The standing wall split, or Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana, is a rather complex yoga posture, capable of increasing flexibility and concentration. The wall support will initially give you assistance and balance, but with practice it will no longer be necessary.
Method 1 of 2: Assume the Starting Position

Step 1. Standing up, assume the mountain stance, with your back to the wall
Stand about 60cm away from the wall.
Method 2 of 2: Execute the Position

Step 1. Inhale and lean your torso forward
Place your palms on the ground. Keep your knees slightly bent if you have difficulty performing the pose.

Step 2. Bring your body weight onto your left leg, and support your left calf with your left hand
Place the palm of your right hand on the ground, in front of your right foot.

Step 3. Inhale and lift your right leg back, extending it as far as you can towards the ceiling
Lean your leg against the wall trying to keep it as straight as possible. If you have a lot of difficulty in performing the pose, take your left foot away from the wall. Then try to gradually bring it back towards the wall, bringing it as close to the wall as possible.