If you want to spend your first night in the world of Minecraft unscathed, the really important thing is to have coal so that you can build yourself a torch. Unfortunately, at the beginning of your gaming adventure, finding coal is quite a complicated operation, so you will need a simple alternative.

Step 1. Start your first day in a normal way, look for trees and cut them down
Unlike in the future, at this point in the game you will need to have a large number of trees. Get at least 30 tree trunks.

Step 2. Create your workbench
First of all you will need to make some wooden planks. Be sure to keep some tree trunks.

Step 3. Dig 8 blocks of 'cobblestone' to make a furnace

Step 4. Use a lava 'bucket' to feed your furnace fire, and load it using a tree trunk

Step 5. Retrieve your freshly made charcoal
You just made some coal. It works exactly like coal blocks, but in your inventory it will be managed separately.
- An easy way to get a full batch of torches (64 in total) is to get 19 tree trunks as a first step. After that you will need to turn a log into planks. In total you will get 4 wooden planks and you will have 18 tree trunks left. Third step, you will need to arrange 2 wooden logs inside your furnace and use two wooden planks to feed the furnace fire. Wait for the two logs to turn into charcoal, then use the charcoal to power your furnace. You now have 16 tree trunks and 2 units of coal left. Use leftover charcoal to power the furnace and turn any remaining logs into charcoal. You should now have 16 charcoal units which, when combined with 16 wooden sticks, will result in 64 torches.
- You may never need charcoal if you have a tree plantation available. A tree plantation is always an excellent resource from which to obtain charcoal.
- If necessary, you can use charcoal as a substitute for a Lava 'Bucket'.