How To Reduce Hips By Practicing Yoga

How To Reduce Hips By Practicing Yoga
How To Reduce Hips By Practicing Yoga

Table of contents:


Practicing yoga regularly can help you lose fat, unnecessary weight, and reduce the size of your hips. Some positions, or asanas, favor the shaping and definition of the muscles of the hips, giving you a leaner and more toned appearance. By combining regular yoga practice with other healthy habits, such as healthy eating and exercise, you will be able to shrink your hips and enjoy the other benefits of yoga, including increased stamina and peace of mind.


Part 1 of 3: Lower Your Hips By Practicing Asanas

Step 1. Plan a well-balanced and concentrated asana sequence on the hip area

Combining different positions to create a well-balanced practice is not easy. Establish different sequences for each yoga session, based on all four types of positions and focusing especially on those designed to work the hips, thighs and lower back. Your muscles will be strained and your hips will begin to shrink.

  • You can start the practice with a short meditation or with a mantra to clear your mind.
  • Each yoga session should follow the following pattern: warm-up with the sun salutation, standing positions, inversions, back and forward arching positions, and closing positions.

Step 2. Include asanas to help reduce your hips

Don't worry, you don't need to be able to do all the yoga poses to reach your goal. By combining different but specific asanas, you will be able to promote both the opening and the reduction of the hips, so you will begin to lose weight as your muscles strengthen and your body gradually adapts to the new routine.

  • Start by doing the simplest asanas, and when you are able to do them without difficulty, gradually challenge yourself with more difficult positions.
  • Insert some asanas of each type in the following order: standing positions, inversions, backward and forward arching positions. Between the backward and forward arching positions, you can insert a few simple twists to relieve the spine if you wish.
  • Consider changing the time you stay in position. In some sessions, quickly switch between asanas, but other times hold each position for about 8-10 breaths. Your muscles will be put under more effort.

Step 3. Warm up your muscles with sun salutations

. Before starting the sequences aimed at reducing the hips it is important to warm up the body by performing some sun salutations, in Sanskrit Surya Namaskara, to lubricate the joints and start working the muscles of the pelvis area.

  • There are three variations of sun salutations. To warm up your body properly, do 2 or 3 laps of Surya Namaskara A, B and C. Each of these sequences helps to awaken and prepare the muscles, ensuring that you are able to practice more safely, more flexibly and also begin to reduce. the superfluous fat of the whole body.
  • Surya Namaskara B is an effective choice for all those who wish to reduce the hips, as it incorporates the position of the chair (uttkatasana), putting a real strain on the muscles of the pelvis.
  • Try doing a sun salutation in between asanas to test your muscles and develop greater endurance.

Step 4. Combine different asanas specific to the hips to strengthen them and help them open

In order to develop muscles, lose weight and establish an effective daily practice, it is not necessary to be able to perform all the existing yoga positions. Incorporate some asanas into practice to both strengthen and open the pelvis and learn to perform them correctly to effectively work the muscles of the hips and reduce their size.

It is important to start with the simplest asanas and gradually challenge yourself with more difficult postures only when you are able to perform the basic postures without difficulty

Step 5. Do some standing poses

After warming up your body with sun salutations, do one or two standing poses. From the mountain position to the series of warrior positions, these asanas allow you to develop strength, flexibility and endurance in the lower back, pelvis and thighs.

  • Each of your sequences must begin with tadasana, the mountain pose.
  • Add other standing postures, such as vrksasana (tree posture), uttkatasana (chair posture), and utthan pristhasana (lizard posture) to improve flexibility and openness of the hips.
  • The series of warrior postures, known as Virabhadrasana I, II, and III, and anjaneyasana (monkey posture or low lunge) help you strengthen the muscles of the legs, buttocks and pelvis.
  • As you progress you can incorporate other standing postures into your practice, such as Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose), perfect for both strengthening and opening your hips.

Step 6. Do the inversions

Some inversions can be particularly difficult, but are ideal for anyone wishing to reduce their hips. From the handstand to the head handstand, each of these asanas engages the muscles of the lower back, buttocks and legs as well as balancing blood circulation and stimulating the nervous system.

  • If you are afraid of falling and getting hurt, ask an experienced teacher for help. Your teacher will be able to help you get into position correctly and will show you how not to risk getting injured.
  • Until your body develops the strength necessary to support itself, you can perform mukha vrksasana (hand stand) with the support of a wall.
  • As your practice improves, gradually move to balancing positions on the forearms such as salamba sirsasana (head position) and pincha mayurasana (peacock feather position).
  • Never enter an inversion with a hop. You may be at risk of injury due to excessive momentum.

Step 7. Practice the back arching positions

Along with inversions, back arching positions form the most intense part of any yoga practice. From cobra to arch or wheel posture, back arching asanas help strengthen and stretch the muscles in the hip area.

To prepare for dhanurasana (bow posture) and urdhva dhanurasana (wheel posture), first try some simpler arching postures, such as salabhasana (locust posture), bhujangasana (cobra posture) or setu bandha sarvangasana (position of the bridge)

Step 8. Counterbalance the buckle with a twist

After performing the above poses, if you feel your back needs some relief, do a twist to straighten it and bring it back to a neutral state. Twisting positions help make your hip muscles more flexible.

Ardha matsyendrasana (half lord of fish) and parivrtta trikonasana (position of the rotated triangle) are excellent twists that promote the opening of the hips

Step 9. Add some forward arching positions

Forward arching asanas should always be performed at the end of the session because they promote relaxation of the mind and nerves. From pigeon to star posture, forward arching asanas stretch and strengthen your hip muscles preparing you for closing and final relaxation.

Try paschimottanasana (seated forward bend), janu sirsasana (head position towards the knee), gomukhasana (cow face position), or tarasana (star position). These asanas promote stretching and strengthening of the hip muscles. Stay in each position for about 8-10 breaths

Step 10. Complete the practice with the closed positions

The closing positions put an end to the active part of the practice. From the candle position to that of the corpse, these asanas help you calm the mind and relax the body.

  • An effective sequence of closing positions consists of salamba sarvangasana (candle position) followed immediately by matsyasana (fish position). These asanas engage the core and hip muscles.
  • If you are unable to perform salamba sarvangasana, try the simpler viparita karani (position of the legs against the wall).
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 11
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 11

Step 11. Finish the practice with the corpse pose

You have successfully completed the active part of the practice and it is therefore time to relax. Finish your yoga session by performing savasana (corpse pose) and enjoy the benefits of the practice.

Part 2 of 3: Intensify Practice to Further Reduce Hips

Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 12
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 12

Step 1. Connect the different positions with the vinyasa

The vinyasa is a form of yoga that allows you to move from one position to another in a dynamic way, thus promoting weight loss and reduction of the hips. It is a more complex practice than simply maintaining positions and brings greater benefits, in fact it favors greater muscle strengthening and stretching.

  • Start with the asana of your choice and lower your body until you reach the mat by performing the position of the stick on the ground, in Sanskrit chatturanga dandasana. The elbows should be bent 90 degrees and remain very close to the torso. Keep both your abdominal and lower back muscles contracted and make sure your pelvis remains elevated rather than letting it fall to the ground. This is a difficult position and to be able to perform it without too much difficulty it is important to keep all the core muscles well active.
  • From chatturanga dandasana, extend the toes and place the neck of the feet on the ground, then lift the pelvis and then the head and straighten the arms to move to the upward dog position, in Sanskrit urdhva mukha svanasana. This asana will simplify the transition to the final and next position, adho mukha savasana.
  • Extend your toes and bring your instep to the ground, keep your thigh muscles active and straighten your arms to lift your pelvis first, then your head. Arch your head back slightly and look up at the ceiling.
  • Finish with the Downward Dog Pose. You have reached the final position and a well-deserved rest, so exhale as you lift and push your pelvis back into an inverted “V” position, ie adho mukha savasana or the downward dog position. In this position you should be able to calm your breathing and heartbeat as you deepen it with each exhalation. Make sure your palms are evenly touching the mat by pushing your arms and hands against the floor. Point your tailbone to the ceiling and keep your abs contracted.
  • Breathe in and out at a steady pace for as long as you want.
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 13
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 13

Step 2. Extend your practice time

Try to extend the duration of the practice by holding each position a little longer, adding a few more asanas and seamlessly moving from one position to another. As you become more proficient, challenge yourself by including new, more complex positions.

Normally a yoga class lasts between 60 and 90 minutes, use this as a yardstick for your daily home practice or sign up for a class

Step 3. Intensify your sessions

To further develop your strength and flexibility, to burn more calories and reduce your hips more, you can decide to increase the intensity of your practice. In this case it will be sufficient to maintain each position for an always different time and to challenge yourself in the execution of more complex asanas.

  • For example, try holding the lunge positions a little longer.
  • You can increase the speed of transition from one asana to another to make the practice more intense. If your goal is to burn fat and calories, add a sun salutation or vinyasa between positions.
  • If you wish, integrate the practice with deeper and more complex positions. For example, try performing sirsasana II instead of the normal headstand.
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 15
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 15

Step 4. Increase the number of your weekly yoga sessions

One of the best ways to deepen your yoga practice and to burn both fat and calories is to increase the number of sessions per week. You can get to practice even 5-7 days a week without fear of getting injured.

Consider integrating yoga into your daily routine or combining it with other types of exercise for maximum benefit

Part 3 of 3: Pair Yoga with Diet and Exercise

Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 16
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 16

Step 1. Combine different types of exercise

To be able to reduce body fat more effectively, not just that on the hips, try to combine different types of training with yoga.

A cardio workout paired with yoga will help you burn fat. In addition to walking, he also evaluates running, swimming, biking and rowing

Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 17
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 17

Step 2. Strength training can also help you reduce your body fat percentage

The exercises to increase strength will allow you to develop precious muscles, valid allies when you want to burn a higher number of calories, also promoting your general well-being and the improvement of your yoga practice.

  • Before embarking on any strength training, consult your doctor and a qualified personal trainer to help you create an exercise program that is as appropriate as possible to your abilities and needs.
  • Make it a point to do some strength-training exercises, such as the leg press, to power up the yoga poses you perform to shrink your hips.
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 18
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 18

Step 3. Eat healthily and eat regular meals

Eating healthy, balanced meals at a regular pace will help you reduce unnecessary weight and burn calories. Foods that contain moderate amounts of fat, complex carbohydrates and rich in nutrients are ideal for keeping you generally healthy.

  • Based on your level of physical activity, stick to a diet of around 1,500-2,000 calories per day and prefer those foods that are rich in nutrients.
  • Include lean proteins in most of your meals, such as chicken, fish and legumes: they will help you both speed up your metabolism and burn more calories and fat by reducing any unnecessary body weight.
  • Choose whole grains and flours. Avoid refined, starchy products, such as white pasta, bread, and rice. Include quinoa, oats, and other healthy grains in your every meal and pair them with fresh veggies and lean protein.
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 19
Reduce Hips by Yoga Step 19

Step 4. Avoid harmful foods

If your goal is to lose weight, make an effort to avoid junk food and all those unhealthy foods that are usually high in fat and calories. Chips, pretzels, pizza, hamburgers, cakes and ice cream will not help you lose weight or eliminate stagnant liquids and sodium.
