Getting caught in a house fire is a terrifying, upsetting and very difficult experience to overcome. After the fire is put out, it is important to know how to protect yourself and your family from possible further harm. Below are suggestions for the most important things to do and know in the event of a fire.

Step 1. After a fire, make sure whether or not it is possible to enter the premises
Do not enter the house (or other building) if you have not obtained the authorization of the competent authorities. There are also other factors to consider:
- make sure the fire is completely extinguished in all environments;
- make sure that the fire brigade has inspected every room and made every environment safe;
- verify the extent of the fire.

Step 2. If the building has been seriously damaged by the flames, you may be prevented from accessing the interior

Step 3. Call important people on the phone
- Contact family members to notify them of what happened and your state of health, ask for help if possible.
- In the aftermath of the fire, you cannot assume that someone contacts the insurance company, as you are the one who must make contact. This is very important for the insurance to carry out an assessment of the damage from the initial stages, and thus start the reimbursement procedure. In many cases, insurance can also provide assistance by paying housing costs for the days you are forced to live away from home. Remember to keep receipts of any expenses you incur. The insurance can also put you in contact with companies that specialize in remediation.
- If the house is rented, contact the owner and his insurance company immediately.
- Also contact any person who could help you, including charitable organizations such as the Red Cross.

Step 4. Interested in the contents of the technical report made after the fire
This contains data on the causes and development of the flames, as well as an estimate of the current conditions of the property, useful for the purposes of habitability and insurance compensation.

Step 5. Try to get a copy of all documents from the various offices

Step 6. Secure your belongings
If no one has suggested that you do so yet, it is very important to prevent theft or further damage to property. Talk to someone who can advise you, and check with insurance what their needs are.

Step 7. Try to evaluate, perhaps with the help of a professional, what interventions will be used to restore the house in good condition
If the house has suffered damage only to the interior and not to the structures, you will need to do a thorough cleaning and restoration work. In many cases, fire damage goes beyond what is visible to the naked eye. The removal of a building destroyed by fire should only be done by specialized firms. At this stage, you must evaluate whether the restoration of the environments is a feasible operation and within your reach, or if you need to call a company in the sector. You should also discuss these options with your insurer. Evaluate these elements:
- The type of damage, including smoke and ash deposits, burn marks, burning smell etc;
- If the damage is limited to a single room, you may want to restore yourself;
- If the damage is widespread, it will be better to contact those who by profession clean up sites following fires.

Step 8. Understand how to get rid of smoke marks and deposits after a fire
If you choose to go it alone, you should be aware that smoke and wall deposits can be difficult to remove or cover without smelling. Another critical point will be removing the chemicals used by firefighters to put out the flames.
- Smoke residues There are many products for cleaning smoke residues, the most common is sodium phosphate, which must be mixed with water according to the instructions on the package and used with a sponge on the affected surfaces, and then left to dry.
- Foam residues and fire extinguishers You can use a professional vacuum cleaner (preferably with a double filter) to remove foam and ash residues.
- Furnishing fabrics such as rugs, curtains and upholstery that can be washed out should be cleaned by a professional laundry service.
- Open the windows and doors. Even in cold weather, let the air circulate. The house in this phase must in any case be empty at least for the time of the first intervention, and also do not let people not involved in the restoration, such as children, be inside the rooms, because they could come into contact with harmful substances.

Step 9. If water was used to put out the flames, it is very important to dry the rooms as well as possible
In this case the best thing is to contact a specialized company for fire and water reclamation. If not dried properly, moisture can cause further damage and cause mold and mildew to develop. Check with your insurance how best to proceed.

Step 10. Ask for a consultation if you need to reassure the children or other family members
Damage to the home or loss of home are very traumatic events and can have a lasting impact on each person involved, depending on each person's resources. In many cases there is a feeling of disorientation, insecurity, depression, lack, to the point of despair. The depth of these feelings depends on the intensity of the damage suffered, and the complete loss of the home can give the impression of having to rebuild one's life from scratch. Reassure each other with the other people involved, and let your emotions run wild. Keep children close and under observation, giving them real information on what has happened and what will happen in the next few days, relying on the safety of personal relationships and the fact that material things can be replaced.
- Make a careful inventory of items that could be removed or moved during cleaning by a specialist company.
- You can use deodorants to cover up the smoke smell, which will be very persistent. Open the windows as much as possible to ensure better air exchange. Complete the residue cleaning to get rid of the odor altogether.
- If there is structural damage, it is usually best to contact a company specializing in remediation.
- Remember that the insurance adjuster often tries to serve the interests of the company. If you think he is minimizing the damage, suggesting less decisive interventions than necessary, express your concerns or contact a trusted expert.
- Losing a pet is very painful, but if you think it has managed to escape and save itself from the flames, look for it in the neighborhood.
- Bring objects of economic or emotional value with you, to avoid further damage or loss of important objects during the restoration of the premises.
- Do not assume that whoever shows up to fix the rooms is sent by the insurance company. There are many specialized companies that compete for potential customers, verify the credentials of those who enter or ask for access to your home following a fire.
- If you find yourself tidying up your house without outside help, wear a dust mask, durable rubber gloves, and safety shoes. You never know what dangers you may be subjected to, in terms of dangerous objects or structures, or harmful chemicals. Prudence is the most important thing.