Airsoft is a fun team activity based on the simulation of military tactics. It is very similar to paintball, except that the bullets used in the Airsoft are plastic and have small dimensions and the weapons used are faithful reproductions of the real ones.

Step 1. Save some money
You will need them.

Step 2. Buy a weapon
There are three types of Airsoft weapons:
Spring: the bullet (or pellet) is projected outward by a powerful spring included in the mechanism. After each shot, the spring must be reloaded. The cost of a good quality spring pistol starts at around € 50. These types of weapons can be useful as a reserve (or backup) and could be your starting point if you decide to become an Airsoft Sniper (or Sniper).
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Electric: These guns are powered by a battery and are very popular with Airsoft players. A good quality electric weapon can cost from € 90 to € 350.
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Gas: in this case, the pellet is fired by a strong decompression of the gas, and is contained in special bottles that must be inserted into the weapon. From time to time you'll have to buy new gas refills. Note that, to exploit all its power, the gas should be used in environments with temperatures above 15 degrees centigrade.
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Step 3. There are three main categories of weapons:
LPEG (low power electric gun - low power electric gun); MPEG (mid power electric gun - medium power electric gun); AEG (automatic electric gun).

Step 4. The most popular types of weapons are:
AEG (automatic electric weapon), AEP (automatic electric pistol), EBB (electric flow weapon), GBB (gas flow weapon). Normally, AEG guns offer better quality and performance, and are usually battery powered.
The AEPs are made only by Tokyo Marui and work decently. EBBs have low power and could be used indoors.
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The GBBs are powered by gas: HFC132a (low power), Propane (medium power), Green Gas (medium power), Red Gas (high power), CO2 / Black Gas (very high power).
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The electric and gas pistols, unlike the spring-loaded ones, do not require to be reloaded with each shot. Spring guns are very reliable but have a low rate of fire, electric guns have a high rate of fire but can be more difficult to handle.
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Step 5. Create an Airsoft team
Gather your friends and have fun!
Establish ground rules. Here is an example:
Airsoft Step 5Bullet1 - 1. Keep the gun safety on until all participants have put on their safety glasses.
- 2. Holding hands up means "cease fire" (useful for adjusting glasses if necessary)
- 3. Define a "free zone". Useful for players who need to reload. It is forbidden to shoot in the free zone.
- 4. Whoever gets hit must go out and wait for the next round.
Airsoft Step 6 Step 6. Find the right place to play
A paintball court would be ideal. Spaces that are too open are not fun, better to play in tree-lined spaces or between buildings.
the structure of an elementary school, for example, could be a great place to play Airsoft.
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the courtyard of a house should be avoided; if a passer-by were to see armed people in a courtyard, they could get scared and call the police. Also, if you accidentally hit a passerby, you risk trouble with the law.
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you should NEVER play in public places. Always find a private space and ask the owner for permission.
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Airsoft Step 7 Step 7. Obtain permission to play in the desired location
Of course it must be private property and you should also notify the neighbors about what you are about to do. If you are unsure, you can ask the police for information.
Airsoft Step 8 Step 8. Learn the basic techniques
There are some basic techniques everyone should learn.
Airsoft Step 9 Step 9. Choose the game mode
The two most common modes are:
Deathmatch: in which everyone shoots against everyone or against the opponents of the opposite team. Anyone who is hit even once must exit the game. In some cases, a eliminated player could be revived via a medical point.
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Mission: in this mode, you must complete a mission, for example, ambush or attack a specific target.
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Airsoft Step 10 Step 10. Clothing and Safety
Camouflage suits are a must, alternatively you could dress in dark blue if you play at night or try other colors based on the game environment. You should always wear protective eyewear; a bullet shot in the eye could cause you to lose your sight.
Airsoft Step 11 Step 11. Have fun and remember it's just a game
Don't be too strict and picky, and enjoy the company of your friends!
Airsoft Step 12 Step 12. Use items to repair yourself
An Airsoft playground should be packed with items and locations to protect you from enemy fire. You could use a special trench, but do not underestimate the risk of being trapped. Excellent alternatives are: trees, corners of buildings, bushes and shrubs.
Beware of inadequate shelters: small trees or shallow holes, for example, would not protect you sufficiently. Finding good cover points will help you win every challenge and battle.
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Airsoft Step 13 Step 13. Camouflage
Learning the art of blending will take time and a lot of practice. To begin with, learn to move squatting, with lightness and concentration; it will be harder for your enemies to find you.
Make sure you have all the equipment well organized and fastened on your body.
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Squat down but avoid lying on the ground, in which case it would be difficult to defend against a close attack.
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Turn off all unnecessary lights on your accessories and make sure your clothing doesn't reflect lights and colors.
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Be well aware of the location of the weapons and accessories you carry on your body; in this way you can move easily in all conditions.
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Avoid entering the field of vision of your enemies. If, by mistake, you end up in an enemy's field of vision, try to stay still: the human eye is predisposed to immediately grasp the moving figures instead of the immobile and well camouflaged figures. Finally, should the enemy find you, run and seek cover.
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Step 14. Learn to shoot correctly
These techniques will help you hit more opponents, avoid getting hit, and save ammo:
Choose the right goal. Consider the distance to your target bearing in mind that most airsoft guns shoot up to a distance of about 40 meters. The first shots fired at your enemy will help you better calibrate subsequent attempts. However, if you don't hit your target after 5-7 tries, forget it and find a less distant target.
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Improve your accuracy. Pull the trigger slowly and with a steady motion. If you have an automatic weapon, take advantage of the three-shot burst. If the weapon is single-shot, learn to manage the reload mechanism, so you can maintain a high rate of fire.
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Shoot from cover. Try to shoot from the side of your cover, not from above. This way you will be much less exposed to enemy hits.
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Airsoft Step 15 Step 15. Play as a team
Don't be individualistic and selfish, learn to listen to your mates and help them whenever you can.
- Collaborate with the whole team. Communication and mutual help are fundamental skills in the Airsoft.
- Use an appropriate weapon. Your weapon shouldn't be too heavy and should be easy to hold.
- If one of your mates gets hit, don't go to help him, you will expose yourself to enemy fire.
- Covering fire can be very useful; allows a soldier to move from point A to point B avoiding being targeted by enemies.
- There is no need to buy a very expensive weapon. By spending around € 120, you can buy a decent weapon that should last about a year, if kept with care. Weapons with a frame per second (FPS) of 330-350 offer good firepower. Weapons over 400 FPS may be considered illegal in some countries.
- Searching the internet you will find many websites explaining the best airsoft combat tactics and techniques. With a lot of practice and patience you will soon become a real expert.
- Take care of your weapon, clean it after each battle and lubricate it with silicone spray.
When buying pellets for your firearm, please note that:
pellets that exceed 0.30 grams are more accurate but have a lower range than 0, 20 grams pellets. Pellets lighter than 0, 20g are inaccurate. 0.25 gram pellets are fairly balanced
- If possible, notify the local police and the neighborhood about your Airsoft match. You will avoid unpleasant inconveniences and unnecessary game interruptions.
- Never carry Airsoft weapons in public places, you would end up in trouble.
- Always wear protective eyewear.
- Don't play where you might disturb the neighborhood, someone might call the police.
- NEVER look into the barrel of the gun.
- When you refill the gas, pay attention to any flames or flammable sources in the surrounding environment.
- Do not aim or shoot at anyone who is not wearing protective goggles or who is not participating in the game.
- Keep your finger away from the trigger until you find a target you want to shoot at.
- If you have an AEG firearm, avoid shooting without bullets, you could damage the internal parts.