open a business on your own. If you really want to be successful in life, then your priority is to stay healthy, not to fill your bank account. Regardless of how busy you are, here are some tips to make sure you stay healthy and fit.
Set aside some time a day to relax. If something stresses you, talk about it rather than keep it inside.
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Sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day, and try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every time. Sleeping only 4 hours a night to complete a project will only drain your energy.
896796 17b02 - Eat three balanced and healthy meals a day, and don't brush them on your desk.
Get a quick daily check-up. How do you feel physically and mentally? What bothered you the most during the day? How are you going to avoid those same problems tomorrow?
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Step 2. Don't forget about the rest of your life
Sure, your career might seem like the most important thing in the world right now, but that doesn't mean you have to totally neglect family, friends, relationships, or any other commitments. You have to be able to juggle all of these aspects, or you won't be able to have a happy life. Maybe you think you have to commit yourself to a project, but when the partner leaves you and you feel too sad to work, then you understand that perhaps it would have been better to find a balance between work and affections.
Adopt a schedule and be sure to "set aside" time for family, friends and loved ones. Of course, writing on the calendar to remember to spend some time with the family is not the most romantic thing in the world, but it will prevent you from concentrating exclusively on work

Step 3. Consider failure a learning opportunity
Don't spend your life being afraid of making mistakes or hating yourself for the ones you've made. Failure is part of life, and in the end it only makes you stronger and improves your ability to cope with difficulties to the end. If you've never experienced failure, how do you hope to be able to handle a bad situation? Here we go back to having a positive attitude. You don't have to jump for joy over having made a mess, but you don't have to hate yourself either.
Instead of thinking “I'm an idiot! I can't believe I allowed that to happen”, ask yourself,“what could I have done to prevent it from happening? How can I prevent it from happening again in the future?"
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Sometimes unpleasant situations arise without your fault. Even if you put your all into it, you can still fail. Perhaps there is really nothing you could have done to prevent this from happening. In that case, be proud of the effort you put into it and turn the page.
896796 19b02 - Let's take an example. Let's say it took you five years to write a novel, but nobody wants to publish it. An optimistic person would not think this is a failure. He'd think, “Well, writing for five years has definitely made me a better writer. Even if I have not received critical acclaim, I can still be proud of the effort I put into it, and thanks to what I have learned I will certainly be able to write a better novel in the future ".

Step 4. Learn to recognize the advice
At the beginning, when you didn't know anything about your work environment, you will surely have accepted all the advice that was given to you. But as you get older and more mature you will have realized that after all a lot of those people didn't know what they were talking about. Or they knew it, but their idea of success wasn't exactly the same as yours. You must learn to recognize which advice to accept and which to reject.
It takes a bit of practice to understand who are the people who share your same idea of success, and the courage not to follow the advice of someone who has many credentials, if you don't think they will help you

Step 5. Don't forget to have fun
Fulfilling your dreams and achieving your goals is important, but that doesn't mean you can't have a laugh with friends and some water rifle battles. It's important to make time for silly things, try something new, or laugh in the company of loved ones. It will not help you become the CEO of your company, but it will allow you to face life in the right perspective and relax after all the hard work you have done.
Having fun will help you succeed in life, if you do it in moderation, just like everything else. Set aside time each day to avoid thinking about your current job, career or projects and focus on living in the moment. Being able to have fun even when you work hard to climb the top, this is the true definition of "success in life"
- Regardless of everything else, exercise (get out and move!) And eat healthily! You can't go anywhere if you're not in shape or if you get sick constantly.
- Exercise is an effective and important method for fighting depression and restoring neurochemical balance.
Alcohol and drugs will always leave you behind, distorting your ability to judge and exhausting your energy. Take back control of your life to be able to succeed in pursuing your goals. Otherwise you can forget about success.