How to Gain Weight the Healthy Way (with Pictures)

Table of contents:

How to Gain Weight the Healthy Way (with Pictures)
How to Gain Weight the Healthy Way (with Pictures)

Since overweight and obesity are increasingly common phenomena in the Western population, diets and food plans are mainly aimed at weight loss. However, some people actually need to gain weight due to genetic problems, illnesses, drug treatments, or psychological disorders. In these cases, don't worry - there are many ways to gain weight safely and healthily.


Part 1 of 4: Plan a Healthy Weight Loss

Gain Weight Healthily Step 1
Gain Weight Healthily Step 1

Step 1. See your doctor

Talk to your doctor before gaining weight. It is important to know his point of view on the pounds you should be gaining in relation to your health needs. They may also refer you to a dietician who can offer you personalized advice.

  • Tell him why you intend to gain weight, how many pounds you want to put on, and how much you think your health can improve.
  • To find a dietician in your city, you can also take advantage of some online portals that group doctors of various kinds.
Gain Weight Healthily Step 2
Gain Weight Healthily Step 2

Step 2. Calculate how much you want to gain weight

Before starting a diet that allows you to gain weight, find out how many pounds you want or need to gain. By possessing this information you will be able to determine a meal plan and outline a time frame during which to monitor your progress.

  • One way to determine how many pounds you should gain is to calculate your body mass index. You can use this formula or a BMI calculator on the Internet. If the value is below 18 it means that you are underweight and that you should gain weight. Then, calculate the weight that allows you to report the BMI between 19 and 24.9 (the range complies with the norm). The difference between these two values will give you a better idea of how many pounds you need to gain.
  • You can calculate your body fat percentage yourself, or you can ask your doctor, dietician, or gym instructor to do it for you. On average, the percentage of body fat in female subjects fluctuates between 25 and 31%, while in males it should fall between 18 and 25%. If you train regularly or are an athlete it could be even lower. In general, in women it should never fall below 14%, while in men it should not decrease below 6%. If it is short (especially if you are not an athlete), it could indicate a need to gain weight.
  • Ask your doctor how much you should weigh based on your gender, age, and height.
  • If you're willing to put on a few pounds, work hard to increase lean muscle mass and minimize fat. It is not recommended to accumulate a significant amount of body fat.
Gain Weight Healthily Step 3
Gain Weight Healthily Step 3

Step 3. Count the calories

Calories don't just need to be checked when you want to lose weight. To gain weight, you need to know how much you are eating and how many calories to add to your daily diet in order to gain weight. It's important to gain weight by consuming healthy food sources rather than junk foods, so make sure your weight gains aren't all about sweets and ice cream.

  • It is healthy to take around 250-500g per week, which means that you should increase your calorie intake by 500 calories per day.
  • It also counts the calories you burn when you relax. For example, if you consume 350 calories running, you should replenish them with meals and snacks. Otherwise you risk losing weight or not being able to gain weight.
  • The control of calories disposed and added in the diet also serves to monitor progress. If you haven't put on enough pounds or you've gained too many, you'll need to know how many calories in and out are involved in the end result.
Gain Weight Healthily Step 4
Gain Weight Healthily Step 4

Step 4. Keep a food diary

It is very useful if you are planning to gain weight. In fact, it allows you to keep track of the diet you have started, understand if it is appropriate to add a few meals or increase your calorie intake and realize how it affects your body weight over time.

Before starting a weight gain diet, write down what you eat for a few days. Review your notes to see if you can make any improvements in your eating style. For example, do you skip meals? Do you only eat low-calorie, low-fat foods?

Part 2 of 4: Eat to Gain Weight the Healthy Way

Gain Weight Healthily Step 5
Gain Weight Healthily Step 5

Step 1. Increase the number of meals and snacks

Many people eat 3 meals a day, plus 1-2 snacks. If you are trying to gain weight, you need to eat more and more frequently. Opt for 5-6 meals a day or 3-4 meals with 2 snacks.

  • They don't have to be abundant. By eating more frequently, you will feel fuller throughout the day. It is best if the dishes have snack portions (for example a packet of crackers with peanut butter or 2 hard-boiled eggs).
  • You will likely be forced to reconsider or plan your day so that you have enough time to eat 5-6 meals. For example, you might want to eat as soon as you wake up, so that you have an appetite before the next meal.
Gain Weight Healthily Step 6
Gain Weight Healthily Step 6

Step 2. Choose healthy, calorie-rich foods

If you are trying to gain weight, you need to increase the calories you consume. High calorie foods are foods that contain a lot of calories per serving. Include them with every meal and snack.

  • High calorie foods to introduce into your diet include: nuts and nut butters, avocados, whole dairy products (cheese, yogurt, and milk), butter, oil, and eggs. It also uses fat sources to dress or fill your dishes, such as mayonnaise, creamy cheeses made with whole milk or salad dressings.
  • Not all high-fat foods are healthy or suitable for frequent or heavy consumption. Therefore, reduce the consumption of the following dishes: ready meals, fried foods, sweets and processed meats with a high fat content (such as mortadella and hot dogs).
  • You will feel fuller if you eat several times a day. This habit will encourage you to reduce portions rather than increase them. You will gain weight even though the dishes are reduced in size, but not in calories.
Gain Weight Healthily Step 7
Gain Weight Healthily Step 7

Step 3. Add more calories

In addition to food, your favorite dishes can also become high in calories. If you modify a recipe by increasing the proportions or using the right ingredients, you will be able to increase your overall calorie intake. The more calories you add to your diet, the more you will assimilate them throughout the day and week.

  • Use whole dairy or powdered milk when making soups, stews, or timbales that require water.
  • Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil or add a little butter to salads, steamed vegetables, soups and timbales.
  • Use high-calorie condiments on light dishes. For example, pour a handful of nuts and granola over whole yogurt or top your salads with grated whole cheese and sunflower seeds.
Gain Weight Healthily Step 8
Gain Weight Healthily Step 8

Step 4. Consume caloric drinks

This is another great way to slowly gain weight. Soft drinks are often not as filling as food, so they will allow you to consume more calories overall.

  • Smoothies are great as snacks or quick meals because they give you the opportunity to add lots of nutritious and hearty ingredients. You can also sip them while you eat or snack to increase your calorie intake. Try making them using whole milk or yogurt, nut butter, avocado, chia or flax seeds, and frozen fruit.
  • 100% fruit juices are another fairly healthy way to increase calories. Fruit-only ones contain vitamins and minerals, as well as a higher concentration of calories.
  • There are drinks that can easily replace meals thanks to their vitamin, mineral and protein content and, moreover, provide between 100 and 350 calories. Don't choose the low-calorie ones. If you want to use a powdered blend, add whole milk to make it richer and more substantial.
  • Avoid fizzy drinks, milkshakes, coffee or sweetened tea among liquid calorie sources. Although they are high in calories, they are low in nutrients and high in refined sugars.
Gain Weight Healthily Step 9
Gain Weight Healthily Step 9

Step 5. Eat your favorite foods

It can be difficult to gain weight especially if you have no appetite or are recovering from an eating disorder. However, if you choose more substantial dishes to your liking, you can whet your appetite.

  • If you don't feel like eating, think about one of your favorite foods. Maybe you love lasagna or some spicy Mexican dish. Choose these dishes when there is nothing that appeals to you.
  • Also try eating and cooking using more seasonings, such as herbs and spices. Tasty foods whet your appetite.
  • Take a little walk before eating. Even a moderate amount of exercise can promote appetite.
Gain Weight Healthily Step 10
Gain Weight Healthily Step 10

Step 6. Avoid the most harmful sources of fat

If you are trying to gain weight, you may feel entitled to consume certain foods, albeit fatty and unhealthy. However, many foods of this kind undergo heavy processing and contain huge amounts of saturated or even trans fats, so they are not healthy at all and can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Foods rich in fats that are harmful to health - the consumption of which should be significantly reduced - include: cured meats and processed meats (mortadella, hot dogs, sausages), pastries, sweets, cakes, ready meals and fried foods.
  • Regardless of your diet, indulge them every now and then, but in moderation. You don't have to avoid them altogether, but neither should you turn them into a staple of your fat-burning diet.

Part 3 of 4: Training to Gain Weight the Healthy Way

Gain Weight Healthily Step 11
Gain Weight Healthily Step 11

Step 1. Practice aerobic exercise regularly

Aerobic activity is good for your health and improves your quality of life even when you are trying to gain weight. Cardiovascular exercises strengthen the heart, relieve or control certain chronic diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes, and recharge you throughout the day.

  • Cardiovascular exercises include running, walking, biking, swimming, and hiking.
  • Always check how many calories you burn while exercising. You will have to calculate them in your total goal.
  • If you do aerobic exercise and are unable to keep your weight normal or are losing weight, you probably need to reduce the intensity, frequency, or duration of your exercise.
Gain Weight Healthily Step 12
Gain Weight Healthily Step 12

Step 2. Practice muscle strengthening

It helps you gain weight. As your lean mass grows, you will notice weight gain. This is very important when trying to gain a few pounds. Many people don't realize that exercise is critical for both weight gain and weight loss.

  • Muscle strengthening exercises include: weight lifting, isometric exercises (push-ups and crunches) and pilates.
  • This type of training allows you to burn calories, but not as much as aerobic activity. However, it is important to understand how the calories burned during these exercises affect body weight.
Gain Weight Healthily Step 13
Gain Weight Healthily Step 13

Step 3. Consult a personal trainer

It can help you find a training program that suits your needs. He will be able to advise you on routine or more particular exercises so that you can stay in shape and maintain the weight you have reached or put on a few pounds.

  • Ask your local gym for advice from a personal trainer. It is not uncommon now to find this professional figure in fitness centers. It may also offer the first lesson at discounted prices.
  • Tell him how much you weigh and explain your goals. Let him know that you would like to gain weight in a healthy way.

Part 4 of 4: Tracking Your Progress

Gain Weight Healthily Step 14
Gain Weight Healthily Step 14

Step 1. Weigh yourself every week

It is important to weigh yourself regularly when trying to gain a few pounds. Write down your starting weight and how much it increases each week. By doing this you will be able to notice your progress or realize if you need to change plans.

Weigh yourself at the same time, in the same clothes or naked, every week. This will reduce any inaccuracies due to the clothing or food you ate during the day

Gain Weight Healthily Step 15
Gain Weight Healthily Step 15

Step 2. Review your plan monthly

Check your weight changes and notes in your food diary every month. Evaluate your progress to understand how far you are missing from your goal or if you have achieved it.

  • If the increase is constant, you are most likely close to the finish line. Alternatively, if you have exceeded it, check your calorie intake to see if it allows you to maintain your weight.
  • If you can't get a pound or have stopped, you should reevaluate your diet and lifestyle. Calculate your total calories again and re-read your food diary. If you've been diligent, you probably want to increase your calorie intake. Make the necessary changes and check back after a month to see if you got any results.
Gain Weight Healthily Step 16
Gain Weight Healthily Step 16

Step 3. Rely on a support network

The support of others is useful for any changes or goals you intend to achieve. However, when you're trying to gain weight (especially after an illness), it keeps you motivated and encourages you to keep going.

Tell friends and family about your situation and your goal. Share your efforts with them, indicate why and how they can help you not throw in the towel


  • Involve friends and family. Thanks to their support you will be surrounded by people who will cheer for you.
  • Don't get nervous if you can't gain as much weight as you would like. Gaining weight in a safe and healthy way doesn't mean putting on pounds as fast as possible - it's about gradually reaching your goal.
  • Journal your progress regularly and review it when you feel low.
