Many people in every corner of the world believe in the existence of guardian angels. Some believe that each person is assigned a single angel with the task of protecting them; others believe that each of us has two angels, one for the day and one for the night. Although the purpose of contacting them has sparked widespread controversy, many argue that through meditation and prayer it is possible to address the angels directly.
Part 1 of 4: Learning to Know the Guardian Angels

Step 1. Gain more knowledge to strengthen your connection
Books and the internet are an endless source of important information; do some research on the web or in your neighborhood library. Although many religions believe in guardian angels, their views on the matter are often different.
- Most beliefs hold that angels are entities in their own right, different from human beings; some argue that it is people who turn into angels after death.
- Catholics believe that each person is assigned a guardian angel.
- Muslims, on the other hand, think that every believer has two guardian angels, one preceding him and one following him.
- There are many different views in Judaism regarding guardian angels. Some scholars claim that humans do not have an individual guardian angel, but that God may decide to send even more than one in times of need. Others believe that for every good deed a person ensures the company of an angel. Still others believe that an angel named Lailah is charged with protecting people from conception until death.

Step 2. Talk to your parents
If you are very young and unsure which religion your family belongs to, ask your parents for help. Ask their opinion regarding guardian angels, share your attempts to connect with the entity that protects you, and make sure they agree.

Step 3. Consult a spiritual authority
Ask your parents to help you meet a religious leader from your community who you can ask all your questions about angels. If you are old enough you can also decide to consult it on your own. If you don't usually go to a place of worship with your family, you can visit one of your interest. Most spiritual authorities will be happy to let you know their faith, even if you have different beliefs.
Part 2 of 4: Prepare to Contact Your Guardian Angel

Step 1. Identify your Guardian Angel
Before trying to contact your angel, make sure you know who he is and what his special powers are. If you are trying to contact a specific angel, take some time to learn more about that angel.
- To identify your Guardian Angel, look at the signs. Pay attention to the names and symbols that stand out the most. For example, if you notice that the name Michael keeps appearing, then your guardian angel could be Michael.
- You can also choose an angel to contact based on that specific angel's associations. For example, Raphael is associated with the healing and protection of travelers, so you may want to contact him if you have been dealing with an illness or if you are planning a trip.
- Some people think of their deceased loved ones as their guardian angels. For example, you might identify a grandfather you were very close to as your guardian angel.

Step 2. Create an altar
Creating an altar could help you contact your guardian angel by designating a space for spiritual energy. To create an altar, find a small space, such as a bookcase or the top of a dresser. Place a cloth over the area and add a candle and an object that reminds you of your Guardian Angel. Some people like to include photos, food, herbs, crystals, frankincense, and water as part of their altars.
- Think about the objects, colors, numbers and everything else that is associated with your angel as you choose how to decorate your altar.
- Buy a special candle just for your altar. Use the candle only when you want to communicate with your guardian angel.
- Put photos of your deceased loved ones on your altar, if you think of them as your guardian angels.

Step 3. Learn a special prayer
Many people use special prayers to help them get in touch with their angels. Some angels have prayers that you can learn and use when you contact him. If your angel is not well known, you may want to consider writing your prayer to that angel. You can write a prayer following the basic structure used by other prayers to angels:
- Talk to the angel.
- Recognize your angel's special powers.
- Identify what you need.
- Finish the prayer.

Step 4. Find a time to contact your angel
To increase your chances of contacting your Guardian Angel, you should designate a specific time each day to pray and meditate. Having a daily practice will give your Guardian Angel more opportunities to contact you.
- For example, you could start or end each day with 5 minutes of prayer and meditation near your altar.
- You can also contact your angel in times of need, but be sure to establish regular contact with him.
Part 3 of 4: Being Aware in Daily Life

Step 1. Pay attention to intuition and "instinct"
For some it is about the way angels communicate with us. If you have an important decision to make but don't have time to meditate, mentally ask your angel for help. In case an answer comes to your mind, it could be your angel trying to guide you.

Step 2. Keep a journal
Use it to collect any thoughts that you think are attributable to your angel. Write down any suggestions you received during the meditation. Memories and insights tend to be easily confused or forgotten; having a clear copy will help you organize your thoughts.

Step 3. Remember that your angel is next to you
The feeling of never being alone and always feeling protected is the greatest gift an angel can give you. Make this awareness empower you to face tough times.
Try to imagine that your Guardian Angel is standing behind you whenever you have to do something difficult - it will help give you strength and remind you that your Guardian Angel is protecting you
Part 4 of 4: Contacting your Guardian Angel Through Meditation

Step 1. Prepare your meditation space
Choose a quiet place where no one can disturb you, for example your bedroom. Turn off all electronic devices to eliminate any possible distraction, such as TV, cell phone and computer; turning off the light and closing the curtains will be of further help. If you wish, light a candle or incense stick to help you focus.

Step 2. Light a candle
Candles are a great way to focus your attention while meditating. If you have created an altar, you can light the candle above it. If you don't have an angel altar, you can light a candle and place it on a table in front of you.
If you don't want to light a candle, you can also use a rosary to focus your attention, or listen to some repetitive sounds of nature, such as ocean waves or the sound of rain

Step 3. Sit down and make yourself comfortable
Meditation requires that you stay still for a long time, so make sure you are not being pushed to move all the time due to an uncomfortable position. As long as you are sure you are not going to fall asleep, you can also lie down.

Step 4. Breathe deeply and clear your mind
Close your eyes or look at the lit candle. During the first few minutes, try not to think about anything, not even your guardian angel. Focus on maintaining slow, steady breathing.
If you notice that you have started thinking about something, take a moment to acknowledge the thought and then focus on your breathing

Step 5. Mentally greet your angel with a "hello"
Thank him for the protection he offers you every day. Let him know of any problems that are affecting you and ask him to guide you.
If you have learned or prepared a prayer, take a moment to say it. You can do it in your head or even out loud

Step 6. Listen to his response
The signs of its presence will be mostly tenuous and impalpable. You may hear a faint noise, see a fleeting image in your mind, feel a faint sensation of warmth, or sense a presence in the empty room.
Some people believe that angels cannot interfere with our life unless explicitly asked of them. If you are unsure of your guardian angel's presence, urge him to let you know if he is there

Step 7. Slowly leave the meditative state
Greet your angel and end your meditation with a prayer. If you closed your eyes, open them again. Change your position, but sit for 1-2 minutes to give your mind time to return to normal.

Step 8. Improve your meditation through practice
Meditating requires considerable skill and will probably be nearly impossible for you to do on the first try. Try again whenever you have the chance: even a few minutes a day will allow you to visibly improve.
Remember that it's okay to start with a few minutes of meditation a day and then work your way up to longer periods of meditation as you become more and more comfortable with this practice
- Be very cautious in trying to contact spiritual entities, such as angels for example. Some argue that sometimes evil spirits can pretend to be angels to get closer to people.
- While some feel it is appropriate to name their angels, others do not think it is a good idea. While allowing you to feel more comfortable, you may risk appearing bossy. Although your Guardian Angel is next to you to help and guide you, you shouldn't try to control him.
- Don't feel discouraged if your attempts to contact your angel are unsuccessful. Most people are unable to speak to us directly.