Bodybuilding is one of the least practiced sports for many different reasons. A common mistake of young bodybuilders is the desire to gain mass too quickly. You can't expect to be like Schwarzenneger after a day at the gym!

Step 1. Find a gym
Start by looking around your neighborhood. The best option would be a gym that you can walk to. This way you will have no excuse not to go there. Then, evaluate the environment. If you notice too many "curves" you will probably not be able to train seriously. Too many distractions. For a woman likewise it can be difficult to train in the presence of too many muscular men. Finally, consider the price. Finding a gym with a good atmosphere, at a distance and with a reasonable price is essential.

Step 2. Get help
Many gyms offer the possibility of enlisting the help of a personal trainer who can assess your fitness and create a training plan that suits you. You can also use online services such as and which can help you learn the different exercises and provide you with training program templates.

Step 3. Record your progress
A written notebook can help you a lot. You can't beat a personal best if you haven't scored it! Also look for fitness planning apps for smartphones, such as JEFIT. Another way to check your progress is to take photos of yourself. You will truly see the difference from month to month.

Step 4. Train diligently
Patience and dedication are the necessary attributes of a successful bodybuilder. Beginners should follow a simple program like Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength. The best workouts are those for the whole body. As you get fitter, you can increase the frequency of your workouts by dividing the loads between muscle groups. Your muscles should rest 48 hours between workouts.

Step 5. Nutrition is very important
Search for information on the internet or wikiHow.

Step 6. Sleep
After training hard and eating a hefty meal, your muscles will likely be sore. Give them the rest they deserve. Avoid stressful environments and sleep AT LEAST 8 hours a night.

Step 7. Be patient
The results will come. After a couple of months, reevaluate your schedule, but be sure to follow it for at least this time before making any changes.
Pay particular attention to the eccentric part of the lift (the part of the lift where the muscles stretch)
- Don't overestimate yourself. Using excessive weights too soon will lead to injury.
- Warm up well, about 5 minutes on the treadmill will be enough.
- Always consult your doctor before starting a new sport or activity.
- Don't take steroids.