The Secret Santa, or "Secret Santa", aims to lighten costs and spread the Christmas spirit by giving a gift to someone who might not be on your usual list. The game involves a group of people who, by drawing, will exchange gifts without knowing who will give the gift to whom. Consider playing Secret Santa over the holiday season, or read the instructions to figure out how to play if you've already been invited to do so.
Method 1 of 2: Part1: Playing Secret Santa

Step 1. Write the names of all participants on a piece of paper
If there are many and people do not know each other well, it would be a good idea to circulate the paper and have each participant write, in addition to their name, some distinctive traits / interests such as "male, astronomy enthusiast, 65", or " woman, triathlete, 34 years old ". If the group is small and there is some intimacy, the person's name will suffice.

Step 2. Cut out the names and place them in a hat or bowl
To prepare the names for extraction, after cutting them out, fold the piece of paper in half or several times to prevent them from being read. Then put them in a bowl or hat and mix them, so that they are taken out in random order.

Step 3. Set a price limit
It can be done by discussing it with the group or it can be decided by the organizers. This limit is to avoid that some people spend very few euros while others exaggerate, buying very expensive gifts. Decide on a minimum and maximum limit considering that the amount is affordable for all members of the group. It is better if the figure is too low rather than too high, thus avoiding embarrassing those for whom the figure might otherwise be inaccessible.

Step 4. Extract the names
Pass the hat by giving each person the opportunity to draw a name at random. Nobody has to see the names until everyone has a piece of paper in their hand, at that moment everyone can look at their own piece of paper but will not have to say or show the name that happened to them.

Step 5. Set the date for the gift exchange
The next step for everyone will be to buy a gift (within the established price limits) for the person whose name they extracted. There is usually a second meeting during which all players exchange gifts and reveal the names they had drawn. Agree with the members of the group and choose, a few days in advance, the date and time for the exchange of gifts.

Step 6. Buy a gift
Thinking about the person you have extracted, choose the one that seems to you the perfect gift. Try to make it personal, not something generic like a candy bag or coffee mug. Be careful to keep yourself within limits, otherwise you may make the recipient of the gift and others uncomfortable because of a gift that is too cheap or excessively expensive.

Step 7. Exchange gifts
At this point everyone will have bought the gifts and, at the time of the meeting, the exchange can begin. Wait for everyone to be present and keep the recipient of your gift secret until everyone is given the "go" to exchange the gifts. At this point, look for the recipient of your gift and give it to him! Don't forget that you will also receive a gift, and you will need to be kind and polite when they give it to you (even if you don't like it at all).
Method 2 of 2: Part 2: Choosing the Right Gift

Step 1. Make an appropriate gift
Prank gifts can be fun at times, while child-friendly gifts are good for close friends, however, in this case, you should choose something that cannot be perceived as inappropriate. Give a gift that could be suitable even for a minor and if you have more "risky" ideas put them into practice for private occasions, other than Secret Santa.

Step 2. Avoid alcohol
Unless the Secret Santa takes place in a wine shop, you can't know if the recipient would appreciate an alcoholic. Especially if it's a company party, giving away alcohol could be embarrassing if the recipient is a teetotaler or has stopped drinking. If you know the recipient is fond of alcohol, give something related instead of a bottle.

Step 3. Buy something useful
If you don't know what to give to the person who happened to you, play it safe and choose something useful. That way, even if it's not something he would have wanted, he'll still need it. Think Christmas decorations, kitchen items or a good book.

Step 4. Get something specific
If you can, do a little research on your gift recipient to find something truly tailored. Ask around, look at his profile on the social network or ask him, discreetly, a few questions. He will appreciate the time and effort you put into choosing a special and targeted gift.

Step 5. Consider making the gift yourself
If you are a creative person, a tasteful, homemade gift will appear personalized and meaningful. Think about the recipient's interests when wrapping the gift rather than using leftovers and appearing anxious to save. There is a big difference between doing something creative and useful and doing something cheap that gives the impression that you forgot to make the purchase.
- Don't buy something personal, like perfume, makeup, deodorant, or food. On these things everyone has their own specific tastes.
- Make sure you only extract one name.
- If you pull out your name, put it back among the others and pull out another piece of paper.
- Make sure all the names of the event attendees are in the bowl or hat.
- Secret Santa is also referred to as Kris Kringle in some places.