Hat boxes are very nice decorative objects, plus they are ideal for protecting hats. It is possible to make hat boxes of different shapes and sizes (circular, hexagonal, octagonal). The following instructions will guide you, step by step, to make any type of hatbox, depending on the desired shape. By first building the base of the box and the lid, you will have established the shape to follow and this will help you to maintain the symmetry.

Step 1. Make the bottom of the box
- Measure the diameter of the hat you want to keep in the box. Add 2 inches (5.08 centimeters) to the measurement. If you plan not to use it to store hats, choose an appropriate size.
- Draw the bottom of the box, using your measurements, on a cardboard. Any rounded symmetrical shape will do (circle, octagon, hexagon, for example).
- Use a utility knife to hatch along the drawn line. Mark the line with the utility knife blade, applying light pressure. Continue this a couple of times or more, until the bottom of the box is cut off.

Step 2. Make the lid of your box
This procedure mirrors the steps outlined above for the base. The only difference is that the top needs to be 1/8 inch (3.15mm) larger.

Step 3. Run the sandpaper along the edges to smooth them
Use lightweight sandpaper to avoid damaging the cardstock.

Step 4. Cut out the middle part of your box
For the purpose, you will need a long card stock.
- Measure the circumference of the base of the box.
- Draw a line the same length as the circumference of the base on the long construction paper.
- Use a utility knife to hatch along the drawn line.

Step 5. Run the sandpaper along the edges to smooth them
Check that the edges are smooth.

Step 6. Form a cylinder with the cut out segment
Apply a thin layer of glue to the short edge and glue them together.

Step 7. Glue the cylinder to the base made earlier
- Draw a thin line of glue on the edge of the bottom of the box.
- Place the cardboard cylinder on the bottom, making the edges adhere to the glue.
- Using paper tape, secure the cylinder to the base of the box. Arrange the tape so that it half wraps around the bottom of the box.
- Lock the cylinder and the base of the box together. Let the glue dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 8. Build the rest of the box lid
- Cut out 2 1/2 inches (6.35cm) of construction paper. It should have the same length as the cylinder.
- Secure the 6.35cm piece in the same way as for the cylinder and base.
Method 1 of 1: Hexagonal and Octagonal Boxes

Step 1. Cut out the center for your box from a piece of construction paper
- Measure each side of the base for your box. Add the lengths.
- Draw a line on the edge of the poster. The line must have the same length as the total length of the sides of the base.

Step 2. With a utility knife, trace and cut the card stock

Step 3. Run the sandpaper along the edges to smooth them
Check that the edges are smooth.

Step 4. Fold the edge of the card stock to conform to the base

Step 5. Attach the long card to the base
- Spread a thin line of glue across the base. Apply glue dots to the corners as well.
- Attach the long cardstock to the base. Secure it with paper tape on each side.
- Snap the base and the long card together. Let it dry completely before continuing.

Step 6. Build the rest of the box lid
Use the same methods indicated for the round box, taking into account the hexagonal or octagonal shape.

Step 7. Finished
- You can use the pages of an office calendar to decorate the hatbox.
- You can also use old wall calendar illustrations.
- Decorate your box with a nice collage.