How to Control the Chakras (with Pictures)

How to Control the Chakras (with Pictures)
How to Control the Chakras (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Our body is divided into seven chakras, or energy centers, each of which reflects a region of the physical body as well as personality traits. Try the following strategies to control the chakras and achieve balance between them, promoting optimal emotional, mental and spiritual health.


Part 1 of 3: Meditation

Control Chakra Step 1
Control Chakra Step 1

Step 1. Sit in a comfortable place, free of distractions and noises

Cross your legs, keep your back straight and your body relaxed. Focus on your breath, inhale and exhale deeply as you clear your mind of thoughts.

Control Chakra Step 2
Control Chakra Step 2

Step 2. Imagine your Base chakra, at the root of your spine

This is associated with health, physical appearance and safety. Continue to focus on the breath and keep your attention in this chakra focused on energy; allow yourself to feel anchored, grounded in the Earth. Visualize a bright red sphere spinning clockwise.

Control Chakra Step 3
Control Chakra Step 3

Step 3. Focus on the second chakra, the Sacral or umbilical, in the lower abdomen

Think about your feelings of love, passion and sexuality. Relax the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and pelvis and continue to breathe deeply. Displays an orange glowing sphere spinning clockwise.

Control Chakra Step 4
Control Chakra Step 4

Step 4. Direct your attention just above the navel and below the chest, here is the Solar Plexus chakra

This is associated with concentration, will and power; focus on your personal energies, continuing to breathe deeply. Visualize a bright yellow sphere spinning clockwise.

Control Chakra Step 5
Control Chakra Step 5

Step 5. Think of your Heart chakra, in the center of your chest

Focus on the feelings of love, forgiveness, compassion and harmony as you meditate on this chakra; allow your mind to explore the link between body and spirit. Visualize a bright green sphere spinning clockwise.

Control Chakra Step 6
Control Chakra Step 6

Step 6. Open your mouth and breathe deeply, using the Throat chakra

Think about the power of communication, the ability to create and share wisdom and knowledge. Focus your attention on the region between the chin and the top of the breastbone. Displays a bright blue sphere spinning clockwise.

Control Chakra Step 7
Control Chakra Step 7

Step 7. Focus on the "Third Eye" chakra located on the forehead just above the eyes

This chakra is the key to wisdom, learning, imagination, intuition and perception. Consider the impact our eyes have on the perception of the world and of ourselves; be aware of your breathing. Visualize a luminous indigo sphere spinning clockwise.

Control Chakra Step 8
Control Chakra Step 8

Step 8. Take a deep inhalation and then exhale; focus on the Crown chakra, the top of the head

This is the connection with the spiritual nature and where we find the inspiration and sense of a higher self. Keep focusing on your breath. Visualize a bright purple sphere spinning clockwise.

Control Chakra Step 9
Control Chakra Step 9

Step 9. Now imagine a white light flowing from the crown and going down through all the chakras to the root, well planted on the earth

Visualize yourself as a glowing white being, with all of your chakras within a brilliant vortex.

Part 2 of 3: Meditation with the Crystals

Control Chakra Step 10
Control Chakra Step 10

Step 1. Lie down in a quiet place, in silence or with sounds that can aid relaxation (such as water or the sound of the waves)

Turn off your phone and keep away any other distractions.

Control Chakra Step 11
Control Chakra Step 11

Step 2. Concentrate on your breath, imagining that with each inhalation a beneficial white light enters the whole body while with each exhalation stress and negativity leave the body

Control Chakra Step 12
Control Chakra Step 12

Step 3. Place the stones on the corresponding chakra

Generally the color of the stone corresponds to the color of the chakra, for example: amethyst for chakra 7, of the Crown; lapis lazuli on the 6th, or Third Eye; blue calcite on the 5th chakra, or of the Throat, rose quartz on the 4th, of the Heart; citrine on the 3rd or Solar Plexus, carnelian on the 2nd, or Sacral, and black tourmaline on the 1st, or Root / Base.

Control Chakra Step 13
Control Chakra Step 13

Step 4. Imagine the stones as incandescent spheres of every color; visualize the energy of the same color as the stone passing from the stone to reach the chakra, until you clearly visualize the latter as a large luminous sphere of the appropriate color

Control Chakra Step 14
Control Chakra Step 14

Step 5. Travel the chakras from top to bottom or vice versa, according to your goals during meditation

If you want it to be a prelude to spiritual practice, focus on the chakras / stones following the order 1-7. For general health and well-being, move the concentration downwards following the order 7-1. Once you have chosen the path, focus on the color of the stone, which naturally resonates with each chakra and restores structure, harmony and balance throughout the body.

Part 3 of 3: Yoga Positions for Each Chakra

Control Chakra Step 15
Control Chakra Step 15

Step 1. Root Chakra:

Mountain, Crow, Bridge, Warrior, Corpse Pose, Extended Side Angle and Feet Forward Pose.

Control Chakra Step 16
Control Chakra Step 16

Step 2. Sacral Chakra:

Position of the cobra, the Frog, the Dancer, the Child and the Rotated Triangle.

Control Chakra Step 17
Control Chakra Step 17

Step 3. Solar Plexus Chakra:

Position of Warrior I and Warrior II, of the Bow, of the Boat, of the Lion and intense lateral elongation.

Control Chakra Step 18
Control Chakra Step 18

Step 4. Heart Chakra:

Position of the Camel, the Cobra, the lying position (Uttanasana) and the Eagle.

Control Chakra Step 19
Control Chakra Step 19

Step 5. Throat Chakra:

Position of the Plow, the Fish, the Cobra, the Camel, the Bridge and the Candle (on the shoulders).

Control Chakra Step 20
Control Chakra Step 20

Step 6. Third Eye Chakra:

Position of the Diamond, of the Downward Dog (adho mukha svanasana) and of the Child position.

Control Chakra Step 21
Control Chakra Step 21

Step 7. Crown Chakra:

Position of the Corpse, of the Lotus, Vertical on the head (Sirsasana) and position of the Rock (Sat Kriya).


  • Look at websites that teach you how to balance each chakra.
  • Search online to find helpful guides to help you choose the right crystal for each chakra.
  • You can find pictures of each yoga position on numerous websites, although it is recommended at first to work with a yoga teacher to make sure you achieve the correct posture for each position.
