The keepsake box is a great idea for storing letters, photos and other items that have great sentimental value. Each box is different: some are colorful and personalized, others simple and sober. Think about your style and consider how important it is to you to keep these memories. Also, consider whether you are going to create it for yourself or for a friend.
Part 1 of 3: Get a Box

Step 1. Look for a box that catches your eye
It can be plastic, cardboard, metal, wood or any other strong material. It can be simple and discreet or colorful and sophisticated. Rummage through thrift stores, antique stores, and flea markets. Look for junk boxes, landfills, or recycling centers. It's best to use a container that you feel you have a special connection with.
- Always be on the alert. You may see a box on the side of the curb on your way to school or hidden in the depths of the garage. It could also pop out of a garbage can right in front of your house.
- Try using a suitcase, an old basket, or a shoe box. The box to keep your memories can be any container.

Step 2. Make a box
You can make a simple box out of paper or wood, which is a sturdier material. It should be large enough to hold all the memories you want to keep. Think carefully about what you will keep and leave some empty space: it is possible that in the future you will want to store other items. In general, try to make a container that is roughly the same size as a vintage shoe box or hatbox.

Step 3. Secure it with a padlock
There is no need to close it, but a lock may make you feel safer when it comes to keeping your memories. Those with good dexterity can create a handcrafted padlock, otherwise it is possible to use one in combination or with the key to close the lid well. Think about the items you will be storing in the container and consider whether you want to protect them from prying eyes.
Part 2 of 3: Customizing the Box

Step 1. Decide whether to decorate it or not
Those who want to protect the contents of the box and not run the risk of it catching the eye should avoid using a container that is too flashy, unless it is possible to hide it in a really safe place. On the other hand, it is normal to feel the need to customize the memory box to make sure that it has a very clear personality and identity. Think about the purpose of the box and the degree of secrecy of the memories you will keep in it.
- Do you want to make a keepsake box for a friend? Decorate it with your needs in mind. Consider whether this person would prefer a colorful, decorated box or a simple, unobtrusive one.
- A seemingly normal and uninteresting box is unlikely to entice people to take a peek at it. But keep in mind that even a personalized decoration can invite them to stay away. In fact, a person might open a seemingly normal box thinking it contains something else.

Step 2. Glue some cards or pictures to the inside of the lid
Paste any images or photographs that you think are important. Maybe you have a note written by a friend or relative that has a great emotional value for you. Maybe you have a sticker, concert ticket, or postcard that you want to see every time you open the box. If you use duct tape instead of glue, you will be able to modify the main memories of the box, replacing them with other meaningful images or cards as time passes and you live new experiences.

Step 3. Customize the outside of the box
You could paint the surface a single color or recreate a detailed image. You can choose a simple design or customize it with colorful motifs and patterns. Unleash your creativity, on the other hand this box is your own creation.
- Use glitter and rhinestones to make the outside of the box sparkle and whimsical. You can also coat it with chalkboard paint so you can write on it with chalk. Glue some ceramic tiles and / or mirror fragments to the surface to create a mosaic.
- Try gluing or sewing scraps to the surface of the box, or glue some faux fur on it if you like this effect. Use floral prints, flannel, denim or any other fabric that best reflects your personality. You can cut scraps from old clothes, curtains, blankets, and other textiles.

Step 4. Label the box
Try writing your name or the theme that all memories have in common directly on the box using paint, pens or markers. You can also cut out letters (from paper, cardboard, wood) and glue them onto the container. You could print adhesive labels using a printer or label maker. Create a label that says "Properties of [name]. Don't open!" to clarify that the content is private.
Create a keepsake box for a specific trip or period in your life. For example, you could create a box to hold all the photos, letters, and objects from a summer camp, a certain school year, or a memorable trip you took
Part 3 of 3: Fill the Box

Step 1. Put your memories in the box
You can fill it with personal items and small treasures associated with a certain trip or period, but you can also keep it to store all the items you attribute a certain value to from time to time. This space can be dedicated to anything you want to keep. It is not necessary to fill it right away!
- Fill it with old letters, cards and greeting cards. Fold and keep any cards given to you by people you care about. When you reread these words in the future, you will feel grateful for all the relationships you have formed.
- Keep photographs of special moments. If you don't have paper photos, you can print them from your computer or save them on a USB key and put it in the box.
- Keep artistic creations, broken and found objects. For example, you can keep that portrait drawn by your best friend, the remains of a broken bracelet that means a lot to you or a particular shell you found on the beach.

Step 2. Continue filling the box
Over time, keep the meaningful items you find or receive. Put them in the box to keep them safe. You never know when you'll want to look for them to take a dip in the past.

Step 3. Create a box for a friend or relative
The keepsake box is perfect for celebrating a friendship, as it can be filled with objects that can relive shared memories. It can also be a nice gift for a parent or grandparent. Over the years, more and more memories are left behind and keeping so many in one place can be very rewarding.
The memory box can be very effective in helping a relative with Alzheimer's or other memory disorders keep in touch with their past

Step 4. Keep the box in a safe place
You can simply place it on a shelf in your bedroom or put it in the closet if that makes you feel safe. Do you prefer to hide it? You could put it in a drawer, under the bed, or in a secret compartment that only you know.