If you've already tried them all to treat acne and oily skin, perhaps the ultimate solution could be this charcoal mask. Experts are still studying the possible benefits of activated carbon on the skin, but have already verified its ability to improve the situation of blackheads and small unwanted hair. Remember to test the mask on a limited area of skin before starting the actual treatment. If you don't notice any unwanted reactions, apply it to the parts of your face where pimples or blackheads normally form and then let it dry on the skin. At the end of the exposure time, peel it off as if it were a film and wash your face, finally complete the treatment by applying a moisturizer.
Part 1 of 2: Prepare the Skin Before Applying the Mask

Step 1. Purchase a good quality carbon mask
It is best to choose a product from a well-known skin care brand. Look for a charcoal mask that contains activated charcoal, emollient agents (such as aloe vera), and essential oils that can soothe inflammation in the skin.
If you prefer to make your own carbon mask, don't use sticky glue. Glues of this type contain ingredients that can cause the mask to harden, and as you will struggle to remove it, you could damage your skin

Step 2. Test the mask on the skin to rule out possible allergic reactions
This is a rule to follow even when preparing it at home and not only if you buy it in perfumery. Before applying it to your face, test a small area of skin to make sure it doesn't cause irritation or allergies. Spread a small amount on your cheek or on the inside of your wrist, then wait ten minutes and then check for any signs that your skin has become irritated.
Symptoms related to an allergy or irritation include redness, swelling, hives and itching

Step 3. Collect hair if necessary
If you are concerned that they might get dirty with the mask, tie them up with a rubber band or wear a headband to keep them away from your face. Remember that initially the charcoal mask will be slightly sticky so if you keep them loose they may stick to your face.

Step 4. Clean and exfoliate your skin before making the mask
Wash your face with your regular cleanser to remove oil and impurities and prepare your skin for the mask. To open the pores well, it is also preferable to do a light scrub with a delicate exfoliating product and then rinse the skin well before applying the mask.
Part 2 of 2: Apply the Charcoal Mask

Step 1. Smear the charcoal mask on your face
First, take an amount the size of a fifty cent coin and place it in a bowl, then apply it to your skin using a clean makeup brush. You can spread it all over your face or just on the areas where pimples or blackheads usually form. For example, you could apply it on the so-called "T" area of the face (forehead, nose, chin) where usually the production of sebum is greater and blackheads tend to form.
- You can use a flat brush suitable for foundation or purchase one designed specifically for applying cream products such as masks. If you don't have such a makeup brush, you can smear the mask on your skin with clean fingers.
- Try to be as gentle as possible when applying the charcoal mask to areas where the skin tends to get inflamed easily and where there are pimples to avoid irritating it.

Step 2. Do not apply the mask around the eyes and mouth
Since the skin around the eyes and around the lips is particularly delicate, it is best to avoid using the mask in those areas. Stand in front of the mirror when applying the mask to see exactly where you are applying it.

Step 3. Leave it on for 7-10 minutes
The mask will need to dry completely and it is likely that after a while you will feel the skin tighten or feel a slight itch. If, on the other hand, the sensation should be more like a discomfort or pain, wash your face immediately to remove the product without waiting for the required laying minutes to pass.

Step 4. Remove the mask as if it were adhesive film
Start at the chin and pull it off by slowly pulling it towards your forehead. If you have chosen to apply it only on the "T" area of the face, you can peel off the top starting from the sides of the nose.

Step 5. Clean and moisturize your skin after removing the mask
After removing it, small black particles may have remained on the face; remove them with a mild cleanser and then rinse the skin with cold water. Apply a light moisturizer that doesn't clog pores and let the skin dry naturally.

Step 6. Apply the charcoal mask every two weeks or even more frequently
To avoid irritating the skin, it is preferable to use the mask only when pimples form. Since activated charcoal removes the superficial layer of the skin and the small hairs that cover it, you should wait at least two weeks before repeating the treatment.