Experts recommend replacing your toothbrush every three to four months (or when the bristles look worn out), but that doesn't mean it should go straight into the trash can. You can also use it once its useful life is over. This choice is economical (because you will save on other items) and ecological.

Step 1. Stop using your toothbrush when you should
It is not ideal to continue using it if the bristles have lost their original shape or are worn out. If you have bought a toothbrush whose bristles fade with use, be careful: once they have changed color, you will need to replace it.

Step 2. Clean it to prevent germs from spreading
Soak it in a water-based bleach solution.

Step 3. With a permanent marker, write down its new function on the handle so it won't be reused by mistake
For example, write “brush to clean the taps”.
Method 1 of 3: Cleaning

Step 1. Use the toothbrush in the bathroom to remove dirt accumulating around the taps and to clean the grout visible between the tiles

Step 2. Also comes in handy for cleaning around bathroom lighting fixtures, where steam and paint combine to form thick, sticky lumps

Step 3. Use it to clean the kitchen sink, including the faucet, and the sealant that has been applied to the edges of the sink, which prevents water leaks

Step 4. Old toothbrushes are useful for cleaning tools, removing small oil or grease stains from tools and work areas, etc

Step 5. If you hate cleaning windows, include your toothbrush in the kit
It is ideal for corners, internal sections of window frames and all empty parts where dirt collects.

Step 6. Clean up the electronics items
Old toothbrushes can be used to unsolder electronics if you don't have a desoldering iron. First, with a soldering iron, heat the joint from which you want to remove the solder; brush it off the component as quickly as possible using the toothbrush. Be sure to remove any welds you have brushed off of the surrounding areas where they have fallen; you can also use a piece of cloth or paper towel to cover the area in the direction you intend to brush the weld to protect it. This method works surprisingly well, and you can use your toothbrush several times before you need to replace it once the bristles have melted.

Step 7. Toothbrushes can also be helpful in removing dirt from potatoes and pumpkins

Step 8. You could also use them to clean the keyboard and computer monitor
Do not use them on LCDs and other flat panel monitors, as the hard bristles will scratch the surface.

Step 9. Dip the cutlery in a basin of warm soapy water and use the toothbrush to remove any encrusted dirt (such as from between the teeth of the forks)
Do this before washing them as usual.

Step 10. Use an old toothbrush to clean the back of the teaspoons, where dirt collects (particularly where the concave part joins the handle)

Step 11. Toothbrushes are excellent for cleaning silver; they can access all crevices, unlike other tools

Step 12. A medium-bristled toothbrush is ideal for cleaning footwear such as Crocs (but also sandals, flip-flops, and other rubber or plastic shoes)
Use it with soap and water to get your shoes back like new!

Step 13. Clean the soles of the shoes
If they got dirty from stepping on a dog's excrement, a toothbrush is ideal for cleaning them up, because you can then throw it away straight away (and it will have been useful until the last moment).

Step 14. Use it to clean the wheels of a disabled vehicle

Step 15. Use it to clean bicycle chains

Step 16. An old toothbrush and cheap toothpaste come in handy for polishing jewelry
The toothpaste is abrasive enough to clean properly and restore shine to gold and silver.

Step 17. Use it to clean the teat and the inside of a bottle

Step 18. You can also use it to clean the bottom of cups and buckets where dirt has accumulated, especially in the crevices and around the embossed letters of the manufacturer's name / logo

Step 19. Use it to clean the sleeves of the cups and the raised edge on the bottom of the cups and saucers

Step 20. Use it to clean the battery terminals of a car

Step 21. You can use it to clean your nails after working in the garden

Step 22. Use it to clean the cheese grater

Step 23. Use it to remove stains from clothing, upholstered furniture and carpet

Step 24. Use it to clean a can opener
Take your toothbrush to remove any lumps that have formed around the blade.

Step 25. You can also use it to clean electric razors

Step 26. Use it to clean firearms

Step 27. Before vacuuming, use your toothbrush to remove dust from corners of rooms and stairways

Step 28. Use an old toothbrush as you polish your shoes so that the product you use also covers the joining point between the sole and the top of the shoe

Step 29. Toothbrushes can also be used to remove dust from the air conditioning without running the risk of hurting your fingers

Step 30. They can be ideal for cleaning the aquarium
Soak your toothbrush in the detergent you use for the aquarium and scrub to get rid of the algae. It can also clean the stones contained inside.
Method 2 of 3: Makeup and Accessories

Step 1. Place an old toothbrush under warm running water from the tap and gently scrub your lips to make them soft

Step 2. Old toothbrushes are also helpful in remedying problems that arise from applying mascara, such as lumps on the lashes or black marks under the eyes

Step 3. Use an old toothbrush on unruly brows
Why buy an eyebrow comb when you can use an old toothbrush?

Step 4. When cleaning the combs and brushes, use a toothbrush to scrub the areas between the bristles

Step 5. You can also make a bracelet with an old toothbrush

Step 6. Cut the handle and create plugs to dilate the earlobes

Step 7. You can use it to clean the hair dryer wire mesh

Step 8. If you want to scratch your back but have nothing else to hand, you can always use a toothbrush

Step 9. Cut the part that has the bristles; sharpen and smooth it slightly with a pencil sharpener; you can use this stick to collect your hair or to create a bun (if you have it long)
Method 3 of 3: Other

Step 1. If the toothbrush has a hole in the end, cut the part that has the bristles and sharpen it creating a tip; it will become a kind of needle that you can use to make a rug; in this regard, get some cloth scampi

Step 2. A thin toothbrush with a hole in one end is also good for tucking an elastic, ribbon or string into pajama or sweatpants, briefs or petticoats
Just remove the part with the bristles and sharpen it until it becomes smooth. Thread a 10-12 cm section of the elastic through the hole and sew the ends together. Now you can simply thread a 6 '' section of the long end of the elastic into the loop you made, tie a knot and use the brush handle as if it were a long needle to thread the elastic through the part of the pajamas, trousers or underskirt that tightens at the waist.

Step 3. Attach a toothbrush head to a vibrating micro motor and let it swipe
Create several and let them do contests.

Step 4. They are great toys for cats, but don't let them get grabbed by dogs, as they may swallow them

Step 5. An old toothbrush can also be used to brush your dog or cat's teeth, but consult your vet first

Step 6. If you are an artist, toothbrushes are ideal for painting
You can get excellent pattered textures (for example they will be useful for creating rocky surfaces) by dipping the bristles of the toothbrush in a light pigment; bring it close to the surface you want to give this texture to and pass a stick or toothpick through the bristles. Wear old clothes and put some newspaper on the floor when you decide to try, because it can be very confusing (but it is a technique that will give you satisfaction!).

Step 7. Use toothbrushes to identify the plants you have in the garden; you just have to write their names on the handles with a permanent marker

Step 8. They are also quite useful for turning paint in small jars

Step 9. You can also use the handles to reproduce Prince Caspian's sword

Step 10. Hard-bristled toothbrushes are very useful for removing splinters
Just soften the area with warm water and then brush.

Step 11. You can use a soft or medium-bristled (not hard) brush to brush a hamster or other small, thick-haired animal
Generally these animals are able to keep themselves clean by themselves, but, if you feel that you need to help them (for example there is something left in the fur or they neglect a certain point), just use a dry toothbrush, making small brushes. Rinse and dry your toothbrush and repeat if necessary. Do not use water to wash your furry friend, as this will remove the sebum, which is essential to protect the fur.

Step 12. If you collect enough old toothbrushes, you can use them to make a house or figurine
- When you start using a new toothbrush, you can write the date with a permanent marker, so you'll know exactly when three to four months have passed.
- Always replace your toothbrush after you have a cold or fever.
- You can also use it to clean carpet stains, clean wood inserts, and polish shoes.
- When cleaning between tiles or waterproof sealant, be careful not to apply too much pressure to damage these areas. The bristles of a toothbrush can be quite aggressive.
- It is not recommended to use old toothbrushes to clean delicate fruits and vegetables. In addition to the risk of contamination, the soft skin could be damaged.