3 Ways To Build Muscles By Doing Pushups

3 Ways To Build Muscles By Doing Pushups
3 Ways To Build Muscles By Doing Pushups

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To get the best results from pushups, you first need to make sure you're doing them right. Afterward, you can continue making as many as your athletic condition allows. Once you get used to the type of exercise, make it more challenging by increasing the repetitions; this program allows you to strengthen your muscles. You can increase the difficulty level by using free weights and varying the style in which you do push-ups.


Method 1 of 3: Do Push-ups

Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 1
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 1

Step 1. Make sure you are doing the correct movement

When you do this type of exercise, your lower back must remain straight; in other words, you don't have to arch your back down or curve it up. Feet should be shoulder-width apart; the elbows must remain close to the body forming an angle of 20-40 ° with the abdomen. When you lower your body try to bring your chest as close to the floor as possible.

  • Contract your abs, leg muscles and buttocks; in doing so you avoid arching your back.
  • Try not to touch the floor with your pelvis; the hips must remain level with the shoulders.
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 2
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 2

Step 2. Breathe right

When doing a push-up, inhale as you lower yourself and exhale as you lift yourself up.

If you have trouble remembering to breathe, count out loud as you exercise; the very fact of speaking forces you to breathe while doing push-ups

Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 3
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 3

Step 3. Start gradually

To begin with, you need to do the number of push-ups that are within your capabilities; this number represents a series. Next, do two more sets, resting for at least thirty seconds between them. Stick to this commitment three or four times a week, or every other day, until you realize you are no longer struggling.

For example, if you are only able to do seven full pushups, start with three sets of seven every other day until you reach a good level of comfort

Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 4
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 4

Step 4. Increase the number

When you can do the exercise without too much effort, increase the number of repetitions of the sets; in this way, you involve the muscles even more and develop their mass.

Michele Dolan, a certified personal trainer, advises: "To gain muscle mass, you need to progressively increase the number of push-ups, so start with 10, work hard to 15 and finally try 2 sets of 10-15. For best results, do push-ups one day and rest for two before doing the exercise again."

Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 5
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 5

Step 5. Be consistent

Respect the routine you have imposed on yourself; if you are having difficulty with this, ask a friend to join you. Alternatively, you can enlist the services of a personal trainer to "keep you on track" as you strive to achieve your goals.

  • For example, if you've decided to do push-ups three days a week, don't alter the routine by switching to twice a week.
  • Depending on the intensity level of your workout, you may notice results in a month or two.

Method 2 of 3: Increase Stamina

Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 6
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 6

Step 1. Put on a weighted vest

This tool is perfect for increasing the effort during push-ups and strengthening the muscles more. Wrap the vest as tightly as possible without sacrificing comfort; by doing so, you prevent the garment from dangling or impeding movement. Next, do your normal push-ups.

You can purchase this type of garment at sporting goods stores

Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 7
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 7

Step 2. Use a weighted backpack

This is an excellent alternative to the vest; fill it with books, rice bags or other heavy objects. The weight of the backpack should be 20% of your body weight; do push-ups as usual.

  • For example, if you weigh 60 kg, your backpack should weigh at least 12 kg.
  • It is important to keep the weight of the ballast within 20% of your body weight in order to avoid overloading the spine, shoulders and elbows.
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 8
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 8

Step 3. Ask a friend to apply pressure to the back

As you do push-ups, have another person place their hands on your upper back by applying some pressure as you lift your body.

Ask him to apply constant pressure for each movement

Method 3 of 3: Change the Motion

Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 9
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 9

Step 1. Do push-ups on an incline

This type of movement requires the feet to be at a higher level than the head. Start by bringing them about 10 to 12 inches off the floor and do normal push-ups.

  • Use a stack of books or another type of platform to lift your feet.
  • The more you keep your feet up, the more strenuous the exercise will be.
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 10
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 10

Step 2. Do one-leg push-ups

Assume the classic starting position, making sure your back is straight, feet shoulder-width apart and elbows close to your hips; lift one leg and perform a normal movement.

Proceed with the number of repetitions you can do without much effort; then carry out the exercise by lifting the other leg

Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 11
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 11

Step 3. Try push-ups with tight support

Bring your hands to the floor so that they are directly under the center of the chest; join your thumbs and index fingers outlining a rhomboid shape, check that your back and legs are straight. Do push-ups by lowering and lifting your body.

This type of movement is perfect for working out the triceps

Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 12
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 12

Step 4. Try doing push-ups with one hand

In this case, you need to spread your legs more apart (with your feet wider than your shoulders). Place one hand on the floor directly under the center of the chest and bring the other behind the back; Lower your body and lift it up, making sure your elbow is close to your side as you flex.

If this exercise is too difficult for your level of fitness, you can start with push-ups with tight support. This technique helps you go from the traditional two-handed movement to the more difficult one-handed movement

Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 13
Build Muscle Doing Push Ups Step 13

Step 5. Try plyometric push-ups

Assume the starting position and lower the body towards the floor as usual; in the ascent phase, push with as much force and speed as possible until your hands are off the floor. Return to your normal position and repeat the exercise.

Increase the difficulty level by trying to clap your hands while in mid-air between flexes


  • Stay hydrated and drink between sets.
  • Do push-ups during your free time, such as during TV commercials, before taking a shower, or during your lunch break.
