Changing a diaper is not a skill parents have from birth. Thankfully, this is a relatively quick and easy task, as well as giving you the opportunity to spend precious minutes with your baby. After doing this once or twice, you will get carried away and do it quietly until the moment when your baby can do without diapers.
Part 1 of 3: Removing the Used Diaper

Step 1. Place the baby lying on a flat surface
Check that the top is dry and not cold to the touch. Stand near the edge closest to the baby's feet, which will be stretched out in front of you and with the toes in your direction. Remove all clothes that are impeding the change of the diaper.
- After putting the baby down, leave him alone for a few seconds before proceeding. If she feels uncomfortable, she will usually let you know.
- If you haven't already, get a waterproof changing mat. They are padded, safe and incredibly comfortable, considering the frequency with which diapers are changed.

Step 2. Open a clean diaper and put it in place
With the baby in front of you, get a clean diaper. Notice the two halves that make it up (front and back). Grab the back by holding it by the side tabs, with the front arched towards you.
- Slide the diaper under the baby's back to the waist, keeping the dirty one inside. This serves both as extra padding and as a cushion between the surface of the top and the dirty nappy.
- As you lift the baby's legs, grab his ankles with one hand (keeping a finger between his ankles) and pull him up.
- If the used diaper is very dirty, it is best to place a clean towel or washcloths underneath and wipe everything clean before proceeding.
- Before proceeding, check that the clean nappy is laid out neatly and arranged symmetrically. It is much easier to fix it now than later.

Step 3. Remove the dirty diaper
Make sure you have the bin or nappy bin handy - the less time you spend handling the dirty nappy, the better. Also remember to hold the baby still or keep at least one hand resting next to him, even while handling the dirty diaper.
- Open the adhesive tabs of the dirty nappy and be prepared to close them when finished. Remove the front part.
- If it's a boy, it's time to cover his penis with a towel: babies tend to pee during the change.
- Use the front of the dirty nappy to roughly wipe his bottom.
- Before removing it completely, fold it in half, keeping the clean part facing the child. Close the diaper with the adhesive tabs, forming a compact ball. Raise the baby's legs again by holding him by the ankles and remove the diaper completely, making sure that the dirt never touches his skin.
- Put the nappy aside or throw it straight away if you have the container handy.

Step 4. Clean the baby's bottom
If you don't have baby cleaning wipes available, use a damp cloth or gauze. Don't use anything vaguely abrasive: if you feel it rough, imagine the baby. Be careful to clean him particularly carefully: check all the folds of his skin to prevent infections and redness.
- While you clean it, make movements that go from the front to the back (especially if it is a sissy), to avoid infections.
- Keep the baby's bottom lifted as you clean up the larger waste debris first and then the smaller debris. If you use cleaning wipes, place the used ones inside the dirty nappy you just removed.
- When you are done, let the baby free for a minute to allow the air to dry his skin. If his skin remains damp after all, dry him with a clean towel.
- To prevent redness, it can be helpful to put some cream or petroleum jelly before putting on a clean diaper.
Part 2 of 3: Put on the Clean Diaper

Step 1. Place the clean diaper well
Take it by the two side tabs and pull it up to the baby's waist. Try to make sure that the sides are not too tight and that the wrinkle appears around the legs, to avoid leakage (which could lead to chafing and, consequently, redness).
- If it's a boy, direct his penis downward. to avoid peeing on or on the diaper.
- If it is a newborn, position the diaper so that it does not cover the umbilical stump. There are special diapers on the market, made especially for babies, which adapt well to their body.
- Before attaching the diaper, check that the baby has his legs spread and that there is as much room for maneuver as possible. This will prevent the diaper from clumping together on one side.

Step 2. Secure the clean diaper
Attach the adhesive tabs by attaching the front to the back. Make sure it is not too tight, but it is also not in danger of falling. Check for clumps before you coat it.
After dressing it, finally check that the baby is feeling comfortable. Check that he is able to move freely

Step 3. Remove the baby from the changing table and clean the surface
Once the clean nappy is secured, move the baby away from the changing table and place him in a safe place where he can be alone unsupervised, such as the playpen. Then go back to the changing table to clean up any dirt residue.
Wash your hands immediately afterwards to eliminate residual dirt and all bacteria
Part 3 of 3: Setting up a changing station

Step 1. Prepare in advance
It's a good idea to prepare yourself, the baby, and the area you want to use for changing in advance. Preparing in advance is helpful as once you start changing your baby, you will never be able to leave him alone. Make sure you have enough time for this operation, because once it starts, you will need to complete it.
- Wash and dry your hands. If you need to keep an eye on the baby in the meantime, use cleaning wipes to wash your hands.
- Find a plan where you can comfortably change the baby. Check that it is not cold to the touch and that you have something soft like a towel or changing mat to lay the baby on.
- If you're out and about, look for a smooth, flat surface that's large enough to change the baby. Go out of your way to operate as secluded as possible. Ideally, take a changing table with you, which makes any flat surface suitable for the purpose.

Step 2. Have everything you need close at hand
We repeat that you won't be able to walk away once you get started, so make sure you have everything close at hand. Try to customize the plan you choose as a changing table so that you can use it for all the necessary operations. In any case, a square meter of space or a little more will be sufficient.
- Here's what you'll need: a clean diaper, baby cleaning wipes, a cloth to cover the penis (if it's a boy), and a change of clothes if necessary.
- If your baby's skin is prone to redness, have a tube of zinc oxide ointment or petroleum jelly on hand.
- Keep these items out of the baby's reach and away from their feet. The last thing you need is to have to clean up accidentally spilled talcum powder!

Step 3. Plan ahead
A child can never be left unsupervised while changing: accidents are very frequent if they happen to fall, slide off the shelf or get caught in objects. For this reason, you need to make sure that you can work undisturbed all the time you spend changing your baby. Even if it's not a scheduled activity, plan ahead as best you can.
- If you are forced to leave for any reason before completing the operation, take the baby with you, or ask someone to look after him in your absence.
- Also be prepared to hold the baby still with one hand at all times, unless you have a changing table with ties. Again, however, never leave the child alone.

Step 4. Carry a bag with a good supply of diapers when you go out
Unfortunately, you won't always be able to change your baby when you are at home. If you frequently have to change your baby outside your home, consider buying a changing bag. Place it near your cleansing wipes and clean diapers, so you can set up a "flying" station wherever you are.
- Very young children can also be allergic to hypoallergenic cleansing wipes. If they have diaper rash, try cleaning them with cotton wool. Moisten it and squeeze out the excess water.
- Stand perpendicular to the baby to avoid getting splashes of urine or droppings.
- Babies don't like being discovered. If your baby is nervous while changing him, try covering his tummy with a blanket or sheet.
- If it bothers you to get your hands dirty, use disposable gloves while changing it.
- For children who are a little older or who have already started walking, it is sometimes easier to put the diaper on while they are standing.
- If the child struggles, give him a toy or object that can keep him busy. You can also sing, turn on the radio or even just talk to him, for example describing what you are doing!