Health 2024, September

3 Ways to Rescue a Person Fallen in Frozen Water

3 Ways to Rescue a Person Fallen in Frozen Water

You find yourself near a frozen pond and suddenly you hear a cry for help. Someone fell into the frozen water. What are you doing? The first instinct is to run towards the victim to save her, but this behavior could make you get involved in the accident and find yourself both helpless.

How to Cure Tennis Elbow (with Pictures)

How to Cure Tennis Elbow (with Pictures)

Tennis elbow (or lateral epicondylitis) is a rather painful inflammation located on the outside of the elbow, which implies damage to the tendons that connect the forearm and the elbow itself. It is often the result of activities that require repetitive use of the joint, including of course tennis.

How to Rotate an Injured Person in First Aid

How to Rotate an Injured Person in First Aid

The golden rule of first aid is do no harm. It may seem like an obvious concept, but it often conflicts with what every fiber in the body tells you to do as a reaction to an emergency. In the event of a severe head, spinal or neck injury, instinct leads you to want to move the victim to a more comfortable position or to transfer them to a safer area, but the movement can greatly aggravate the situation.

How to Cure a Keloid (with Pictures)

How to Cure a Keloid (with Pictures)

Keloid scars, or simply keloids, are skin growths that form when the body produces too much scar tissue after an injury. Keloids are not dangerous, but for many people they are a cosmetic problem. They can be difficult to treat, so the first thing to do would be to avoid their formation;

How to Put a Person in Safety Side Position

How to Put a Person in Safety Side Position

The lateral safety position is used when people are unconscious but are breathing. There are several variations, but the purpose is always the same: to prevent suffocation. After doing the first aid maneuvers, and if you are sure that the person does not have a spinal or cervical injury, use the following procedure to place the person in the lateral recovery position.

4 Ways to Treat a Hydrofluoric Acid Burn

4 Ways to Treat a Hydrofluoric Acid Burn

A burn from an acidic substance is a serious injury, but coming into contact with even a small amount of hydrofluoric acid (HF) can be fatal. This acid is extremely toxic and can even penetrate glass. In the United States alone, about 1,000 cases of this type of burn are reported every year, although the exact number is not actually known.

How to Avoid Scratching a Scab: 12 Steps

How to Avoid Scratching a Scab: 12 Steps

Every time you cut or scratch yourself, a scab forms on your skin. Even if the temptation to scratch it off is strong, it is better not to do so in order not to hinder the proper healing of the wound and prevent a scar from remaining. To avoid scratching, keep your skin covered with gauze;

How to Treat a Hydrogen Peroxide Burn

How to Treat a Hydrogen Peroxide Burn

Hydrogen peroxide is a common household cleaner that can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and digestive system. Fortunately, household products contain a low concentration of the active ingredient; in most cases, irritation or burns can be easily treated by running fresh water over the affected area.

5 Ways to Hide Cuts

5 Ways to Hide Cuts

Maybe you cut yourself shaving or the knife slipped while working in the kitchen. Sometimes some accidents can result in cuts that you would like to hide, but you may wish to mask them even if you injured yourself intentionally. If this is the case for you, the fact that other people can see the cuts could increase your stress and emotional turmoil.

How to Get Rid of Stitch Scars

How to Get Rid of Stitch Scars

Stitches are typically applied to deep cuts, severe wounds, or after surgery and need to be properly cared for every day to avoid scarring. The skin heals differently from person to person and sometimes the spots leave marks or scars; however, there are remedies to reduce the visibility of these imperfections and prevent the risk of blemishes in the long run.

How to Heal a Cut on Your Tongue: 14 Steps

How to Heal a Cut on Your Tongue: 14 Steps

Did you bite your tongue or do you have a cut caused by something sharp like a piece of ice or a broken tooth? This is a fairly common injury; it is painful, but usually heals on its own in a few days. Even in the case of a very serious injury, it can still heal with due medical attention, treatment and a little patience.

How to deal with a stab wound

How to deal with a stab wound

A stab wound is painful, bleeds a lot, is potentially fatal, and immediate action is required to stop the bleeding, relieve pain and stabilize the victim until the cut is examined by medical professionals. Caring for this type of injury requires quick intervention and a cool head to effectively provide the first care needed to control bleeding and save the victim's life.

3 Ways to Treat a Hammer-Struck Finger

3 Ways to Treat a Hammer-Struck Finger

When doing home repairs, hanging a picture or building something in your workshop, you may accidentally hit your finger with the hammer. This is a fairly common accident, but it is very painful and could even damage your finger if you put in a lot of force.

How to Report an Emergency: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Report an Emergency: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

Reporting an emergency is one of those things that seem simple enough, until the time really comes to do so. In those situations, nervousness can take over and you may even forget your name! If you find yourself in an emergency situation, take a deep breath and remember these instructions.

How to Cure a Hematoma: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Cure a Hematoma: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

A hematoma is formed when blood leaves a damaged blood vessel or vein and collects in an area of the body. Unlike other bruises, it is usually accompanied by noticeable swelling. Always keep in mind that the severity of the hematoma depends entirely on its location.

How to Treat a Knee Sprain: 13 Steps

How to Treat a Knee Sprain: 13 Steps

A knee sprain is an injury to the ligaments, which are strong, elastic-like tissues that connect bones to each other and hold joints in place. A sprain can compromise many ligaments in the knee by tearing their fibers and often causing pain, swelling and bruising.

How to Exercise with a Broken Wrist

How to Exercise with a Broken Wrist

Bone fractures are not easy to manage, especially when they interfere with a regular physical activity program. However, if you have broken your wrist, you don't have to stop exercising until you recover. Steps Part 1 of 4: Doing Aerobic Exercises Step 1.

How to Help Someone Who Drank Gasoline

How to Help Someone Who Drank Gasoline

Sometimes it can happen that someone accidentally drinks some gasoline while trying to pour it from the tank. This is an unpleasant experience, which could create a bit of panic; however, with proper care, there is no need to rush to the hospital.

How to Treat a Sprain During First Aid

How to Treat a Sprain During First Aid

A sprain involves tearing the ligament fibers that keep the bones in the correct joint location. This trauma causes acute pain, swelling, bruising, and loss of mobility. Joint ligaments heal quickly, and sprains typically don't need surgery or other intense medical attention.

How to Make Cuts Heal Quickly (with Pictures)

How to Make Cuts Heal Quickly (with Pictures)

It can happen to everyone, sooner or later, to get injured and cause a cut on the skin. It is not always necessary to see a doctor for proper care, but if you want to stay healthy and avoid the risk of infection, you must do everything possible to make the wound heal as quickly and in the best way possible.

How to Organize a First Aid Kit

How to Organize a First Aid Kit

It is advisable to always have a first aid kit available at home, because small and large emergencies can always happen. You can buy a ready-made one, or you can make your own with the help of this article. Steps Step 1. Choose a large enough container It must be large enough to hold everything you need, but also light, portable, and possibly waterproof (although you can use plastic bags to protect the contents).

How to help a person who has ingested poison

How to help a person who has ingested poison

Any substance that, if used incorrectly, causes physical damage to the body can be considered a poison. The forms can be different: pesticides, drugs, detergents and cosmetics are just some of the elements that can poison our body. Poisons can be inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin.

How to Survive a Fall from the Second Floor

How to Survive a Fall from the Second Floor

The thought of falling from the second floor is frightening, whether it is an accidental fall from a balcony or a dive to escape a fire. You are not guaranteed to survive, but methods exist to minimize the force of impact and the chances of a serious injury.

How to Treat a Wound: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Treat a Wound: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Many small wounds, such as cuts and scrapes, can be easily treated at home. However, if you've sustained a more serious injury or contracted an infection, you may need medical attention to make sure you recover completely. Steps Method 1 of 2:

How to Treat a Hematoma at Home (with Pictures)

How to Treat a Hematoma at Home (with Pictures)

A hematoma is a spill of blood into a tissue or cavity of the body due to trauma or a violent impact. It is generally not serious, but it can be painful and swollen for a few days! It disappears as the inflammation subsides and the extravasation of blood is absorbed by the body.

How to Make an Arm Cast: 9 Steps

How to Make an Arm Cast: 9 Steps

Casts help a bruised arm heal. Usually applied by medical professionals, they keep the bones and muscles of the arm in place. To do an arm cast, use these tips. Steps Step 1. Cut a medical grade elastic gauze tube Unroll a tube of elastic gauze.

4 Ways to Practice Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

4 Ways to Practice Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) usually involves a combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth breaths, but the exact method of administration varies according to the victim's identity. Here's what you need to know to perform CPR on adults, children, babies and pets.

How to Recognize a Spider Bite: 7 Steps

How to Recognize a Spider Bite: 7 Steps

There are thousands of species of spiders, but the vast majority of them have spines that are too short or too brittle to penetrate human skin. Because of this, in a populous state like the United States, only three deaths a year are attributed to spider bites.

How to Survive a Long Fall: 12 Steps

How to Survive a Long Fall: 12 Steps

What can you do if you slide off a 10-story scaffold or if you find yourself in free fall when the parachute does not open? The odds aren't in your favor, but survival is possible. If you can keep your cool, there are ways to control the speed of your fall and the strength of the impact.

How to Treat a Parsnip Sting: 11 Steps

How to Treat a Parsnip Sting: 11 Steps

Parsnips are flat-bodied cartilaginous fish with one or more barbed stingers in the center of the tail. They normally live in tropical and subtropical coastal waters, so they can come into contact with humans. They are usually not aggressive, but use their sting as self-defense when accidentally stepped on, injecting venom into the wound.

How to Treat a Jellyfish Sting (with Pictures)

How to Treat a Jellyfish Sting (with Pictures)

When it comes to jellyfish stings, the good news is that they are rarely fatal; the bad news is that when they sting, these marine animals release hundreds of tiny stings (nematocysts) which attach to the skin and excrete a poisonous substance.

How to Remove a Bee's Sting: 9 Steps

How to Remove a Bee's Sting: 9 Steps

Bee stings can be painful due to the venom they inject into the skin. If you have been stung by these insects, you must try to remove the sting as soon as possible, before all the contents of the poison sac can penetrate the skin within a few seconds.

3 Ways to Treat Bee Stings

3 Ways to Treat Bee Stings

Spending time in the garden or park is a beautiful way to spend the afternoon; however, you can run the risk of being stung by a bee - a fairly common but painful circumstance. Treating the sting early can relieve discomfort. remove the stinger immediately, check for signs of an allergic reaction, and try home or over-the-counter remedies to soothe the pain and swelling.

How to Treat a Burn (with Pictures)

How to Treat a Burn (with Pictures)

Burns are fairly common but excruciatingly painful wounds. Although the minor ones heal without special medical treatment, the more serious ones require special treatments to prevent possible infections and reduce the severity of the scars. Before taking care of a burn it is important to know the level or degree of it.

4 Ways to Stop the Itching Caused by a Mosquito Bite

4 Ways to Stop the Itching Caused by a Mosquito Bite

Mosquito bites can be annoying and uncomfortable, but there are several ways to treat them; to get the best results you have to handle them as soon as you get hit. Clean the skin immediately with denatured alcohol, an antiseptic ointment or plain water;

How to Temporarily Stop the Burning in First Degree Burns

How to Temporarily Stop the Burning in First Degree Burns

Whether you've poured hot tea on yourself or touched the oven, first-degree burns are painful. Although the first instinct is to place ice on the suffering skin, in reality this method causes more damage. Learn to properly treat burns as soon as they occur;

4 Ways to Treat Spider Bites

4 Ways to Treat Spider Bites

While they can be painful or itchy, most spider bites are not serious and can be easily treated at home. This article describes how to treat the different bites and will give you more details on the four spiders found around the world whose bites require urgent intervention.

How to Treat Bed Bug Bites

How to Treat Bed Bug Bites

Anyone can get a bed bug infestation. Contrary to popular belief, these insects can live in even the cleanest homes and can contaminate the home through clothing, suitcases or other surfaces. The severity of the symptoms associated with their stings varies from person to person;

How to Treat Nettle Stings (with Pictures)

How to Treat Nettle Stings (with Pictures)

Nettle is a plant that is found practically all over the world. It belongs to the category of perennial herbaceous plants, which means that it has typical properties of herbs and grows in the same areas year after year. The leaves and stems of the plant are covered with a fragile, hollow down.

3 Ways to Treat a Snake Bite

3 Ways to Treat a Snake Bite

It is every hiker's nightmare: you are trekking along a sunny path, you feel in perfect harmony with nature, when a snake comes out of nowhere and attacks you. In this situation you need to know immediately how to properly treat the bite. If handled right, even a venomous snake bite can be cured.